Some weird stuff going on here.
It seems that every time trump shits his pants in front of the world, folks come in here and blame Pelosi.
There is a strange delusion that Pelosi is protecting trump.
There are some political realities:
A GOP controlled senate is not going to get a 2/3 vote to remove based on what is currently known about trump. To attempt to do so, would not be politically advantageous. Folks can disagree on that last point but then you have to consider timing and view it through the primary goal of all this - 2020 election.
Hoping that maybe today the senate would vote to remove or thinking there is a chance of that is not based on reality.
The potential exists that additional evidence is out there that would change the GOP’s minds. I think that potential is very very slim based on how far McConnell, Graham, and other folks have abandoned all norms and principles. Even so, let’s see what the subpoenas uncover - note this is about timing.
The only real chance of removing trump IMO and most realistic observers, absent a smoking gun or some new evidence, is the 2020 election.
Knowing that, how does impeachment, house investigations, the execution of subpoenas, the timing of the release of evidence, the timing of public testimonies, and the timing of a potential impeachment hearing, influence the probability that trump loses the 2020 election?
The bottom line is that trump is causing massive harm every day he sits in the White House. That sucks. That is shameful. However, elections have consequences. It is time to put on some big boy pants. Cowboy up. It is time to realize that there is one singular primary goal to all of this. That goal is keep trump out of the White House for a second term. Everything else is secondary to that single primary goal.