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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. Things are starting to make sense. DJT nominated him so that should be a red flag to start with. Barr instigates his nomination with an 18 page memo that pushes obstruction theory as far in favor of DJT as possible. Barr, outside the established SC process, provides to the public his obstruction finding under the cloak of a Mueller report summary. Barr decides to release select sentences from Mueller in same summary, which may or may not have been coordinated but was completely voluntary either way, triggering a big political win for DJT. Now Barr is picking nits for political gain with Nadler.
  2. You may be right, but why not just own the mistake rather than blaming Nadler? If Barr is willing to play politics with Congress over such an inconsequential mistake that he made, what other actions of his are purely political. Then considering all of Barr’s public releases thus far fit squarely into the realm of politics, congressional oversight starts to sound better and better.
  3. IDK if Barr walking back his summary was on purpose. Maybe though. Leaving it out of his first letter would have had the same effect I imagine. Walking it back later decreases trust, and then blaming it on Nadler makes Barr look like a political hack. That is unfortunate.
  4. This American life does an entertaining look into Jones’ early life. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/670/beware-the-jabberwock
  5. I think it is critical for folks to understand that Barr’s public release of information thus far is completely and totally political theatre. Some seem to think his actions thus far are above question because he is “following the process.” That isn’t the case. His public release of a few quotes from the report was his decision. Public release of his opinion on obstruction was his decision. He didn’t have to do that. What else is he doing/not doing behind the scenes that we don’t know about? What redactions will be based on Barr’s opinion? This is why we need oversight.
  6. You were wrong. I didn’t admit what you said. The March 22 letter needed to say one thing - only one thing. That one thing was - whether SC was stymied. That was it. The rest of the 4 page letter was theatre and all of his follow up letter was theatre. Why are you arguing against this? This should be rather non confrontational idea. It’s ok to say Barr is involved in theatre. Everyone should understand where politics is fitting into the process, especially when “law and order” is used to tamper opinions
  7. Is there something wrong with opinions? Are opinions different from yours usually just picking nits?
  8. Wrong. He was required to release to Congress whether any requested actions by SC were denied. That was it. All other parts of Barr’s four page letter and all of his walk-back letter was Barr’s choice and entirely theatre.
  9. “The Mueller report, as well as the results of the counterintelligence aspects of the investigation, must be made public so that the American people can make an informed decision when choosing their next president. The House of Representatives will play a critical role in determining whether, and to what extent, that happens. The House has broad powers to compel disclosure of information, including classified information, that is necessary to carry out its legislative and oversight functions. It may not be able to get that information without a fight, and that fight will take time. But members of Congress can make a very strong case that, legally, they should prevail. Whatever the end result, it is a battle that is worth fighting. In light of the possibility that Mueller’s team uncovered significant derogatory information about the president and his inner circle, Congress cannot simply ignore the potential ramifications for American security, even if criminal offenses “cannot be established.” The stakes—for the rule of law and for American security—are simply too high.” https://www.lawfareblog.com/understand-muellers-work-focus-counterintelligence
  10. What did the law require Barr to release? Then, what did Barr choose to release?
  11. The subpoena putting this in the court system would allow oversight to what Barr redacted for the public. Both of Barr’s letters are political theatre. All he was required to do was state whether SC was hampered by the AG or acting AG. This is politics. There is theatre.
  12. You are free to have various opinions and also consider others to be picking nits. Nadler wants the unredacted report now and the public report created within the court system. That doesn’t need to wait until a redacted version has been created. Nadler is moving toward his subpoena. If Barr is using what you describe, that they can’t discuss a target that isn’t indicted, that sure would help POTUS since the report wouldn’t mention him
  13. Barr and DOJ are looking to release it mid month to both Congress and Public without the court’s involvement. Barr has added an undefined redaction crtieria about third parties and their reputational interests. After he gives it another read, maybe he’ll add a fifth redaction criteria. The walk back letter looks bad for Barr.
  14. Not only did Barr’s walk-back letter walk back his initial letter to summarize the “results of his investigation,” but he is also walking back what he is planning to release. He has moved from his initial letter of redacting 6e information and information that could impact ongoing matters to now wanting to also redact “information that would unduly infringe on the personal privacy and reputational interests of peripheral third parties.” Why add that now? Why does he think that Congress shouldn’t see that information? Who defines unduly infringe? Who defines reputational interests? Who defines peripheral third parties? A house subporna is clearly in order. This needs to be done in the courts.
  15. Engaging discussion on a wide range of theories about where we are and what is going to happen. I recommend for folks that have lingering questions. Question and answer session at end provides insight about what happened to Corsi and how Rosenstein is still around.
  16. Method for grand jury evidence to be made available to Congress and then to the public. https://www.justsecurity.org/44191/mueller-grand-jury-report-public-hand-congress/
  17. No. Both links matter. They are referring to two separate things. Barr’s obstruction analysis was based on a standard that only applies to POTUS, and that analysis used Barr’s belief that Artcile II actions are immune. Barr’s standard wouldn't apply to you or anyone other than POTUS.
  18. How do I keep posting that link when I only posted it once? I'll provide you again with the link I posted the first time. I suggest you read it this time. Barr's letter is not referring to his belief of obstruction immunity under Article II. Seriously. Click the link and read. https://www.lawfareblog.com/bill-barrs-very-strange-memo-obstruction-justice
  19. Yeah. I did. I recommend you consider reading more than just one sentence since you are having a hard time with all this. That sentence is simply limited to addressing DOJ's policy of not indicting a sitting president. See below link. That sentence is not addressing Barr's stance that POTUS actions are protected from obstruction charges under Article II - see Barr's Junes 2018 memo. https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/olc/opinions/2000/10/31/op-olc-v024-p0222_0.pdf
  20. You are free to read Barr's four page letter as many times as you want and you will likely have the same misunderstanding of the situation. The memo is not addressing you, or someone like you. It is addressing the president. Do you think that Barr feels your actions are protected under Article II of the constitution? Was Barr talking about your actions when he wrote that POTUS is exempt from obstruction under Article II? https://www.lawfareblog.com/bill-barrs-very-strange-memo-obstruction-justice
  21. Imagine if there was a cable news network, a series of talk radio hosts, and elected representatives from a particular party that all parroted for a decade the same talking point that Hillary was corrupt. Then, imagine that the closest they ever got to proving any actual corruption was an email server. At some point, folks should hope that some degree of self-awareness would take hold or they would move on, and then they would be able to see what their party is doing today, right now.
  22. https://www.lawfareblog.com/unpacking-obstruction-justice-mystery-barr-letter
  23. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/ag-barr-release-mueller-report-weeks-not-months-n987646
  24. You may be right and I’m certainly worried and suspicious of Barr, but for what’s it worth, professionals in that field (which I consider the lawfare folks to be) do not currently feel this is an active cover up and currently expect Barr to release the appropriate parts of the report.
  25. Yes. Folks should listen to the podcast because of hot chicks
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