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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. ACC bitches.
  2. You say that as if it isn't a better career than any of us have.
  3. Tomorrow is going to be terrific.
  4. God I hate Texum.
  5. There are five Nolan movies I enjoyed more than Dark Knight. And four of them came after. Dunkirk isn't nonsensical. It's slow and you don't have to struggle to keep up. I fucking loved Tenet because I didn't even try to keep up.
  6. If my short list is 50, it's in there. https://www.theyshootpictures.com/21stcentury_allfilms_table.php
  7. I was actually directing all of it at you, you whiney, eye rolling fucktard.
  8. Oh I was movin'.
  9. Actually, it's just a sliver of guilt, it's well deserved, and it makes me a much stronger and prouder and critical thinker and citizen. I also don't have to lie to myself or belittle other Americans to satisfy some pathetic patriotic dick measuring contest.
  10. Miguel's father isn't Mexican. He's a Honduran living in Mexico. And I hope he is Danny Trejo.
  11. Whole season was worth it just to hear the eagle cry when hawk took off his shirt.
  12. Early on in the pandemic I was looking at infection and death rates a couple of times a day it seemed. Then I just said "fuck it", what's the point. Any particular good links with the cleanest easiest to read US and world graphs? I'm probably less interested in state and local than I am country and world.
  13. That is a good point.
  14. Given what he accomplished the arrogance is understandable. Even if you throw out his movie directing career, he did a lot. Great interview with Marc Maron (Good god, Maron is a great interviewer and PB a great interviewee). http://www.wtfpod.com/ This guy just took the bull by the horns and did shit.
  15. Just was watching True Grit yesterday. "Time gets away from us."
  16. One of the best interviews I heard of PB was when he was talking about the tragedy of the lost Magnificent Ambersons. How when Orson Welles original was screened, 90% of the viewers didn't like it and 10% thought it was the greatest movie they had ever seen. And then the studio destroyed Welles original. Guy really loved the movies.
  17. I envy you. LPS is damn beautiful. As much as I liked LPS and Paper Moon, I simply didn't get any of the other PB flicks, other than Mask, which I thought was good but have never wanted to rewatch. PB really knew his stuff and his interviews are great, as was the TCM podcast about him.
  18. Dude did okay for himself.
  19. Hell, I drove up from Dallas to Nebraska one time. That’s 850 miles. I done that in eight hours.
  20. Saw my allergist today for annual checkup. As we were finishing up I brought up the whole issue of "do you need a vaccine if you just had the virus". And she fucking W-E-N-T-O-F-T! Said the idea that an immunized person would be any more protected or less likely to pass on the virus than someone who just got the COVID, or that someone who has recently had the COVID would increase protection with an immunization is just crazy. She then jumped off of that and went into a rant about how big pharma and the CDC have made it so much harder to do the right thing, which was to immunize everyone once here, and then focus on the rest of the world getting one shot before we worried about boosters. At the very least we should have provided assistance to them in getting their folks immunized with non-Pfizer/Moderna/J&J alternatives. Very disappointed in the current CDC, which seems "more captive and less credible" every day. Doctors -- pretty confident, self-righteous dudes, on the whole.
  21. Taxi Driver. I honestly never noticed the last scene when Travis looks up into his mirror. Holy shit. After I saw that I went on line and read all the interpretations. Good stuff.
  22. Those boys come from good stock. I always find myself rooting for them.
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