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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. If we all think about the server, maybe we can finally move past the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. Maybe we can all forget what the Mueller report established. • Mueller report confirmed that Trump campaign chairman and deputy chairman Manafort and Gates were sharing internal polling data with an operative who Gates had thought was a Russian spy. • The Mueller report confirmed that Trump campaign manager and convicted felon Paul Manafort offered to give private briefings during the campaign to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. • Following Trump's public call for Russia to find Clinton's missing emails he privately directed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to find them. • The Mueller report confirmed that foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos attempted to arrange meetings between Putin and Trump and that the President approved of Papadopoulos's work. • The report also confirmed that Trump campaign surrogates met with Russians in Trump Tower soliciting damaging information on their political opponent. The report goes on to mention that Trump surrogates who attended the meeting weren't charged with violating campaign finance law because there wasn’t admissible evidence to show that Trump surrogates knew that what they were doing was illegal. • The report confirmed Russia's extensive election interference. • Over the course of the investigation we learned that a Trump campaign adviser was directed to find out about future DNC leaks. Roger Stone was in contact with Wikileaks and the Russian hackers known as Guciffer 2.0 and is currently on trail. • Over the course of the investigation we learned that the President's long time personal attorney and convicted felon Michael Cohen lied to Congress about the Trump Organization pursuing a lucrative hotel project in Moscow during the 2016 election.
  2. I'll be a broken record, until you start understanding the information you read and stop presenting lies and misinformation. That will likely require you removing the propaganda from your information bubble.
  3. The point is your inability to comprehend what progun propaganda puts in front of you and your inability to critically evaluate. It is the same point with your wild Fauci conspiracies. Someone told you "the CDC said 500,000 to 3 million events of defensive gun uses!!!!" Yeah, no. Not even close. It came from a dude's fucking book.
  4. No, the CDC study does not affirm millions of uses each year. You are are a literal moron who does not understand what you are sharing with others. The CDC study presented the findings from a range of studies. Your data comes from one of those studies. That particular study was published in 2001 by Gary Kleck. That citation is: Kleck, G. 2001a. The frequency of defensive gun use: Evidence and disinformation. In Armed: New Perspectives on Gun Control, edited by G. Kleck and D. B. Kates. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Pp. 213-284. So, the CDC does not affirm jack shit. Nothing you have shared is "according to the CDC." Kleck in 2001 provides your hopeful affirmation. Go to school and learn how to understand what the fuck you read before sharing with others. Dumb ass.
  5. This is a lie. That is not according to the CDC. The CDC conducted a study and presented the range of findings related to firearms as a starting off point to direct future research. https://www.nap.edu/read/18319/chapter/3 As is the case with right wing propaganda, they misuse and misunderstand sourced information. That is one of the underlying reasons your side is often viewed as clowns. For other non-clowns, the discussion related to defensive uses:
  6. I get it. You are only for expanded background checks once the system is perfect. I've already clowned on that enough. Even though the progun propaganda tells you accept dumb positions, you don't have to parrot.
  7. Yes. Being against expanding background checks is clownish. Even more so, when your reason is because the existing system isn't perfect. The only thing I can do is point out to you that your brain is melted and your position is dumb. I know the progun propaganda tells you to be against universal background checks and they give you reasons, but when those reasons are dumb, you need to be able to stop parroting.
  8. Why no sources? Seems eerily familiar to Tucker Carlson's Fauci narratives. Hmmm. I wonder why that is.
  9. Uhhh. You are the clown that thinks expanding background checks as an absurd idea - an "absurd idea" because the existing system isn't perfect.
  10. The system isn't perfect, so we shouldn't make an effort to fix the system!!!
  11. I get it. You've cracked the code on Fauci!!! It is everyone else who has melted brains!!
  12. I find it most productive to consider how people get their brain melted like baby yaga. He believed Fauci was the main conspirator with covid, which followed precisely with what right wing propaganda was telling him. The emails released by FOIA was a big deal for him. I was never able to get from him anything about his background other than be sources breitbart, Tucker Carlson, and other dubious sources. Now in the gun thread, he seems to think a statistical analysis comparing firearms with hands/feet is somehow relevant to the debate around concealed/open carry. The real question is probably something along the lines of, "If someone is captured by propaganda, do they know?" I'm thinking along the lines of acknowledgment of a problem is often the first step toward fixing.
  13. The clown from the Anthony Fauci thread shown to be programmed by far right conspiracy propaganda is also programmed by far right gun rights propaganda. I'm shocked.
  14. If any of you occupy clowns in your alternative universes ever stop back bending, you can take some cues on how to hold a president’s feet to fire.
  15. There would be a bureaucracy between potus and enforcement. It won’t be 100% but will surely help. We need the fairness doctrine applied to cable news. We need Fox News to have to change their name. We need onscreen labeling for opinions. The UK enforces rules of accuracy and impartiality onto their broadcasters. That is why there is nothing like Hannity or Tucker over there.
  16. When someone points out how trump and Biden are different on Russia, ittle Anastasis’ feel feels for trump start to show.
  17. It’s the same problem from 4 years ago. But since then a lot of old uneducated have died, a lot of young educated can now vote, we’ve found out that deplatforming works, YouTube has better algorithms, and we don’t have a sitting POTUS amplifying propaganda. Fox News and Facebook and Twitter are still in roughly the same fucked up state or worse
  18. There are two approaches to take. Either we strengthen our population through education so they are better protected from propaganda or we control content. Obviously education will take time and leave out older generations. But those generations will eventually die off. Deplatforming works. But we need a lot more content control. The shit going on at Fox News needs to end. I don't know exactly how, but it needs to happen. YouTube has been trying to address their rabbit hole algorithms. Facebook needs to be decimated or regulated hard.
  19. It is complicated. It is a manipulated information ecosystem. We have a large segment of our population captured in an alternative reality manufactured by propaganda. There are actors (many foreign) developing content and coordinating across platforms. The GOP base is the primary target. These people are fed orchestrated disinformation through various formats and platforms (radio, cable, news pages, chat rooms, twitter feeds, YouTube, facebook, etc.). Most of these people were not educated when those platforms were around.
  20. ? https://www.npr.org/sections/insurrection-at-the-capitol/2021/01/16/957680133/house-lawmakers-open-investigation-into-capitol-attack
  21. I’m thinking this started out with two good guys with a gun, who both had a misunderstanding and felt threatened. Obviously neither were good shots. After the shooting started, several other good guys with guns in the crowd took action. It was a god damn 2nd amendment patriot orgy the likes only George Washington himself could describe
  22. Are you referring to this? If so, there was a won of ridicule toward Trump supporters in it.
  23. I get it. However, progressives aren’t immune to ridicule. When aspects of any group get too extreme, absurd, or hypocritical, it is more than appropriate to ridicule.
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