His worldview, seems to me, is that the world should organize around individuals, not identity. He calls left wing SJW-types idiots and calls alt-right white nationalists losers. He seems to say that identify politics is wrong all the way around. The question coming from tin-foil guys (Bolsheviks, Russia, the media, Jews, wtf?) is nonsensical. That’s why he can’t “disentangle” it. From what I’ve seen, Peterson is high strung, super serious, and might have a touch of autism. I think he was genuinely trying to wrap his head around it.
Peterson has thousands of hours of lectures on-line. The left would LOVE to find evidence of bigotry. There is none as best as I can tell. The best they can seem to find is him laughing off a bullshit question and not denouncing it forcefully enough for their liking. Equating his worldview (individual, not identity) with anti-semitism or being anti-black or saying his worldview strengthens those causes is just a bullshit smear. Equating his laughing off tin-foil guy with Trump’s “both sides” comment is the new post-trump Brisket (and I say that as a member of the Brisket fan club).