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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. Or maybe that's not even what you guys are talking about.
  2. I guess the issue is whether complaining about LatinX is a "legitimate complaint from minorities". I don't think legitimate is really a helpful word here, because I guess everyone is entitled to their own level of sensitivity. But the use of the term is neither objectively or reasonably racist. It may not be a helpful term and it may be silly, but competely understand in the context of its progenitors, latino and latina.
  3. Can't believe there wasn't a play by play on this thread last night.
  4. You ever get the feeling something is going on that you just don't have any idea about?
  5. How about getting with the team and just being really, really ambivalent about it?
  6. Get over it, fellow beaner.
  7. Another Round (2020) Didn't buy it. The idea was pretty cool, but never really set out a "conflict" -- what was at stake. The Hunt and Far From the Maddening Crowd by the same director were far better.
  8. First, second or third, it's still a sliver of tripe. Superhero posted the nemesis speech, so that overcomes this nonsense.
  9. I need to get that in the library queue then.
  10. Why would someone in Houston be a fucking Cowboys fan?
  11. All I can do as someone who is trying to get the best people elected is to avoid being shrill and try to convince the few people who might be convincable when I have a chance. Nobody likes overintellectualized jargon, and no one likes vocal fry, and no one likes Latinx, and no one likes someone misrepresenting "everyone on the right". All I can do is not be stupid in the way I communicate. It's not that complicated.
  12. https://i.imgur.com/MTbMUYR.gif
  13. I'm fine with blacks being more diverse if they choose. I'd prefer Republicans to me more intelligent and more ethical and more decent.
  14. No in all serious, Fuck this Tim Scott asshole.
  15. Tom Scott>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tim Scott
  16. Eh, they should have let that little shit Augie die. Costner was great in Mr. Brooks and especially A Perfect World. He's great in Silverado. trollI think the people that underestimate his acting are people who deep down know that his more popular movies that had some critical applause, like Field of Dreams and Dances w/Wolves, aren't all that greattroll
  17. There is no God but God.
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