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Frieda’s Boss

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Everything posted by Frieda’s Boss

  1. If this isn’t the final nail in the coffin for Lake, then UW admin will finally accomplish their goal of killing the football program. This guy has been nothing but a disaster since taking over - moronic quotes, lazy hires, roster management / depth chart dumbassery, doesn’t recruit, etc. He gave them a golden opportunity to fire him with cause, if they don’t take it.... In next press conference someone should ask him if that’s what he tried with Marcus Peters 😂
  2. Finally caught Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Thought it was great.
  3. For supposedly being a high level jiu jitsu guy, Ortega never seems to use it. And he still eats a ton of shots. I feel like corners don’t do a good enough job of protecting their fighters. I’m all for giving your guy a chance but if he’s just taking a beating they’ve gotta step in and say “it’s not your night.” Like Ortega v. Holloway, Ferguson vs Gaethje or that kid recently against OMalley.
  4. Finally saw today. Family and I really enjoyed it. Probably the best thing Marvel has put out since Endgame. Shang Chi’s dad was one of better antagonists we’ve had.
  5. So my criteria here are movies that either a lot of people haven’t seen or are movies that people don’t name when you ask them to name their favorite movies but then when you bring them up, they say “oh yeah, I like that movie too.” Road to Perdition Layer Cake Hostiles Again these may be well reviewed and people like them if they’ve seen them, but aren’t ever brought up in “favorites” lists that I see so I consider them underrated.
  6. Commercials that have the voice person whisper. Drives me up the wall. Noticed BK has one while watching games this weekend.
  7. Isn’t Boise better than half of the Big 12 as well?
  8. This one’s gonna be ugly.
  9. Costanza Troy & Abed Too many from the Wire but I’d say Slim Charles, Stringer Bell, Lester Freamon and Chris Partlow Ron Swanson Recent watch - Lance Stater its funny for as much as I liked the US Office, I can’t put one character on this list. probably went too many seasons or I would say Dwight Ron Donald gets an honorable mention
  10. Yeah that last leg kick he took you could just see him looking for the exit. He got hit so squarely in the eye he was looking for an eye poke. Twice. Not a good matchup for him i just don’t see him ever beating Frances, Gane, Stipe or Jones if he ever moves up and fights. But Lewis has a niche and he can earn money. He’ll always be a legend for “my balls was hot”
  11. Royal Tanenbaums - “I’ve had a rough year dad”
  12. Agree with a lot of the above. Good not great. The swearing was noticeable (almost like it was intentionally so). And I think it all came from Pugh - perhaps that’s part of her change that we’ll notice in future movies/series as she becomes more of a “hero”? Harbour was funny. Tie-ins/call backs are always fun and “Draykov’s daughter” being used by Loki in the first Avengers to antagonize her was a good one.
  13. Why shocked? Don’t like him as a player? Personality / attitude?
  14. Just finished. Echo many of the comments above. Great show and beautifully shot. Locations were amazing. Emma’s hair helmet is a perfect description and it is super distracting - like did she just get hair plugs? Looks really weird.
  15. The New Mutants. Terrible
  16. Funny, I just saw on a plane and came to post as well. I liked it. But I liked Dunkirk as well so to some up thread maybe my taste in movies is off. opening scene at opera house sucked me in and was entertained throughout. As I was on plane subtitles were on from the start so I didn’t have an issue with sound that some mention. I did guess that he was fighting himself in the Freeport once Pattinson ripped the mask of the one he was chasing. Pattinson did a good job. JDW did as well. could have used more of Ives; thought he was a good character. Took me a while to figure out that was MCU Quicksilver. to the poster above re: Kat not needing oxygen - they didn’t forget the plot device. Once she had gone backwards far enough to get to Vietnam in time, then she started working forward and, as such, didn’t need the oxygen anymore as she was going “in the same direction.” Before that, she was always in a sealed environment.
  17. I don’t know that I’ve seen him in anything else but he was an odd choice here. I don’t know if I’d say he “almost ruined” it but he doesn’t make me want to watch it again (and I otherwise would). Farrell was great as was Dockery. McConaughey and Hunnam were fine. I actually could have used less Hugh Grant. And echo the comment above on Layer Cake. If you haven’t seen that, you should
  18. Anyone else have first round of PPP forgiveness sitting with the SBA for months? Our bank can’t tell us anything other than “we have a lot of clients in the same position”.
  19. Yan’s knee to the head of Sterling was bizarre. It was almost like “I’m done with this guy, screw it” and blasted him. That was awful. I was not impressed with Sterling at all in that fight though. Horrible way to win a belt.
  20. Any of you all seeing any pre-revenue companies taking a shot at PPP round 2? Obviously won’t be able to show the YOY revenue dip but wondered if they were still trying (and succeeding)?
  21. Are you getting names mixed up in your post? Buehler is the #1.
  22. Thanks for this rec. Only through a couple of episodes but really liking this far.
  23. Already mentioned but make sure you use 24 week covered period. That should definitely help given loan amount was based on a 12 week period.
  24. Never saw him in his prime other than old highlights, but I always go back to an interview I saw with Chick Hearn. The interviewer asks Chick who was the greatest center, Kareem or Wilt. Chick thinks for a second and asks back “just those two? Because I might say Walton.” When Chick drops Walton’s name I’m like “that goofy dude who can’t even run the floor? No way he touches Kareem.” So for me that was a pretty strong statement of how good Walton was.
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