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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. Russian oligarchs, those around putin, or the rest of the russian population decide they don't want to be North Korea anymore and then do the right thing. "Putin cannot remain in power" were accurate words
  2. The obvious answer is that Russia hasn't been goading Canada into getting attacked by us
  3. This is nonsense. I’m advocating for the first amendment. You seem to be advocating a different system of free speech, a special and unique system solely designed around your desires (a snowflake system), which would somehow force private entities (publishers) to publish cartoon characters against the wishes of that private entity. Obviously your position is non-sensical, but let’s play out a bit. How do you propose to force private entities to publish against their will? Would the government do that? If so, it would be counter to first amendment. If not in violation of the first amendment, would there be a magical courtroom with DaggerHorns slamming his gavel and making pronouncements and decisions about which cartoon character must be published and then somehow magically it would be so?
  4. The rights of cartoon characters you described aren’t associated with the first amendment because the first amendment is limited to actions by government. None of your examples of the supposed infringement of cartoon character free speech rights have anything to do with government suppression or any connection to the first amendment. This is America. Our free speech rights are guaranteed through the first amendment. If you aren’t talking about the first amendment, but rather your special belief system - maybe we can call it a snowflake free speech system, then OK. Outside of constructing a snowflake scenario just for you and maybe others you identify with, your position makes no sense.
  5. Ok. I understand you aren't willing to connect the gaps between the first amendment and your defense of cartoon characters - but yet I'm "definitely missing the whole premise of free speech." Noted.
  6. Why don't you try and fill in the gaps for us. Start here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution) and work your way back to the post above where you struggle to defend cartoon characters.
  7. Nothing. That is the problem. Please tell me you didn't go to UT.
  8. I'm sure DaggerHorns, who is very concerned about the rights of cartoon characters, is outright appalled to hear you frame the consequences of speech related to unionization.
  9. Telling someone "fuck you" isn't stopping them from having an opinion about free speech. I get it might hurt someone's feelings. But hurt feelings, isn't stopping them from having an opinion about free speech.
  10. Solid discussion yesterday on the Ukraine conflict, the recent sanctions, and how China fits into the equation between John Herbst, Julia Friedlander, Sarah Kirchberger, and Dave Sholmans.
  11. Or removed from power. That is the end game here. Regime change. We have moved the front lines of authoritarianism vs liberal democracy from the ballot box of western countries (including the US) to Ukraine. I think it is possible Putin stays in power and eventually succeeds in Ukraine, but his economy, military, and influence around the world that they have worked decades to achieve will be shattered. What we do after that will be important.
  12. If the US chose to escalate on the nuclear front, it could take away from what is currently happening on the economic front, ukraine/russia conventional front, and with the current hardening between western allies. It seems like pushing nukes into the political discourse wouldn't help us.
  13. It appears Chubays hasn't tweeted anything since 2017 so likely misinfo
  14. So you think Putin’s mom should have given him more hugs and kisses?
  15. Why do you think NATO is dead? Why do you think NATO buckled?
  16. That is all a heavily editorialized and slanted understanding of what Danilov actually said. Which is fine I suppose, but most importantly, he did not tell the US to go away.
  17. Ukrainian politicians haven’t told the US to go away. I don’t know why anyone outside of Russian misinformation bubbles would have that understanding.
  18. Does it tell you that Ukraine’s politicians do not want to promote panic within their population? Does it tell you that Ukraine’s politicians want to minimize economic impact to their country under the “no military invasion” scenario? What is telling about that to you?
  19. The whole point of what you consider “inflammatory rhetoric to incite conflict” by the US is to ensure it is properly communicated that the costs of military conflict will be high - additional future NATO military buildup, an increase in the probability that more countries will join NATO, various sanctions, and the movement of Europe away from Russian energy sources. That “inflammatory rhetoric to incite conflict” is also as much direct communication the Putin as it is a mobilization of our allies to do their part (Germany, UK, etc.). If the costs of using the military to achieve Putin’s political objectives is too high, then there will not be a military conflict.
  20. And I think the point is that “things” do require energy and that those things are usually widgets or whatever, but in the case of crypto there isn’t an actual “thing” except for the “thing” being the ponzi pyramid system to provide returns to older investors. There is nothing wrong with using energy IMO as long as that energy usage provides an actual legitimate purpose
  21. Yeah, that is cool. It is probably the right mindset to have. I’m honestly new to all of this so appreciate the discussion
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