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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. I'll admit to being relatively bored after the fun loving sidekick was shot in the head. So what, last two episodes? There was so much junk after that when they had the big emotional scene between Mare and the mom/wife/inlaw of all the criminals and criminal spawn, it just didn't pack any impact at all. Nor did kid going of to college, etc. Kind of ran out of people to root for.
  2. Minari (2020) I thought it a nice little film. Not really a best picture type deal. Had a tone that reminded me of The Sound of Metal, as different as those movies were. A little stressful because Arkansas.
  3. Let's all argue about our second day in Omaha. Because it's terrific juju.
  4. WTF FC Frisconsin? Fuckit, need a Mexican League team playing at the Cotton Bowl.
  5. I'll admit, and you've seen my gray hair, I can't figure this out.
  6. Hats off to the torpedo plane pilots who were on a (worse) suicide run.
  7. Of course it was disjointed. How do you get all those British sumbitches in the movie if it's not disjointed? Let alone that Polish Gene Hackman lookalike. And if you didn't care for James Fox' punching a hole speech you're a goddamn Nazi. Best musically theme ever, too.
  8. Yojimbo (1961) Easily my favorite Kurosawa samurai, mostly because the silliness works, the ensemble cast is great, and the soundtrack is out of control. Not a fan of this genre, just like I'm not a fan of Spag Westerns, but this one worked.
  9. It's baseball, so the better team wins .990 of the time?
  10. I think its a shaggy trope (if I am not misusing that). If I post the worst post of my life, then "I just posted the worst post of my life." But on this board, it is routinely "I just posted the worse post of my life." If there is some history of "worse" I am missing, I'd love to hear it. Iffn I have been overusing the word "worst", then fuck me.
  11. Absolutely (I think). Better yet, just find a Marc Ellias (isn't he the Dem who skull fucked the Repubs on the election cases) type of former prosecutor who likes to eat Republican babies for breakfast and make a show of Garland hiring him and let that person go to town on the investigation. I don't know why it has to be a special prosecutor. You don't want a bipartisan panel? Then "Fuck You" is my name. There have got to be better ways to fuck over traitors than through the most treasonous branch of government.
  12. Did you at least blast a little Athena? He's just a Slov He's a BOMB. or It's just a three It's a BOMB.
  13. I like when they beat the los pinche aggies.
  14. It has the most perfect introduction I may have ever read. Just gorgeous, emotional and compelling.
  15. Never read McMurtry, but just finished Walter Benjamin at the DQ, which to me seems like a good place to start. He certainly recommends lots of books in the essay/autobiography. One in particular about Charles Goodnight, which McMurtry claims is the best biography of a western figure. Am getting it from the library and will report.
  16. Went down to the Fitzhugh area in Dallas today and got grilled cheese in a millennial coffee shop for lunch. Damn, I think there is much pressure on millennial women. They all looked very handsome in workout pants and workout tops and hair pulled back. If you aren't crushing it as a millennial, you are s.o.l....
  17. I worked as a lifeguard in San Antonio in high school. I used to put John Hagy in timeout for being a little shit. We had no restaurant or snack bar and thus no tips but I think there were a couple of vending machines. When I was in college I worked at USAA, and not in the cafeteria, and thus there were no tips. I will not tip for dawdling service in San Antonio drinking establishments.
  18. Walter Benjamin at the DQ. I liked it. The first and only McMurtry I have ever read. He recommends a book about Charles Goodnight which he claims is the best biography of a western figure ever. May have to check that out.
  19. When I was in France with the Army, I took a look into my kit. I expected to find me a sandwich, but the darn thing was loaded with shaving cream.
  20. All the douchbag white kids I went to college with were hammered with CRT type shit for four years of undergrad and they all seemed to turn out to be upstanding wealthy douchbags white adults with nary a psychological scar related to CRT.
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