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Everything posted by ouflak

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_Bowers, which ofcourse inspired the film Philidelphia. I have to say though that I think drawing this kind of parallel seems specious to me.
  2. This isn't discussed. All that's focused on is white GOP. But there are more diverse considerations here. And I'm starting to think we are way beyond what is in the public interest. https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/officials-push-covid-vaccines-for-local-minority-communities/ Nevada Congresswoman Dina Titus:
  3. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-race-ethnicity/ I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of these particular groups of people who will be negatively affected by this mandate are NOT Trump fans, and probably wouldn't even know who 'Tucker Carson' is.
  4. If these number are even within 50% of the truth, it's only because OU and UT are unquestionably undervalued, and ESPN/Fox are willing to flip this bill in order to cash in on far bigger amounts from OU/UT in the SEC - along with a settlement to let the pair skate away scot-free or at a severely reduced amount.
  5. I guess I don't see how this is 'breaking' news. They could probably add half the AAC and MWC if they wanted, and go to thirty. If there is anything 'breaking' about it, it would be these supposed projections. If the projections are realistically far higher than most anticipate (mid-to-high teens), is that because ESPN/Fox have already quietly offered up a deal? Is there something else going on that none of us see?
  6. What is there left to say?
  7. https://www.hookem.com/story/sports/football/2021/08/23/nil-ncaa-texas-longhorns-jerseys-athletes/8235671002/ Looks like you guys found a work-around for that pesky law.
  8. I'll just post this and take my lumps (or be completely ignored). But I think everybody and anybody blaming any U.S. executive is missing the point by an astronomical unit. The only way to put something in that country that is stable and friendly would be to: Eradicate entirely the culture of corruption, including the expectation of such, from all public life. Have all changes and institurions established by the people themselves from the ground up - not based on some super power that can call air strikes in on anybody who gives them any trouble. Without both of those being thoroughly accomplished, no president administration, no chancelor of < insert European country >, no dictatorship of the proletariat, no shah/khan/ayatollah of a neighboring country, nobody from the outside is ever going to march into Afghanistan and 'win'.
  9. Agreed. They could have gone from a position of having the SEC typically have two teams, or 50% of the spots, in the playoff, to a position where at most the SEC would get four spots and they would be guaranteed a spot themselves. They've let their emotions (panic, outrage, disappointment) override their common sense. But if humans didn't act with their feelings, even sometimes to their detriment, I guess we wouldn't be human would we?
  10. Looks like Ohio State worked out a merchandising revenue sharing deal with the players as has North Carolina. I hope OU follows suit soon. Sorry you guys are having to deal with the crazy strict laws, but I do think it will work itself out. No way UT is going to sit back and let the rest of the college football world just buy all of the best players away.
  11. OU fans were chanting at the Florida beatdown last season. I bet if you guys were kicking Georgia's ass again, you'd be chanting it (or someone would), Especially if we were in that conference. That mockery perhaps has an end date. But it's not anytime soon.
  12. Hope this doesn't derail the thread, but I'm not sure you are entirely correct, or atleast the point is subjective. 'Less' is an adjective in this case. The reason why it seems out of place here is that we are used to seeing it followed, either immediately or later in the sentence, with a qualifying phrase such as "than blah blah blah". Tweets are messages where I believe the grammar guidelines are somewhat more relaxed and brusque due to the character limit. So her implied 'than the amount of hours I was working as a teacher' is left out on purpose. If you really wanted to be picky about her grammar though, she should have put 'a' or 'per' before 'week', or 'week' should be 'weekly'. And 'thank you' should be in some kind of quotation mark (probably single apstrophe - but that's perhaps a UK bias). And the following sentence after that was a fragment. But then again brusqueness so.... She's already at 241 here (250 limit).
  13. Our Samsung fridge (no ice maker) and microwave that have worked fine for years and years, door handles and everything. Got a couple of phones that are still kicking despite being relatively older models (6 & 7). Also have a small TV that's been going for a decade. Where we're seeing the staffing problems is in public transport. Restaurants have been hit hard as well. Not sure what impact this has had on wages though as the safety net is much more wound into the economy here (UK), and taxes are going to eat into higher wages quite a lot.
  14. Well that just takes it down a star right there.
  15. You mean free market capitalism and the ability of fully emancipated adults to legally earn money as they see fit? Because we've had that in this country for a long long time. If the NCAA and the schools were truly in the right in limiting the economic opportunities for student athletes, they wouldn't have needed to hide behind federal anti-trust exemptions and state exemptions from labor laws.
  16. There has LONG since been zero semblance of amateurism. There's been big money flowing around college sports for years and years and years. I don't mind if there is a fresh new modern progressive organization that takes the helm that isn't toting around antebellum baggage along with it. But if there is going to be a Thunderdome situation that arises, I'm rooting for one that goes after the NCAA with the pig-shit powered chainsaw.
  17. https://sports.yahoo.com/various-alabama-players-sign-nil-235948419.html
  18. That's actually the past. And the present. I can't think of a time when that wasn't the case. All student athletes attending institutions of higher education purely for the love of learning, to acquire knowledge (and perhaps also further it via research) and training to participate in, and even advance, society? Maybe that one time when Stanford was able to recruit all of those 3* middle linebackers that went on to become MD's. Maybe.
  19. I was never taught how to pay taxes. Got my first paying job when I was eighteen, got the forms, filled them in, sent them off. * shrug * You make money, you pay taxes. NIL or no, that's just life. Is she implying that just because somebody is black and young that they are too stupid to file a tax form? Because I would be happy to meet with her in person to dispel that myth.
  20. Well the rules are agnostic of the sport, so the potential is there with all high school sports. But let's face it. It's only ever going to be football and basketball that have any chance of bringing in any real big bucks at that level. But if a family (or I suppose even an athlete) has decided not to play football because of CTE, it's going to take some serious cash amounts to get them to change their mind (forgive the pun) about that, I'd reckon. However for those who would play anyway, sure, could be some nice incentive there.
  21. Supreme Court rules against the NCAA. Bye bye NCAA. The dust bin of history awaits you.
  22. How to make more money?
  23. ouflak

    Root Beer

    Just now having a can of Ben Shaw's, a brand I've never seen before. Very mild in comparison to other root beers I've had - apparently a local (English) brand. It's even got a lighter color. Not bad, but I think the discerning drinker wouldn't really go for it. Still awaiting a review from the young'ens....
  24. I believe the new term is going to be 'NIL representative'.
  25. No. The money comes out from the companies who want to dole it out in exchange for an athlete's NIL. I think a couple of states have laws that have the school hold onto the money in escrow or act as agents, taking a cut of the action. But otherwise they pay nothing. True. But there are already significant differentiators in the market, and they already make a huge difference between the haves and have-nots. And there is no talk of expanding scholarship numbers or game time. So schools will still only be able to take and play some many players in a given game/season. It's hard to see how there would be much, if any, impact that is already different from the exposure a top player gets for playing well for a top team. But it may be that we are all missing dynamic here that is yet to come to the fore. This has sort of been talked about earlier in the thread. But if a school decides to drop scholarship and just have its athletes pay for everything out of NIL, that school will immediately be competing against many other schools that are quite happy to continue scholarships and let the student athletes enjoy the benefits of NIL. It doesn't take an Einstein to figure out how long that silly policy would last (if it even made it into policy). The laws that the states are passing are entirely agnostic of the sports involved. So if the UCLA Women's Beach Volleyball team decides to do a string bikini calender, they get to make money off of that just like an P5 football team all-conference linebacker does for signing autographs.
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