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GW Hayduke

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Posts posted by GW Hayduke

  1. 6 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Are you completely fucking retarded?  I clearly stated earlier that there would and is common ground between both sides - specifically on vetting and fixing current laws on the books that both sides support but we are unable to maintain them.  Shoring up the NICS database is one of them.  Straw buyers are another.  Fucking clown....

    Uhhh.  You are the clown that thinks expanding background checks as an absurd idea - an "absurd idea" because the existing system isn't perfect.   

    20 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:


    Do you see how absurd it is to argue for expanded background checks when we can't facilitate the background process currently on the books?

    polka dot clown GIF by Good Old War

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  2. 3 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:


    Do you see how absurd it is to argue for expanded background checks when we can't facilitate the background process currently on the books?

    The system isn't perfect, so we shouldn't make an effort to fix the system!!!

    Mrw GIF

  3. 20 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    I did?  Really?  Or did I question why the man took advantage of a new administration in 2017 after the prior banned his research due to safety reasons to set up a shop in a foreign country doing GOF research funded by the US?  Weird, right?  Then have the same guy who controls millions if not billions in GOF research money be the same guy repeatedly telling us GOF research and a lab leak hypothesis were preposterous ideas

    Or why, if concealed and open carriers are such threats to your personal safety, where are all the bodies?  Since 2007 there have been roughly 1,000+ deaths attributed to CHL carriers NOT related to self-defense.  Of those, more than half were suicides.  

    LAST YEAR more than 700 people were killed by hands and feet.  So sure, you want to keep fucking that chicken, by all means.  COULD carriers kill more.  Sure, but they aren't.  So this idea that they are "threat" to anyone is absurd when you look at the actual causes of death YOY.  

    I get it. You've cracked the code on Fauci!!!  It is everyone else who has melted brains!!

    On 6/2/2021 at 4:46 PM, BabaYaga said:

    Fauci wrote in 2012 that gain-of-function research could "spark a pandemic" but he felt the benefits of it outweighed the risks.  Obama shut him down in 2014.  Under the nose of Trump, he started them back up in Wuhan with US grant money in 2017.  He covered-up a possible lab origin not just from the public but from the most senior White House national security officials as he knew this would lead back in time to his ties to this lab and it's GOF research being done there.  




    On 6/2/2021 at 5:24 PM, BabaYaga said:

    Are you this unaware?  JFC.  Why am I not surprised...

    All GOF research goes through Faucci.  He is the godfather of GOF research.  Over 15 years more than $230M went into the these labs.  Specifically, ACE2 receptors in human lung tissue to try and prevent and predict the next pandemic. 

    In 2014 Obama shut him down citing safety concerns. 

    In 2017 he quietly re-opened the research and much of the research moved to Wuhan...on his own, without WH approval

    In 2018 the lab was cited for safety violations

    Faucci is THE premier actor in GOF research.  He controls all the NIH and other grant money; including the $3.7M grant most recently approved for GOF research on the horsehoe bats.  We are learning that he knew from day one this was a genetically created virus from the labs he helped fund.  Jesus, when it first broke, Robert Redfield, head of the CDC and respected virologist told us it came from a lab....and he was castigated, called a racist, etc.  

    These emails clearly illustrate Faucci trying to cover his own ass for an outbreak he himself predicted could very well happen back into 2012, but thought the research too valuable to stop.  



  4. Just now, Js1 said:

    That idiocy absolutely just makes me hate them even more. 

    I find it most productive to consider how people get their brain melted like baby yaga.

    He believed Fauci was the main conspirator with covid, which followed precisely with what right wing propaganda was telling him.  The emails released by FOIA was a big deal for him. I was never able to get from him anything about his background other than be sources breitbart, Tucker Carlson, and other dubious sources.  

    Now in the gun thread, he seems to think a statistical analysis comparing firearms with hands/feet is somehow relevant to the debate around concealed/open carry.  

    The real question is probably something along the lines of, "If someone is captured by propaganda, do they know?"  I'm thinking along the lines of acknowledgment of a problem is often the first step toward fixing.

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  5. Just now, BabaYaga said:

    Then could easily provide a bevvy of statistics of concealed and open carry attackers that opened up in bars and restaurants and other public venues.  There a tens of millions of them, so your sample size should be easy to validate.  Then cross reference these deaths with the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of deaths each year attributed to hands and feet.  

    make up clowns GIF by Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey

    • Haha 4
  6. 13 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:


    If we get the government deciding what Fox News says, what happens when a Trump gets in and his administration starts deciding what PBS, CNN, etc. report on?

    There would be a bureaucracy between potus and enforcement. It won’t be 100% but will surely help.

    We need the fairness doctrine applied to cable news. We need Fox News to have to change their name. We need onscreen labeling for opinions. The UK enforces rules of accuracy and impartiality onto their broadcasters. That is why there is nothing like Hannity or Tucker over there.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I was told it was all pee pee tapes and Russian leverage but now we appreciate the wide world of diplomacy. Clowns. 

