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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. The triggered angst against cyclists here is blaming them for "not following the rules or disregarding traffic laws" although very few here know the actual rules or laws or blaming them for "taking up an entire lane and causing inconvenience." The DT heads here are triggered about bikes taking up an entire lane irrespective of number of lanes. See the comments throughout this thread. The DT head, the subject of this thread that tried to roll coal, was triggered on a 4 lane facility. He was likely triggered out of selfishness driven by ignorance, which is also reflected throughout this thread. It is true there are some very low income folks that don't have access to a vehicle and are forced to ride on a high speed corridor with only 2 lanes and no shoulders. That really sucks for that person. They should probably just walk. It is not a common occurrence though. Roadies that train with mileage and commuters that use bikes for transit to/from work do not frequent those type of facilities, except in very limited rare cases. The reason they don't frequent those corridors is that they are dangerous, but when they do ride those dangerous corridors it is for limited stretches and to get to safer corridors. Either way, the law still allows them to use those facilities, and that triggered angst against those limited number of riders is driven by selfishness.
  2. Yeah, your main gripe is selfishness. It definitely isn't your obesity. The reason two cyclists take up an entire lane, the reason one cyclist takes up an entire lane, is because that is the law and that is the safest method of travel. When there isn't a bike lane or a safe shoulder, a cyclist should take up an entire lane. It is unsafe for a cyclist and an automobile to use/share the same lane. It is the law that the automobile change lanes to move around the cyclist. A cyclists not taking the entire lane is inviting a vehicle into his lane and is inviting danger. The reality is a lot of our roads have shoulders and an increasing number of them are getting bike lanes. Cyclists do not typically need to use vehicle lanes on those corridors; however, they do need to merge to the left to make turns at intersections, etc. on those type of corridors. The reality is that on 4 lane corridors without a bike lane or safe shoulder, a cyclist is entitled to and should for his own preservation take up an entire lane, forcing vehicles to move into the middle lane to pass. Not all vehicle drivers are ignorant to that fact, but those on the DT board should get on board with this. Cyclists shouldn't typically be on high speed corridors with only two lanes and no shoulders. Cyclists should be on and take up the entire lane on lower speed two lane corridors with no shoulders.
  3. Good stuff here. I think most of the bicycle hate isn't about cyclists following traffic laws. The angst is because too many DT folks are fat and selfish. They feel they have a right to drive the speed limit while smashing a BigMac into their face, so having having to drive 20 mph and be reminded of their obesity is some kind of triggered tyranny. Dangerous stuff actually. Too many instances of road rage, bicycle victims, and coronary disease. Get off your fat ass people.
  4. That is a dumb point. Your facts are wrong also. We have a legal system that gives cyclists full rights to most lanes. I understand your feelings don’t care about the law, which is probably why you have a dumb point.
  5. This is the dumbest thing I’ve read today. Roads are designed for automobiles and bicycles. Our laws are also structured that way. Your facts are wrong, and the point you are trying to make is dumb.
  6. The reason cyclists get a bad rep is that they go 15-20 mph under the speed limit and drivers see them as an inconvenience. Considering the nature of the story behind this thread, the fact it occurred on a 4 lane facility, your narrative seem rather dumb. We aren’t talking about a drunk college kid on his bike riding down Guadalupe. This was a group of roadies on ride. There are a lot of them, and most of them strictly follow traffic laws. It’s like blaming the rape victim because of her clothes, or the black guy cause he was wearing a hoody. Yeah, he shouldn’t have raped her, but we all know why she was dressed like that. The cops shouldn’t have shot that kid, but why was he hiding his face.
  7. I must have missed something. Isn't the 3.5T spending bill going to be fully paid for? Why are people even discussing debt? Is the debt concern with this bill just a talking point to fire up the rubes, when the real concern of their puppet masters are that the wealthy will pay for the 3.5T spending bill?
  8. Yes. Because that is my opinion. Because other firearms with a lower rate of fire provide similar benefit to self defense. Would those who wear No-Fear shirts also hold fully automatic long guns in high regard with those types of things?
