A few musings on our current situation.
- The goal should be to maximize the probability Trump and the current version of the GOP do not take the white house.
- Biden beat Trump once. He has a lot to run on - has been the best president in the last 50 years, has passed a ton of meaningful legislation, has been a moral and decent individual, fixed the economy, fixed our relationships with our allies, and is standing with Ukraine against Russia.
- Biden does need to show much better during his public showings - hit the campaign trail, get on TV, drop the cold meds, kick ass at the next debate, etc.
- I don't see how there can be another viable replacement. Some see Kamala as the obvious choice to replace Biden, but she couldn't make it to the first caucus in the Democratic Primary in 2020. She was like 7th or 8th in the field of democrats. Plus, being VP doesn't make you the best candidate - it just means you were willing to take the VP job, that you had the identity to help shore up particular demographics, and that you complimented the president. Being VP doesn't mean you are better than Bernie, Pete, or Elizabeth. Plus, remember all the Bernie bros who felt cheated in 2016 and refused to vote for Hillary helping put Trump in the white house even though Bernie lost the popular count and the delegate count. Now imagine what will happen when we choose someone who literally didn't win the primary - Imagine who all would be staying home under that scenario.
- The media and Dem talking heads needs to get their acts together. The NYT and other mainstream outlets pushing horserace BS is fucking shit up. NYT constantly trying to put trump back in the white house is weird as fuck.
The bottom line is that we need Joe. I see him as the only viable candidate to beat trump. However, he needs to step up in a big way, Dems need to rally around him, and the media needs to stop fucking around and do their jobs - push felon, rape, project 2025, supreme court, etc. instead of Biden drama.