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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. Actually, some folks here (dixondur and hugo) actually think that the GOP might do this. You may not have been paying attention. You are talking about politik. That was my entire point two days ago. You position is that impeachment now would decrease the chance of trump until 2024. Others, including the Dem leadership, have a different position. Their position may be that impeachment after the subpoenas is best for 2020. I will give you credit, at least you are talking about the 2020 election - which is the only thing that matters. The problem is every time Trump shits himself folks will come in here and bleed their vaginas everywhere. She should be more vociferous and lead hard!
  2. Push the button, be vociferous, and lead hard!!! Why doesn’t she just do it!
  3. Not only should she push the big red button, Pelosi should be more vociferous at Trump!!!
  4. Pelosi has a big red button on her desk. If she just pressed it, Trump would disappear and all of his policies would instantly be reversed. I am so mad that she won't press that magical button.
  5. Lmao. Read the whole sentence you pasted that from. How is your smoking guns relevant to the topic at hand? To the topic being discussed? How is it relevant to senate removal? Is your smoking gun getting GOP support for removal? That is the topic I was discussing. Don’t be a jack ass. Or, is your ploy to attempt to nitpick and take a couple words out of context because someone has a different position?
  6. You believe there is no way to know for sure. That means you believe the senate MIGHT remove. Words have meaning. Maybe you aren’t acting in bad faith. Maybe you are accidentally not seeing words.
  7. Your position is now that it is appropriate to consider politik. That is good. The question of impeachment isn’t duty. It is politik. Is anyone arguing that we should hide his malfeasance? What do you think my positions are? What are you arguing against? Please read my comments in good faith. That isn’t my position. Not happening unless there is a smoking gun or additional new evidence. I understand you feel the GOP might remove him now if we just let them vote on it so let’s just agree to disagree on that. Please read my comments in good faith. You believe impeachment might lead to GOP removing. No one else thinks that but you do you. We differ there. Cool. You appear to think, although haven’t fully supported it, that impeachment in the house might help the 2020 election. If that is your position, we differ on that. Cool.
  8. Also you only copied half of the clause from my comment. That doesn’t seem to be in good faith.
  9. Your position seems to move all over the place. First, we should impeach because you just never know and maybe the GOP senators will wake up tomorrow and vote to remove. Now, you are arguing that impeachment would damage trump politically. That is a valid opinion, but one not shared by Pelosi and the Dem leadership. That is a question of politik. That requires a consideration of timing, status of subpoenas, etc. etc. see my last comment. Fyi: in 2000, Dems picked up a net 4 seats in the senate. Republicans lost 2 in the house, one going to Dems and one independent.
  10. Some weird stuff going on here. It seems that every time trump shits his pants in front of the world, folks come in here and blame Pelosi. There is a strange delusion that Pelosi is protecting trump. There are some political realities: A GOP controlled senate is not going to get a 2/3 vote to remove based on what is currently known about trump. To attempt to do so, would not be politically advantageous. Folks can disagree on that last point but then you have to consider timing and view it through the primary goal of all this - 2020 election. Hoping that maybe today the senate would vote to remove or thinking there is a chance of that is not based on reality. The potential exists that additional evidence is out there that would change the GOP’s minds. I think that potential is very very slim based on how far McConnell, Graham, and other folks have abandoned all norms and principles. Even so, let’s see what the subpoenas uncover - note this is about timing. The only real chance of removing trump IMO and most realistic observers, absent a smoking gun or some new evidence, is the 2020 election. Knowing that, how does impeachment, house investigations, the execution of subpoenas, the timing of the release of evidence, the timing of public testimonies, and the timing of a potential impeachment hearing, influence the probability that trump loses the 2020 election? The bottom line is that trump is causing massive harm every day he sits in the White House. That sucks. That is shameful. However, elections have consequences. It is time to put on some big boy pants. Cowboy up. It is time to realize that there is one singular primary goal to all of this. That goal is keep trump out of the White House for a second term. Everything else is secondary to that single primary goal.
  11. And when the Rs have a desire to pull a Nixon, do you think Pelosi is going to hold things up? Of course not.
  12. No one truly feels that 2/3 of the senate is going to vote to remove. It is possible that 1/2 of the house wouldn't impeach, much less getting 2/3 of the senate. Although, I wounder if there is something pelosi and the house could be doing? Actually there is, and they are. And that is investigating.
  13. I'll ask again with your tone. It's nice you're okay with whining about some fantasy that impeachment would remove trump. but many people understand trump is only leaving if he loses 2020 or his term ends in 2024
  14. How would impeachment remedy trump?
  15. Connect the dots between potus being gone and Pelosi acting.
  16. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/doj-asks-appeals-court-to-block-subpoenas-for-trump-bank-records/ar-AAG1Kjx
  17. Her duty is to investigate and show the world what trump and his admin have been up to. Her duty is get Cheeto out of office. He isn't leaving by impeachment. He is leaving by losing the 2020 election or running his term out in 2024
  18. Her constitutional duty is to get the tyrant out of office. That requires politik. Impeachment is a political process, not a constitutional duty. That is reality. Rambo isn't going to show up and take out the traitors.
  19. Elections have consequences. Sure it sucks that we have a clown doing clown things in the White House. impeachment is a political process. That means reps vote and they consider how it would influence a whole range of things. Do they have enough votes to impeach? What are the political consequences if it fails? How big of win for trump would that be? If an impeachment vote is successful, what are the political consequences of that? Would it increase or decrease probability of trump being potus until 2024? What are the political consequences toward moderate Dems trying to win an election in a red area in 2020? We all know that a successful impeachment vote would not result in removal - the only result would be political consequences. The game is to get the clown out of office as fast as possible and to minimize the harm he causes. The house has ongoing subpoenas, investigations, etc. Trump is only being removed from office by losing the 2020 election or by running out his term in 2024.
  20. Her job is to get him out of office. Her job is politik
  21. THEN ACT LIKE YOU KNOW HOW IT WORKS Pelosi’s job is to get trump out office as quickly as possible. Impeachment would not get him out of office. Her job is not to get a constitutional medal. Impeachment only matters if the senate will remove or if it will help trump lose an election. If you get your impeachment... what happens? How does that affect trump’s reelection? Where do we put these constitutional medals?
  22. You and other folks here are under the impression that Pelosi is responsible for trump remaining in office.
  23. FYI for folks: removal of potus requires 2/3 of the senate. This isn’t anything new. This means that the House can’t remove a sitting president no matter what. This means that several GOP senators would have to support removal.
  24. Why do you have a painting of a poisoned dog in a blue dress hanging in your house? Is that evidence of something?
  25. There are two rules related to targeting that result in ejection. Only one of them is about a defenseless player. The other is rule 9-1-3 targeting and making forcible contact with the crown of the helmet
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