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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. The idea is to not stop bitching but to direct that bitching to the appropriate place and that place is Tom Herman.
  2. To translate: fans should give the coaching staff heat for the performance of our offense. Herm is asking that that criticism go to the appropriate place since most fans don’t understand the inner workings of our offense.
  3. Tom honestly said it best. Hope fans will pay heed: On the offensive coordinator getting criticized: Yeah, I got criticized at Ohio State, and my boss took up for me. I got criticized at Iowa State at times, and my boss took up for me. Major Applewhite got criticized at times, and I took up for him, because it is unfair. It's absolutely unfair.This is -- again, game plans are formulated throughout the week and throughout the off-season, and there is an immense amount of collaboration in between series of what we want to see, the next series of adjustments that we need to make based on what we're seeing.Especially in Game 1s, because there is no identity, right? You assume you're going to get something similar to what you got last year, but who knows. There could be something completely different, and you need to adjust.So that type of collaboration is extremely commonplace. I mean, there isn't -- this is Texas' offense. This isn't Tim Beck's offense. Just like it was Houston's offense and not Major Applewhite's offense. It was Ohio State's offense and not Tom Herman's offense. That's not how it works in college football. It really doesn't.I don't know if the pros are different. Maybe they are. Maybe they're hired guns and they come in and bring in their own offense, and all the assistants, they just, I guess, play cards during the day and show up to babysit their players at practice, and the offensive coordinator hands them a game plan and says, hey, this is what we're going to do, and everybody stays silent on the headset on game day and this guy just calls the plays. But that's not the way it works in college football.You know, the two voices that will be heard throughout a series on a play-by-play basis will be mine and Tim Beck's.
  4. Ah yes. One of the guys that Herman was speaking to when he looked into the camera and addressed “Fans.”
  5. Most fans think it is that simple but it really isn’t. The play caller has to call the Sam touchdown play when Sam is in the game and call the Shane touchdown play when Shane is in the game.
  6. Why doesn’t he just sprinkle some fairy dust on it?
  7. Politico has a [direct quote from the source](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/26/cohen-trump-tower-meeting-russians-745123) of the story, who appears to be making direct legal claims about what Cohen knows: “Everyone in the room is indictable if one overt act occurred after the meeting, and anyone who knew about the meeting ahead of the time and didn’t call the cops is an accessory or at least a conspirator,” the source said. That article included some thoughts on legal culpability: “The significance of this report will depend on the facts,” said Barbara McQuade, a former U.S. attorney from eastern Michigan. “If Trump was aware of the meeting in advance and encouraged it to go forward, then he could face criminal exposure under a number of different theories.” “He could be in violation of campaign finance laws for accepting a thing of value from a foreign national in relation to an election” she continued. “If he knew that the source of the information was from illegal hacking, he could be charged with accessory after the fact to a violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. He could also be charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States by impeding the fair administration of elections. In addition, he could be charged with obstruction of justice for misdirecting investigators by dictating a misleading press release.” But Cohen’s statement on its own probably isn’t enough to convince Mueller. “It’s huge if true. The question will be if it can be corroborated,” said Peter Zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor. “It’s very possible that Mueller can or will be able to corroborate much of this. I would not be at all surprised if these participants emailed or texted one another about the meeting — before and after.” I really don't like this term, but it looks like 'big if true' is the right sort of look at it, but right now there is no evidence that it's true beyond Cohen's claim, and it appears [Cohen has no evidence to back up that claim.](https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/26/politics/michael-cohen-donald-trump-june-2016-meeting-knowledge/index.html) In the Politico article, lawyer for the President, Rudy Giuliani, makes a claim that this will come down to a credibility contest without evidence, and without evidence I think he's right: Giuliani said the dispute about whether Trump approved of the meeting with the Russians would amount to little more than “a credibility contest” between Cohen and other top Trump campaign hands. pasted from another message board