  9. So it sounds like you don’t actually need an AR15? IMO there are only a few uses where a semi-auto long gun is needed. That use doesn’t include home defense.
  10. Are contemplating hiring them to babysit your kids?
  11. Rogan makes an appearance
  12. GW Hayduke


    Thinking of 9/11. Two Guys on Your Head talk about 9/11 and how a social consensus formed with our foreign policy and whether it is a good way to move forward. IMO it is good to be self aware about these sort of ideas. It is only 8 minutes in length. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/remembering-9-11/id845287058?i=1000534931910 Looking at the raw numbers. 2,996 people died from the attacks on 9/11. The cost of the war in Afghanistan included over $2 trillion or $300 million per day for 20 years and the lives of 2,448 US service members, 3,846 US contractors, 66,000 afghan military/police, 1,144 allied service members (NATO, et, al.), 47,245 afghan civilians, 444 aid workers, 72 journalists, and 51,191 taliban and opposition fighters. Another way to put things in perspective is to compare the 3k lives lost from 9/11 to the lives lost from covid (600k in US) or to any other cause of mortality. https://www.forbes.com/sites/hanktucker/2021/08/16/the-war-in-afghanistan-cost-america-300-million-per-day-for-20-years-with-big-bills-yet-to-come/?sh=73f3fe4a7f8d https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-business-afghanistan-43d8f53b35e80ec18c130cd683e1a38f https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7014e1.htm
  13. Hmmm. It appears your SPCA source along with the US military is at odds with Russia Today reporter and the Taliban commander. I wonder who we should believe?
  14. You may be the most dishonest poster on this site. I had thought your main issue was that you were captured by right wing propaganda, but it is becoming clear that you are simply a morally flawed individual. If your problem was just propaganda, there are solutions. I don't know of a solution for a fixing dishonesty.
  15. DOD says no military dogs were left behind. https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2021/08/no-us-military-dogs-were-left-behind-afghanistan-dod-says/184984/ Add that with the helicopter hanging lie to the list of debunked stories.
  16. https://thelearningcounsel.com/article/creating-quality-digital-citizens-through-media-literacy
  17. Back to being a good citizen. https://thelearningcounsel.com/article/creating-quality-digital-citizens-through-media-literacy
  18. I'm not having a debate with you. You position that all the generals told Biden to not give up Bagram is obviously an unsupported lie. That isn't of issue. Rather than debating you, what I am doing is telling you what it takes to be a good citizen, which requires cleaning up your information diet - removing the daily mail and twitter until you are able to process information.
  19. You can type slow. That doesn't change the fact your positions are unsupported. The real question though is why do you have unsupported positions, share them with others, and then fail to change those positions when shown that your positions are unsupported. I am giving you that answer. I'm helping you out. The reason is your information diet and the information bubble you are in. I'm telling you that today's world requires a good citizen to be properly informed and able to control their information diet. You can change. You can become a good citizen by choice and then by action.
  20. Your positions and narratives are unsupported. I'm helping you out by letting you know that this (along with the doha and Fauci stuff) is the result of the information you choose to consume. You have the ability to change your information diet. It is hard and takes effort but is required in order to be a responsible citizen in today's US
  21. I'm saying the root cause of your unsupported narratives is your information diet.
  22. It is. It can be used for right-wing revenge porn just as much as left-wing revenge porn. The trick is to understand that and limit consumption to a small group of trusted users.
  23. One that is likely amplified by an inability to properly manage your information diet. There is a reason why you have accepted that all the generals wanted to use Bagram, that the taliban broke their promises in the DOHA, that Fauci went behind Trump's back to restart GOF research, or that Fauci's emails show he was the father of covid. That reason has to do with your information diet and inability to properly regulate the media you choose to consume. For example, the daily mail should be removed from your diet - along with anything on twitter until you are able to properly use it.
  24. Consider whether the daily mail along with anything on twitter is something you need in your information diet. Just because you see something on twitter that fits your world view, doesn't mean you should consume it or pass it on.
  25. If the Taliban can have M4's why can't we? Hell we paid for those. A sizable portion of our population is already too much like the taliban
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