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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by totallynotabuttpirate

  1. Nah bruh, they live for that shit. As the songs says, let the bodies hit the floor.
  2. I just bought tickets so one or both of them better perform or I'm cunt punting everyone.
  3. Bad news for the bench Quinn and start Arch guys, here's how he's spending the week off.
  4. Bro, no one is going to kill a bunch of male nurses.
  5. It's gotta be bruhman
  6. It is if you factor in the price. The Model 3 LR and Y LR are much cheaper than just abut every car on that list except for the Hyundai (which is even uglier than the Tesla). I don't feel like looking at MSRPs with options, but most of those cars are 1.5-2x as much.
  7. Yea, this is the clear path. Just like Taco Charlton was a better fit for the 4-3 than TJ Watt.
  8. And spent all your jizz jar money on tickets.
  9. Eufy S1 Pro is the by far the best I've had if you have mostly hard floors. The mopping is incredible.
  10. A friend knows the Stoops family and according to him, Bob saw this pic and called Baker right away yelling at him for not getting an invite.
  11. Can you guys just post scat porn instead?? Would make the thread a lot better.
  12. Bringing my gf parents from Kentucky to my first tailgate. RIP future plans with them.
  13. Dude, maybe you need to step away from the computer for a bit. This is not real life.
  14. Yea, at some point you have to be empathetic and remember that he's still a teenager/young adult making bad choices.
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