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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. My professor and mentor, Dr. Leaky at MIT, said you could go blind from reading hours of literature. The opening scene in Ulysses took me many hours of literature, and I didn't realize there were three characters in the scene until the third time I read it.
  2. That's a fucking hell of an accomplished year...I didn't even learn any new songs on guitar.
  3. Assuming you or your loved one's did not get seriously ill during the pandemic, pandemic bullshit is going to pale compared to the first year of parenting bullshit.
  4. The crime of our present is that we all suffer fools far too much.
  5. Don't be stupid, read and listen critically, and realize that the rubes will be fooled. That's the cost of freedom. That, and free speech can be brutal. Get over it and let's work on climate change and nuclear proliferation.
  6. Bag of Marbles (2017) I enjoyed it, it was a beautiful movie, and that was part of the problem, the settings and the relatively "clean" violence ended up inducing a bit of guilt, in that it was too enjoyable. That shouldn't make any sense, and has more to do with other Holocaust films, but ultimately, it felt like a jaunt in the French countryside, and you just aren't pulled into the horror...
  7. Post day reaction: Progress. It reminds me of how corporations have slowly been forced to deal with their bad actors, rather than just ignoring their sexual harassment and other malfeasance. There are consequences in companies for protecting certain kinds of behavior. Not perfect justice but progress. The fact that polices officials testified against their own means that there may be less compunction about seeking out and punishing bad police behavior. It's a sign of progress. Best to remain cynical, but still.
  8. Bitter has-been user name checks out, although you were awesome in Django. It saddens me that surly is a most unfunky bunch.
  9. It's a tough world out there, but not that tough. The idea that the insularity of a Stanford or a Rice is necessarily better as to issues of race as compared to big state southern schools seems pretty counterintuitive to me. Those big states schools are interesting laboratories with lots of room (and opportunity) for change, and students would be better served (as far as race issues are concerned) going into those environments than more Stepfordy environments. Using boards of big state schools is just silly, in my opinion. Completely unrepresentative of the mission of the school or the interpersonal relationships of the students, even in A&M's case. College campuses are not necessarily representative of the communities they sit in.
  10. I love it. In three years he did Odd Man Out, Fallen Idol and Third Man. To me, Fallen Idol is the best with it's camerawork and the crazy tone -- you just don't know where it is going or how far it will go. Maybe it's because I just didn't know what to expect.
  11. Fuck the Wahlberg hate. I don't know what the dude has but he's got it. He's always fun to watch on screen. Maybe he's a terrific actor and rapper. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself.
  12. To me, every one of her roles is like watching a doll give me wood.
  13. Sorry. How it affected me? I was expecting this -- I mean, 9 and hald minutes of kneeling on someone's neck as they plead for their life is going to lead to something. I do wish, however, that those who wanted a conviction were a bit more circumspect in their comments prior to the verdict, both because I think there will be rank hypocracy in terms of the argument about appeal, and also just that people should do a better job in how they speak about a case pre verdict, because the more careful and solemn people are in terms of issues like this, the more bang a jury doing its job has.
  14. Calling conviction of a racist murderer a miscarriage of justice is "stupid shit".
  15. And my advice to RBG with all the "fuckings" he is using.... (at 1:00)
  16. Listened to the whole thing and motherfucking slorch didn't say "bootstraps" once.
  17. Gertrud (1964) This was far and away the most exciting scene in the flick. Because the broad in the painting is in her birthday suit. I thought Ordet was fantastic and Day of Wrath as well. But this guy (Carl Theo Dreyer)does move slowly, and the mannerisms can drive you mad. One learns that the white scandanavian man can take himself a bit too seriously. "Dreyer has gone from serenity to senility...Not a film, but a two-hour study of sofas and pianos." - Cinema65
  18. I once drove to Nebraska from Dallas and averaged 100 miles per hour. I was movin'.
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