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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. How about gun/motorcycle?
  2. 2nd and done with Pfizer in Sherman TX. Realizing that I may never have reason to go to Sherman TX ever again. Felt a bit loopy three hours after. Took nap. 8 hours post shot feel fine.
  3. I really did want to give all of you kids a hug. Now that I've had my covid shots.
  4. The only way you go to no deaths from guns is to ban guns. Just like you go from no deaths from automobiles by banning automobiles, and no deaths from obesity by banning forks. There is a level of deaths Americans will accepts to allow, at the very least, hunting. People need to be honest about that. Which is to say, if you number is 1, or 10 or 100, I disagree with you.
  5. It's also a race for gun owners to mumble stuff about how they are responsible gun owners, and for the rest of us to wonder if those same responsible gun owners are doing anything to further the cause of better regulation, or, like those who tacitly support Trump, shake their heads and say "I wish he wouldn't say some of the things he does". The gun debate is a cultural debate, and the problem is that the left hasn't made room for responsible gun owners and the right hasn't made room for responsible gun owners to speak up.
  6. I used personal assaults and rapes as examples of bad things that some people may want to defend themselves against. It was by no means meant as the particular reason that people should purchase guns, nor was it an argument that by increasing the number of guns in America, we would decrease rapes. Nor was it an argument that the gun increases their safety. It is an argument that people should have the right to reach their own conclusions about the risks associated with crime and protecting against such crime. Everyone knows that rapes can only be reduced if women stop dressing like hoors.
  7. They should ban cute dogs. I almost ran over a Pakistani couple in a cross walk yesterday because I was looking to my right at some minpin mix that looked like my dog.
  8. I think atomheartbevo nails it above, but I also think it will take "Democratic hunters" to come up with a theme related to the 2nd amendment that it "responsible gun owner" vs. "gun banner". If Beto had been an avid hunter he would have defeated Cruz. That being said, maybe the ship has sailed, and Dems can never win more votes than they lose by assuming the cultural mantel of responsible gun owner.
  9. Yep, that's exactly it. Can't believe what took me multiple posts you got there in two poorly capitalized sentences.
  10. Could be done by taking control of the court or eliminating the Senate.
  11. Your "deer lease gun storage proposal" would actually encourage more weapons because those caches would have to be guarded/defended. There are over a million registered hunters in Texas. How many pieces of property in Texas lease some or all of them out to deer hunters? There may be a whole lot of caches.
  12. I don't need a gun on my person. If someone kills me they kill me. I respect another's decision that they may want to protect themselves with a firearm both in their home and in the car and on their person. Personal assaults and rapes happen. I don't think it is my place to prohibit them from protecting themselves. The issue was raised about there being some number of deaths from mass shooting that might be acceptable by the American public. If we ban guns as personal protection, that will be accepting some number of assaults/murders that may have been foiled by the now prohibited weapons.
  13. I think there would be big unintended consequences from creating large stashes of rifles out in relatively undefended country locations. If a person has responsibly hunted for years and stores the weapon in their home and has transported it to whatever lease or location they are hunting, yes, I think that individual licensing is likely the safest approach. I'm open to other suggestions.
  14. Lighten up Frances. (SWIDT?) My only difference with Henry G seems to be that I'd be willing to make room for continued personal carrying with almost limitless regulations and perhaps somewhat more a hesitancy of doing away with the 2nd Amendment.
  15. I don't need one because I'm a more wiry version of Warren Oates. I just think you and your husband should have the right to decide on personal protection for you when you go to a bad neighborhood, assuming you have no criminal record and you've passed all the tests for certification.
  16. We were assailed by a random lady at the egg section. Turns out what you want is free range, and not cage free. Darker yokes.
  17. Same deal - one should be able to obtain a license to take the rifle from home to lease to home to lease. I'd rather have well licensed rifles dispersed than turn leases into armories.
  18. I'm okay with that but I'd probably favor the ability to obtain, with difficulty, a license to carry it on your person/in car.
  19. Not even close to being too much for them.
  20. ??? Blue states and red states basically all accepted deaths in order to keep the economy going. Other than perhaps having the folks at Central Market bring groceries to your car, and doing takeout, no one shut down to the level it would have taken to avoid Covid casualties. The election was the difference between being kind of cautious on the blue side vs. bat shit stupid on the red side, but no one was willing to "shut down". It's still more an issue of the vibe one puts out than actual practical differences in approach.
  21. I think you mean "bayer" drugs.
  22. Our society basically accepted half a million deaths in order to try to keep business running. It is certainly willing to accept some number of mass shooting victims/all gun deaths in order to maintain the status quo in terms of gun rights.
  23. There is a constitutional right to arm oneself to the teeth, hence, the practical need to study ways in which we can live uneasily with that right.
  24. I also wish people would focus a bit more of the utility of weapons that the simple "us vs. them" of 2nd amendment interpretation. It's understandable that people want handguns or shotguns for home protection. Rifles for hunting. There is an environmental argument for encouraging hunting. But people would rather be partisan and absolute about the issue.
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