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Everything posted by ouflak

  1. Ranked at number 1 For not very much longer Enjoy while you can
  2. https://texags.com/forums/8/topics/3470824
  3. If you have access to a VPN, pretty sure you can access it without ESPN+ if you just make it look like you're from Europe. I only breezed through the more obscure ones I'd never really heard much about (Carlisle, Iowa Weslyan, Sewanee, Chicago).
  4. The Supreme Court has recently ruled that no one at a public institution can be forced to abide by a union contract if they aren't a member of a union. It's already long since been the law that any American has the right to work or attend a public institution without any regards to union membership (in or out). So if none of the 5-star/4-star/proven-veteran-3-star players join a union, as that would certainly curtail their ability to maximize their earning potential, then what? What can the schools do? What could this 'super' league do about it?
  5. An NIL contract with who? The players. Because I can't see a 5 star signing a contract that stops him from making millions.
  6. UT - 40 OSU - 19 168
  7. Kingsbury never really had all that much success as a head coach though. A couple of good seasons, but nothing that really made you think 'on the verge' or anything like that. How he got past that interview, no one will ever know. Riley however has actually consistently had double digit wins and grabbed some titles, as well as won a few genuinely big regular season games. I agree he flames out of the NFL eventually after the team(s) get tired of never winning any playoff games. But I can see him regularly bringing those teams to the playoffs and bouncing around a few jobs here and there before the league finally gets tired of his schtick and he ends up spending the rest of his career as an offensive coordinator.
  8. Just off by a touchdown for each team. Nice win Longhorns!
  9. She's half black and she embraces her heritage. That's not anti-black. Not everybody in this world fits into a pigeon hole racially.
  10. UT - 28 Bama - 17
  11. Yeah, it could happen like this even with Tier 3 being wrapped up in the main deal. The update is likewise as optimistic. We'll see (or, they'll see. We'll ofcourse be making SEC coin).
  12. No. That article is explaining the Big XII deal that was just signed. I'm assuming those post-season payout expectations are based on recent years' payouts, but I don't know.
  13. That article has been updated (perhaps in just the past hour): So Tier 3 is already included in the main deal. Still not a bad overall payout, though more realistically around 35-36 million when post season is included.
  14. ESPN has in the contract that they will match for every P5 team that joins - up to four. Fox does not have that in the contract, but have already agreed otherwise to also match for every P5 that joins up to two. Anybody else outside of P5 means they have to slice up the pie. I don't know if the Big XII can really attract 3 more PAC(9) teams without Fox matching. That is unless whatever media deal offers the PAC is facing are truly depressing. If the option comes up, I think the Big XII obviously has to bite the bullet on that one. You can stabilize the finances out later, or maybe even work some rearrangement on the current deal out like 'ok, you won't match the extra two? Fine, let us have our Tier 3 back'. Something like that I'd think would be workable for the short term.
  15. I know things are probably not finalized yet, but I'm sure I've heard from multiple sources that regular OU/OSU matchups will occur yearly in all sports except football.
  16. Nude Nuns with Big Guns. I'd forgotten about this one, but yeah, pretty messed up and kind of hilariously so.
  17. Assuming everything you say is absolutely 100% true, I still say that when any moment of truth comes, there will not be any courts involved, no sovereign immunity, no prosecutions, and no law suits. It will be a bunch of guys (ok fine, maybe one of them will be a gal) in a room hammering away at a deal that everybody can, and will, eventually live with. And that will be that.
  18. By who? OU and UT negotiated one year of their GoR into oblivion (and didn't even have to pay the full amount of the separate exit fee). I suppose we could have gone the sovereign immunity route, but for what? One year? What a waste of legal resources. No one else has been in a position where they'd need to seriously challenge a GoR. We may find out if it could really work. But I don't think we ever will. All of the lawyers will get together, charge all of their clients a small fortune, do some 'work' and their clients will each and all go their separate ways with the GoR, and other relevant contractual demands, carefully negotiated away.
  19. If non-fiction is also allowed, then Jodorowsky's Dune. The insane ideas that guy had for his 'adaptation', if you could even call it that, were beyond belief. And he had the nerve to criticise the 1984 David Lynch version. Atleast Lynch understood the story and emphasized the key points. No one would have understood the nonsense Jodorowsky was coming up with. But I must admit, it was an entertaining documentary.
  20. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Heavy Metal has to kind of get an honorable mention as well.
  21. Some would argue that the Big XII didn't.
  22. Well I guess his fiance won't have to go back to work as a volleyball coach after all. Wedding plans back on?
  23. If that's true, then so be it, and your points stand. But I really wonder if that's true. The top 60 - 70 programs that are supposedly 'losing money' are able to somehow consistently give their coaching staffs and administrator staffs 5, 6 and 7 digit annual raises. Every. Single. Year. Big names get hired making < insert double digits > percentage higher salary than the previous coach. That's been going on for decades. And yet they aren't generating profits to pay for all of that? I've got a feeling that some of those actual accounting books are a lot more entertaining than what is being presented to the public. You can only take so much money from the General Fund. And for the private universities, we don't actually know at all what's really happening behind the scenes.
  24. Now that someone actually asks, I think it's actually been longer than 20 years since I've bothered to watch an NFL game. The last clear memory I have of putting an NFL game on just to have it in the background is about 23 - 25 years ago when I lived in Dallas. But that doesn't mean I don't think they have some good rules college football could adopt. If the 90 second review time limit that was mentioned earlier is actually a thing, that would be very very nice to have. Edit: Just remembered I went to a Super Bowl watch part when I live in Vegas. That was just about 20 years ago.
  25. It's been mentioned a couple of times already. For those of us who have no intention of looking at the NFL, do they have review time limits or something? I wouldn't be opposed to something like that. I think they could make that work. But I still don't think they are going to give up commercial revenue. Not one penny. Ofcourse that doesn't necessarily mean more commercials though I suppose. They may just charge more for the decreased time frame and make up for it like that. We'll see.
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