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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. I disagree. It shows how one political party is broken, not the system. Hence, the solution is the 2020 election, to remove that broken political party from power in the senate and White House.
  2. I think it depends on the political calculation whether the narrative "obstruction, they are defying subpoenas, what are they hiding, only the guilty refuse to testify" VS "whatever sound bites, new information they get from forcing testimony (also considering when a court would force them)" weighed in terms of which would increase impact and maximize the chance Dems win 2020 (both senate and white house). Politik. The 2020 election is the prize and only thing that matters
  3. In god we trust. Maga kids fight!
  4. I understand the guy who’s MO is to divide the left wonders where the source of divisiveness is. I understand the divide-the-left guy sees greenwald as a hero
  5. Yes. And the RESISTANCE and scary Hillary are all really really bad and we should DIVIDE THE LEFT because that’s what good trumpkins do. Also greenwald is a patriot and definitely not an obvious Russian tool lulz
  6. And this is why Tulsi is defended by Trump, greenwald, David duke, American swindle, bad-teammate, Tucker Carlson, and Sean Hannity
  7. I understand a good trumpkin sometime fails to see (or pretends not to see) right wing talking points. “It’s a false choice for people to say you’re anti-immigrant if you support secure borders. That’s just not the case.” That is a right-wing talking point. Tulsi is reinforcing the right’s victimhood with their own strawman. Clearly. I understand a good trumpkin would want breitbart to get more traction
  8. No, you don’t. Hence, my joke. Read the article dipshit. Pretend harder that you aren’t a right-wing troll. “It’s a false choice for people to say you’re anti-immigrant if you support secure borders. That’s just not the case.” Tulsi reinforcing the right’s victimhood with their own strawman - classic right wing talking point. BT: “wHo DoEsN’t WaNt SeCuRe BoRdErS???!?”
  9. Tulsi pushing right-wing talking points to a right-wing propaganda outlet and bad-teammate is totally cool with it. I can’t believe it
  10. NY Times leading with polls showing trump competitive or leading in battleground states against top Dems.
  11. discussions with the mighty hammer of texas be like...
  12. you guys are no match against the texas hammer
  13. We also need to consider if we are talking about bible Jesus or supply-side Jesus
  14. FYI. This is Coulter taking one for the team and making it more newsworthy about Tulsi’s vote by pretending to make a dumb statement
  15. It is so unfair. Obama is mean. You are a real victim.
  16. For folks that didn’t listen to what Obama actually said or may have forgotten considering all the bluster. Below are Obama’s points: ”work with those that have flaws” ”find common ground” ”acknowledge the world is messy” ”acknowledge political opponents are actual people” ”casting stones, judgements on social media IS NOT ENOUGH” ”bad teammate acting as a victim doesn’t make him one”
  17. Holy Strawman Batman!! Fallacies are the sign of a weak position. It’s best to change positions when you find yourself using them. Except when using them to divide the left. In those cases, you should apologize to everyone and delete your account
  18. He isn’t saying anything that you think he is. My recommendation is to take a break, loosen up, and then listen to Obama again. We all carry baggage and it influences how we process stuff. Maybe take a jog or stare into a small dime-sized mirror.
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