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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. Folks should read the article. It describes how he socially has been libertarian, against widespread covid restrictions, for addressing climate change, and has now since taking over twitter has been against the left on cultural/conspiracy issues. It draws a distinction between "against the left" vs. "independent" vs. "for the right." https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/10/business/media/elon-musk-politics-twitter.html
  2. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that a GOP donor provided funds for her “tax the rich” media op. It is hard for me to see how any serious progressive with any understanding of political messaging would have gone along with this. This was a right wing propagandist’s wet dream.
  3. Because there would be no way a temp suspension of the filibuster rule would work. If the Dems suspended it, the GOP would know about it, and they would just suspend it whenever the GOP wanted to pass something. I think ending or reforming it is needed. Suspension just doesn’t make much sense
  4. That is brilliant. Why don't they just suspend it when the Dems are in control and then right before handing it back to GOP, they can switch it back again. That will totally work!
  5. Brittney Griner is a US citizen and therefore has a much higher inherent value than a Russian citizen. It is as simple as that.
  6. Exactly. Plus this is one the reasons Twitter was worth $44 billion to Elon. Even if Elon hasn’t had enough time to fully weaponize Twitter, this situation appears to be a success for Russia, the GOP, and right wing propagandists
  7. Totally agree. The dehumanization of huge swaths of US citizens is a very sad and alarming thing to see by supposed educated people. This division seems to be exactly what Putin wanted.
  8. Describing and understanding the situation isn't making excuses. Folks shouldn't conflate the two. But you should probably note that mental illness and insanity are actual legal defenses used in our legal system sometimes and are much more of an "excuse" (he is just off his meds!) than noting aspects that match an intentional performance. I'm pointing toward accountability in terms of likelihood of actual deliberation on how to amplify the antiemetic message. It is easy to accept "he is just off his meds" and then ignore what he is doing and how it fits with what else is going on in the world. Accepting intention and deliberation leads me to consider why he is doing this now. I imagine Kanye is mostly just a pawn but it I'm not convinced it is a coincidence that his episode is occurring at the same time as Trump's announcement to run again and Elon taking over twitter. It is very possible his messages and methods are resonating on the darker side of the right and with some in the black community. Antisemitism was a huge part of the America First movement in the 40s, and when combined with Christian nationalism (the Christian Front) and propaganda (Father Coughlin, senators Lundeen, Nye, etc.). I think antisemitism has potential to again be a powerful current within today's GOP base. A further step into the rabbit hole could also point out a more national intention to try and split groups that have traditionally been aligned politically in the US - blacks and jews. This could allow the right to carve off a slice. We know the right has been somewhat successful at carving off a piece of the hispanic vote to a certain extent, and I believe the potential exists that this may be part of an attempt to do the same with the black vote.
  9. I don’t know what you mean. Him being an antisemite doesn’t mean he isn’t performing. Him performing for clicks and attention isn’t an excuse for promoting antisemitism. You don’t put on a mask, hold a net, and go on Alex Jones if you aren’t performing. Maybe he is just insane, but I doubt it. I think his act is intentional.
  10. I’m leaning towards this being a performance. He is an entertainer. He knows how to manipulate an audience and put on a show. Similar to this.
  11. Rather than another country’s problem, immigrants are overwhelmingly positive members of society as workers, tax payers, and consumers. More immigrants = higher population = higher GDP = greater economic standing in the world. We should all be actively trying to drain the Russian population, while increasing our own and that our allies.
  12. This is an obvious coverup. I’ll tell you who opened the door. This is what the deep state libs are trying to hide. Hunter Biden opened the door. He was trying to get to his laptop that had Hillary’s emails about benganzi and proved Ukraine funds have been going to Sam Bankman-Fried
  13. So the expectation is that all of the morally flawed and corrupt individuals in our society are GOP donors? And when one is a Dem donor, it is newsworthy?
  14. Guo is an intriguing figure and is mixed up in all kinds of wild things. Fresh Air did a solid episode on him. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/29/1131916203/jemele-hill-evan-osnos-guo-wengui-alexandra-horowitz
  15. But the truth in that case wasn't slippery. There was the research and researchers, which were not censored, and then there was the misinformation surrounding that research, which hopefully was and is being censored.
  16. The research conducted by those two scientists did not show that Covid vaccines alter DNA. We should welcome their input, but we shouldn't welcome misinformation about their research. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-coronavirus-vaccines/fact-check-controversial-mit-study-does-not-show-that-mrna-vaccines-alter-dna-idUSL1N2PK1DC Here is Jaenisch's institute's twitter account. https://twitter.com/WhiteheadInst Here is Young's twitter account. https://twitter.com/youngricka Those two scientists were not banned or censored on twitter.
  17. In 2020, 52% of Catholics voted for Biden. https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/324410/religious-group-voting-2020-election.aspx
  18. Maybe she knew about 9/11 before it happened! Lets string her up.
  19. The difference between an ex-president and a normal citizen is that a normal citizen can’t assert executive privilege over certain documents generated during their presidency. A main thrust of the special master is to determine which documents (if any) should be shielded from investigators due to executive privilege.
  20. This is clearly a tactic by team trump to try and stall the investigation and indictment. People can see that as the sky is falling I guess. But hopefully everyone can once and for all dispel the idea that this is somehow about returning classified documents back to trump.
  21. Yeah. And stealing, hiding, and not returning classified documents is a crime. That is why the FBI obtained a search warrant and took possession of the classified documents from Mar-a-Lago. That is why there is chatter that Trump is under threat of a criminal indictment.
  22. Personal and attorney-client privileged documents will be returned to Trump. Classified documents and presidential records will not be returned to Trump. Trump may get access to presidential records for things like a library or whatever, but he will not have ownership of them.
  23. Both parties gerrymander because those are the rules of the game. Only one party is actively trying to strengthen democracy and end gerrymandering. Imagine expecting the democrats to not use the existing rules to their advantage. If Dems would have gotten a couple extra seats in the Senate, For the Peoples Act would have passed ending gerrymandering nationwide for federal elections. The two-party system is broken because one of the two parties is broken.
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