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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. Two Distant Strangers. I guess I am glad I caught the first hour of the Academy Awards because I thought this was pretty good. Completely predictable yet still thought provoking and really well done. And I liked the dog.
  2. I gotta admit, I was kind of blown away by the sound on Mank, and I was hoping it would get some kind of sound award, but I actually didn't watch the show so I am not sure, but I think it did not and Sound of Metal did.
  3. "Do you have today's Pravda? I like to keep up with Russia...."
  4. Tenet won one. Fuck y'all. So far Tenet and Mank were the only ones I may remember from this year. I did like the guy with the dog on Sound of Metal but that was some shitty music Riz was playing. Would have won if it had been called The Sound of the Rabaab. (Caveat, I haven't seen the one about the Black Panther Party, which I heard was good.)
  5. White Tiger (2021) - Solid. A bit unbelievable but well done.
  6. Way behind, but watched an hour or so of The Red Shoes a few days ago. Powell and Pressburger to me seem to be the most under appreciated of all the classic directors. This flick is outstanding (I convinced my family to watch it a while back, they uniformly hated it, which means it's good). It's portrayal of the theater life seems amazingly modern and flamboyantly gay. Everything from the titles on is just pretty as hell. And Moria Shearer does redheads (and powell/pressberger crazy broads) proud.
  7. I thought the transgender laws were hard to beat for sheer hatefulness and ugliness but this does a good job of making its case for legislation that is pure evil.
  8. Jim Brockmire Podcast is pretty good -- I never saw the series so can't tell if it's overdoing the joke, but I've enjoyed the first two episodes.
  9. The Cranes Are Flying (1957) This was a really nice surprise. Allegedly the first "post Stalin", Russian New Wave movie, I thought it was really terrific. Just a simple little war story but with some really cool camerawork and terrific acting. This Tatiana Samoilova was throwing down a vibe, too.
  10. Dillon has always been fantastic. Rusty James, Nick Cage is gonna take your girl.
  11. His work with retards was something that made me stop and think there was more to him than just a great smile.
  12. That's just Frisco. Third prize is we're fired.
  13. Freedom of speech should allow you to campaign at some distance from the polls. Pretty easy for the state to establish a distance, and pretty easy for each voting location to draw a chalk line or other line to establish the distance. I worked this last election cycle and it was pretty clear where you couldn't campaign and approach voters. Many of the lines were long, and the point where you could approach voters and campaign is where you should be able to provide them with water (we had water and Halloween candy). It's absolutely moronic to pass a blanket law about providing water to people when the lines will vary and as pointed up above, given the bastard Republican cuntmanship going on, they are going to make the lines longer. You guys supporting trying to make voting harder or more unpleasant should fuck yourselves, give each other VD, and then choke yourselves to death. I mean, as long as we are trying to stay on point.
  14. At the very least you have to teach them about poor Tom Dacre and read them Bill Blake's best poem. Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy & warm; So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.
  15. For what it's worth, Sam Harris had a nice podcast from the guys who run Good Food Institute, who make the argument that vegetable based meats and genetically engineered meat will lessen the need to burn rain forest and will help the environment. I'm pretty good with impossible meat as hamburger or burrito filler, and I think I'm probably going to be a prime consumer when the cost comes down and the texture on some of the stuff gets better. Two days later heard an interesting podcast on harvesting venison in Maui for health and to further lessen the need for inefficient meat production. The markets fucked the planet over, let's see if we can channel them to help save it.
  16. Because younger people are dumb shits and are confused easily? Plus fuck their vocal fry, the little assholes. I use ellipses formally all the time when leaving out portions of statutes or legal regulations. I think they can be a nice tool to imply some space before a punchline or an idea. I use them informally when I want to convey a greater sense of trailing off in thought or time than a simple period would show. Or if one wants to state a conclusion that has a slight chance of proving to be untrue. I realize in a text message, if someone asks me how something went, I will tell them and it it with a period. If they are asking me about how a game is going and my team is winning, I will admit I'm more likely to say "Texas looks pretty good so far, but only have way through the second...." to me represents a more interesting visual to accompany the idea of not knowing how things will turn out than if I just used period. Yeah, the aggies look pretty good this year...for me to poop on. I grow old ... I grow old ... I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled. "We have never finished Hamlet, Marianne; our dear Willoughby went away before we could get through it. We will put it by, that when he comes again...But it may be months, perhaps, before THAT happens."
  17. That's pretty lazy. The key is, if you hear what appears to be a relatively decently thought out "conservative" viewpoint (the Green New Deal should be about practical scientific approaches to cutting emissions and not about labor issues/the stimulus is overkill and puts us in budgetary danger/(I'm honestly running out of potential examples, such as been the dearth of good conservative arguments in recent years) then those are the arguments that one should engage in. I'm all for contempt of ill-informed positions and encourage ignoring those. I hate it when people on this board link to some stupid ass moron's behavior or arguments that we are all made stupider by hitting the link.
  18. That was a weird typo on my part. I guess what I was trying to say is that I'm still using the titles conservative and liberal for people with some intelligence. I know there are at least couple of intelligent conservatives out there because I know them personally. I was trying to get across that if you are "guided" by Fox or Rachel Maddow, you're not going to come across as very intelligent. It's not really a both sides argument. It's simply an idea that if your purged al the Fox morons you probably would be left with a few actual conservatives, maybe even one with a conscience.
  19. I'm stilling holding that most conservatives and conservatives are have some level of critical thought and knowledge. Most loudmouth morons are "guided by" cable news opinion. Conservatives in general have been cowardly, or are in hiding, and perhaps may come out eventually.
  20. Amazing cast, if you were a teen age boy.
  21. My favorite line from a New Yorker article about Golden Gate jumpers: “I still see my hands coming off the railing,” he said. As he crossed the chord in flight, Baldwin recalls, “I instantly realized that everything in my life that I’d thought was unfixable was totally fixable—except for having just jumped.” I don't think you need a subscription. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2003/10/13/jumpers
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