I don’t think Babayaga is an idiot in terms of not being able to differentiate his pillow case from toilet paper.
However, he clearly has been captured by right wing propaganda in this case. Was he also captured by Qanon, Jade helm, trump resuming office in August, CRT phobia, ukrainegate, Hillary’s emails, and Benghazi? Probably some of it.
Everyone is susceptible to propaganda to a certain extent. Some are more vulnerable than others. Not everyone has an education and job experiences that allow for fine tuned critical thinking skills. Has our basic education system failed at preparing people for today’s information world? Hopefully not for the young. For older folks, their education clearly didn’t prepare them for this world. What do we do about that?
Ideally, folks recognize they have a problem and have been duped at some point. Hopefully, they realize they are in a rabbit hole. That seems like a big step IMO. After that, it seems obvious they should cut out the blatant propaganda from their media diet - Tucker, daily caller, random you tubers, random twitter accounts, Facebook, and Fox News. And replace that with more moderate sources - WSJ, PBS, NPR, Texas tribune, Post, Times, AP, Reuters, austin American statesman.