  8. This. The immigration threat is manufactured for political purposes.
  9. Article from DOJ monthly immigration newsletter in 2010: Based on admittedly incomplete data, ICE estimates that its three ATD programs cost significantly less than regular detention and have high rates of success, as measured by the percentage of participants who appear for all their hearings. Of the three programs, ISAP is the most restrictive and expensive, while EM is the least. ICE reports that approximately 87 percent of ISAP participants, 96 percent of ESR participants, and 93 percent of EM participants appear for their removal hearings. However, all three programs have a limited capacity: ISAP has a daily capacity for 6,000 aliens, ESR for 7,000, and EM for 5,000.14 As of September 1, 2009, there were 19,160 aliens in ATD programs. https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/eoir/legacy/2010/06/11/vol4no4.pdf
  10. It must have been a less-absurd idea when you tried it before. Considering the amount of trolling on this site, the policing and enforcement would have to be intense. True. Some folks don’t even know they are trolling and think it is just normal interent etiquette. Soon it becomes a giant snowball with everyone trolling everyone, which seems to be the case here sometimes
  11. Imo there’s another option though I’m not sure it is possible on this site. Realize both sides troll. Establish a non-trolling etiquette. Enforce that etiquette.
  12. And punching an obvious troll in the face through a ban, suspension, etc. is appropriate. What happens is that once trolling becomes the norm, everyone does it. A solution to trolling-type behavior is to have “etiquette” on discourse and consequences for not following.
  13. It’s not about suppressing voices. Its not about a “safe space.” It’s about methods of discourse. It boils down to either having a space of productive dialogue that addresses trolling or a space with trolling and everyone in their extreme positions. If you asked a manager at a Russian troll farm which would be counter to the interests of the US, I know what they would say. It might be funny sometimes to jointly mock an obvious troll that is saying stupid stuff. But after a while, it isn’t fun to mock the disabled kid in the corner.
  14. Trolls aren’t good for a discussion board community. The result of having them is that every thread evolves into extreme positions. There is very little positive or productive discussions. It becomes only about winning. That is the current state of this site. If this site doesn’t want that, the trolls should be banned imo and their methods frowned upon and discouraged.
  15. Honest question. Do we think paid trolls have infiltrated this board? I know I run into them often on reddit. But it is really difficult to determine whether a troll is a paid troll by Russia or someone else or if it is just a right-wing troll that picks up the same talking points.
  16. Crisis actors! Have they gotten to that one yet. The kids in cages are crisis actors. Nothing to see here
  17. Guys, Ragnarok is just misunderstood. He has a very strong passion for women and their rights! That is why he doesn’t like Muslims! It definitely is not because he is xenophobic! Ragnarok has been very consistent with women’s rights. He was especially vocal against having a confessed sexual predator in the White House. He is strong pro-choice! He was disgusted by Trump’s sexualization of his daughter and his bullying of women on twitter. Like I said, he hates Muslims because he respects women, not because he is xenophobic.
  18. Your comments make no sense. Lets look at your first paragraph of this comment. "1000% the problem." What is the problem? Where is the verb? What are you saying? "Open borders or nothing." There is no verb here. What are you saying? "You absolve the parent completely for putting their child in that position in the first place." This is a strawman. No one is absolving the parent completely of anything. You are attempting to argue against a position that no one is taking. A strawman is a sign of weakness. "You absolve Mexico and the countries they passed through as well." This is another strawman. Your entire first paragraph had absolutely no meaning and made no sense.
  19. The outrage is justified. Just like the outrage over the realization we were torturing prisoners. Torturing and separating families are counter to American values. This is basic stuff. IMO it takes a degree of xenophobia or nativism driven by propaganda that allows people to view immigrants as less-than-human to get to the point where separating families is OK or justified.
  20. I don't know what they would get back. I'm not sure how it is relevant though. There are federal income taxes; however, there are also state and local taxes.
  21. Unskilled laborers make an income and pay taxes. For a full understanding of the issue, see the CBO report I linked above.
  22. Mexico has a large amount of unskilled labor so they don't need additional unskilled laborers. The US has a need for unskilled workers. Lets look at our current legal immigration process. See the below link and the left side of the chart. https://reason.org/wp-content/uploads/files/a87d1550853898a9b306ef458f116079.pdf If you are unskilled and have no family in the US, your only option is illegal immigration. Since the US has a demand for unskilled workers and that demand should be met to support our industries and economy, we have an obligation to ensure we provide a humane pathway for unskilled workers to enter and contribute to our economy.
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