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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PantsTent

  1. Last year was the first time I actually set out to understand all the Kenpom stuff, and it came in handy filling out the first round of my bracket with teams I'd never seen. But it also includes hard hitting analysis like this. We've officially reached and surpassed Peak Jalen, but it's offshoot Jaden is fast catching up. https://kenpom.substack.com/p/we-have-reached-peak-jalen
  2. GW Fins. What a great meal. We liked the more fun/cool wait staff here over the more straight laced at CP but both great experiences.
  3. First time at Commander’s Palace Turtle/gumbo/potato leak trio. Cast iron redfish. Apple cobbler.
  4. The latter.
  5. I've had YouTubeTV for 3 years, and just recently it's started having picture problems. I swear it's been since week one of NFL. I had a party for Alabama game and it was perfect the whole game but off and on picture issues ever since. Did having Sunday Ticket really get them a bunch more subscribers and effecting quality or something?
  6. In the beer thread he used to always post pics of beer without an opinion, and now he post pics with an opinion. Sort of...
  7. No with a salt water chlorinator. Just acid once a week. Top off CYA and salt every 6 months or so.
  8. Maybe add some lentils too.
  9. Nothing written down. The meat is just pork loin chops pounded thin, salt and pepper, and battered flour->egg->bread crumbs. For the gravy, cook some chopped bacon, then cook onions in bacon grease, then mushrooms. Take all that out, make a little roux, add chicken broth and milk, season (salt, pepper, thyme, garlic), yada yada, add back in onions and mushrooms.
  10. We have the Dyson D15. It's great when it's working. It came with a bad charger. Warranty replaced the battery only to realize the charger was the issue. Currently waiting on a new cleaner head because the ball thingy broke. Customer service is decent as far as you can easily get in contact with them but replacement parts are slow. When 2 yr warranty is up, I have a feeling I'm going to regret the purchase at this rate. It works great on hard floors though...
  11. Annual post. Jäger schnitzel, German potatoes and green beens.
  12. A little late in the season but don’t care.
  13. I assume this snek won’t kill me? Went to pick up that pool vacuum and got quite a surprise. He went into the drain pipe so I guess he plans on staying a while
  14. Derka is back! Hope all is good. Here’s to the season!
  15. That $214 is closer to $300 after fees.
  16. Thanks, was not aware…sure enough Oak Hill was open and had them.
  17. Let's see if we can get some momentum on this on the best Friday of the season...
  18. You've gotten some good advice already, but I park at James Madison HS every year for over 15 yrs and they even recognize us when we park. I usually walk by a few other empty lots that are closer on the way to the fairgrounds, but these are good people and it's always easy and no issue. We all have a routine on this day, and this is part of mine.
  19. Definitely way toned down yesterday with overall bullshit and volume so they listen to the complaints. But it always see-saws...next night game will probably be over the top obnoxious again and everyone will bitch again. Just find a nice balance and leave it alone. But do get rid of first down bit.
  20. I don’t think we can have both of those but somebody could correct me.
  21. I think I have a pretty big filter compared to pool size. I have to give it maintenance 3 times a year. 2 back-washes and one full clean yearly going on three years now. You do have to add the DE each time. The full clean isn't too bad, but takes a while. I don't take all the fins apart...just keep spraying in between.
  22. Or it could easily be reduced to about 200px wide instead of 320px.
  23. I'm from a very small town and maybe that's part of it, but I'm with Charlie...I just always loved maps.
  24. I give a slight penalty for the casual drop of words like "chilly" and "soup season". The fuck it is...
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