    When someone points out how trump and Biden are different on Russia, ittle Anastasis’ feel feels for trump start to show.

    terrell owens boards GIF


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  8. 6 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Welcome to my world four years ago.  These ships have sailed. 

    It’s the same problem from 4 years ago. But since then a lot of old uneducated have died, a lot of young educated can now vote, we’ve found out that deplatforming works, YouTube has better algorithms, and we don’t have a sitting POTUS amplifying propaganda. Fox News and Facebook and Twitter are still in roughly the same fucked up state or worse

  9. 5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    The pandemic exacerbated it, but I've been so disappointed in various family members and friends who buy into what Fox News/OAN/Newsmax are selling, and when confronted over it, they claim I'm listening to too much librool media.

    I fill my TV viewing time, which is not much in the scheme of things, with a couple of TV shows, and a bunch of YouTube focused on metal detecting/history/old firearms/archaeology stuff.

    I challenge them to go a week without Fox News, and just getting their news from Reuters and the AP, which is where Fox News licenses most of it's "news", and they refuse to.


    There are two approaches to take.  Either we strengthen our population through education so they are better protected from propaganda or we control content.  Obviously education will take time and leave out older generations.  But those generations will eventually die off.

    Deplatforming works. But we need a lot more content control. The shit going on at Fox News needs to end.  I don't know exactly how, but it needs to happen. YouTube has been trying to address their rabbit hole algorithms.  Facebook needs to be decimated or regulated hard.  

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  10. It is complicated. It is a manipulated information ecosystem. 

    We have a large segment of our population captured in an alternative reality manufactured by propaganda. There are actors (many foreign) developing content and coordinating across platforms. The GOP base is the primary target. These people are fed orchestrated disinformation through various formats and platforms (radio, cable, news pages, chat rooms, twitter feeds, YouTube, facebook, etc.).  Most of these people were not educated when those platforms were around.  

  11. 25 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Because Democratic leadership think it is bad politics to enforce laws against Republicans. That's all it is, really. They're so fucking timid that they're not even going to investigate the insurrection that their GOP colleagues incited because doing so might result in their GOP colleagues saying mean things about them.



  12. I’m thinking this started out with two good guys with a gun, who both had a misunderstanding and felt threatened. Obviously neither were good shots.  After the shooting started, several other good guys with guns in the crowd took action.  It was a god damn 2nd amendment patriot orgy the likes only George Washington himself could describe

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  13. Just now, Satchel said:

    I’m pissed because he’s joined the chorus of right wingers who revel in co opting progressives themes and making them their own. Bill’s a hit on Tiger Droppings, as well he should be.

    I get it. However, progressives aren’t immune to ridicule. When aspects of any group get too extreme, absurd, or hypocritical, it is more than appropriate to ridicule. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, Satchel said:

    I’ve watched Bill forever and his hard on for religion has never bothered me, even as a person of faith. It’s his hypocrisy regarding who deserves to be the objects of his scorn is what I find off putting. 

    You are free to share some clips of Bill being hypocritical, pushing poor narratives, or being poorly grounded.  The clips of Bill in this thread all appear fine.  IMO this seems like a situation where you are mad because your ingroup (progressives) is getting clowned. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. It's important for progressives to get their card pulled from time to time.  Everyone should.

    I watched the two clips shared on this thread by what the buck, and Maher seemed well grounded. Folks are free to share other clips if those don't capture the topic well enough.   I personally find him smuggish and overly-righteous, but his comedy is decent. 

    He did clown the extremist end of progressivism some. There is nothing wrong with that.  Or is there?  I understand if someone identifies that way, they could be offended.  I recommend anyone offended by Maher to cowboy up. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  16. 11 minutes ago, Bruno Sardine said:

    I already said I didn't understand it well. But isn't the underlying idea that to understand and address the plight of African Americans you must first accept that the government and institutions of the United States were set up for the purpose of ensuring white hegemony? And that the United States remains a society founded on white supremacy? Is that not the thrust of CRT? One thing's for sure, the government and institutions of Egypt, for example, were not created by white supremacists for the purpose of perpetuating white supremacy. So I question CRT's utility as a universal paradigm. 

    Are there different races in Egypt?

    Is there a legal system in Egypt?

    If the answers are yes, then one could apply CRT in Egypt.  One could use CRT to understand the legal system’s role in promoting systemic racism in that country.

  17. 4 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Democrats let them do it because they believe other institutions like the media or law enforcement will play the role of umpire, despite overwhelming evidence they are not up to the job. 

    We have a dangerous movement of imbeciles inspired by lies with no adults in the room to perform the needed intervention. 

    You post a lot of twitter takes and most of them are slanted or straight up terrible.  Have you ever considered to cut out twitter from your information diet? 

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