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Everything posted by PeeWeeSherman

  1. I suppose, in this context, individualism means (stolen from someone else with all due credit)ā€¦. ā€œIf you truly account for all the categories you can apply to people then no two people will ever represent the same experience because each person represents the 'intersection' of dozens, hundreds of different traits the sum total of which defines them as an individual. By acknowledging that different traits interact, you're ceding that no two people are truly comparable and alike and thus its (sic) pretty much useless to divide them up into groups and pretend all members of said group are the same/have the same experience. Basically by defining a person by all the groups they belong to, you're defining them as an individual because they're the only person who belongs to all of said groups, making them unique.ā€
  2. Lulz. That's a really fair characterization (yeah, I know it's a joke).
  3. Then why do you give a shit? Seriously. Why expend internet energy on this guy? There are scores of folks out there that say something and say nothing at once. Why focus on this guy? Why post a single interview question out of the thousands of hours on youtube? Like it or note, he is very effective voice against leftist bullshit nonsense. Thatā€™s why you post smear videos.
  4. The argument that intersectionality, when followed to its conclusion, results in individualism, was kinda glossed over. It's kinda of a big deal (though I doubt Peterson was the first to argue it). It deserves consideration.
  5. Bad_teammate, if you do not mind me asking, what's your beef with Peterson? The general message of getting your shit together, growing the hell up, taking responsibility seems to be a pretty positive one. Yeah, some far right winters might like him (he hates the left afterall), but what about his message is off putting?
  6. If racists adore Peterson, it's because they're too dumb to know his message (not too surprising really. Peterson disavows collectivist thinking consistently. It's not a secret. The alt-right likes him because Peterson loathes the far left/identity politics crowd. Enemy of my enemy and all that.....
  7. His worldview, seems to me, is that the world should organize around individuals, not identity. He calls left wing SJW-types idiots and calls alt-right white nationalists losers. He seems to say that identify politics is wrong all the way around. The question coming from tin-foil guys (Bolsheviks, Russia, the media, Jews, wtf?) is nonsensical. Thatā€™s why he canā€™t ā€œdisentangleā€ it. From what Iā€™ve seen, Peterson is high strung, super serious, and might have a touch of autism. I think he was genuinely trying to wrap his head around it. Peterson has thousands of hours of lectures on-line. The left would LOVE to find evidence of bigotry. There is none as best as I can tell. The best they can seem to find is him laughing off a bullshit question and not denouncing it forcefully enough for their liking. Equating his worldview (individual, not identity) with anti-semitism or being anti-black or saying his worldview strengthens those causes is just a bullshit smear. Equating his laughing off tin-foil guy with Trumpā€™s ā€œboth sidesā€ comment is the new post-trump Brisket (and I say that as a member of the Brisket fan club).
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