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tantric superman

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Everything posted by tantric superman

  1. It's a young ism, full of vim and vigor.
  2. The key to good rat piss is making sure it is unpasturized and unfiltered and served cold.
  3. You hold the French and the Americans to a higher standard in terms of morals and behavior and ideals while they kill Germans, in order to maximize the chance that French and American morals and behavior and ideals remain attractive to the most people -- including the people who have already bought into those ideals.
  4. I'll have to admit to not giving a fuck about who some fundy is married to, given I don't associate with those people and suggest you guys don't either.
  5. Plus, too wordy.
  6. My experience in a corporate setting is that most people admit it, and then conclude that now that they understand it, they won't allow it to alter their decisions. The rest of the people don't have any time for it.
  7. How did you deal with the notion?
  8. We can stop it in its tracks by holding the Left to a higher standard both in how it honestly deals with issues and how it aggressively attacks the right. There is nothing remotely contradictory about using aggressive tactics while holding your elected representatives to standards of honesty. And not making stupid arguments. The idea that attacking any business that has a disproportionate representation of a certain ethic group is based on race without proof beyond the attack is a bad argument. Once additional proof is obtained (witness statements affirming a racial animus), it becomes a good argument.
  9. Yep. I was doing it wrong. 17, The Korea-Japan News Atlanta quoted A, an employee of the massage station "Gold Massage Spa" where the shooting occurred, saying that the suspect "would kill all Asians" at the time of the shooting. Mr. A was in the store at the time of the shooting, but reportedly avoided it and then told the nearby Office of Korea.
  10. Fight the power. Time to critique the left. I've always been a bit right of the surly left wing cabal. But I also hold left wing critics to a higher standard.
  11. I'm not seeing the witness report. Just this: http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2021/03/18/2021031800860.html
  12. Fellas this was embarrassing. On to baseball!
  13. That's enough for me. Thanks. Link? Because I will use it.
  14. I guess when you find those folks who are ignoring that he targeted the businesses he targeted, you should really give them a piece of your mind. Although now that you mention "go out of his way" how do you prove that? Do we assume that any criminal "goes out of his way" to do a crime? Or just this guy? Or is it distance (Woodstock, GA is 30 minutes from Atlanta. El Paso is 9.5 hours drive from the home of the El Paso shooter.)
  15. KrispyKreme<SoKronut<shipley's
  16. We discriminate against them in terms of admission to colleges and selective secondary school. Other than that, the stupidity around covid and Trumpism is making the instances of ad hoc discrimination spike. Broader discussion -- misguided and stupidly overly broad making up a big proportion of the broader discussion, highly likely.
  17. You're avoiding the question I posed. Those random shops are going to be Korean owned because Koreans have a monopoly on independent donut shops in Dallas. No problem with you considering it a possibility, but would have a big problem with you didn't factor in the fact that virtually all potential victims would be Korean. Am I looking at all angles to see if it's possible that there is a non-racial angle? Sure. It's what I usually do.
  18. Actually, Dahobbs, I went apeshit on twitter attacking a couple of commentary podcast idiots for just taking this asshole at his words that it wasn't about race, and I'm waiting for a it more evidence to go after them again. Within hours after the capitol riot, all these facebook idiots started posting pictures of Shaman Trumpster or whatever, and frankly, at the time, I was 99% sure they were wrong, but didn't want to say anything until I was absolutely sure, and that certainty came the next day. I'm just trying to be doubly sure when I throw around racism. So it's mostly just me feeling like it's bad juju to judge too quickly.
  19. You're probably not an idiot, and you probably can read, but based on this sentence, the evidence suggests otherwise.
  20. Not really, I was just defending a particular post: If I was a lunatic, and was diagnosed with diabetes because I ate donuts every day for breakfast, and I went and murdered the folks who ran five random indy donut shops in Dallas, you'd automatically conclude I had an anti-Korean animus?
  21. Just because most online discussion is moronic and jumps to conclusion doesn't mean that a thread alleging racism doesn't have a slightly higher standard.
  22. I was going to be rooting for MSU to beat them, but for you, I'll easily switch them out for UCLA.
  23. What evidence do you have that this crime would not have been committed had the massage business been staffed primarily by African Americans, or Hispanics, or Latvians, or simply represented the local diveristy?
  24. Hookah is exactly right (on his most recent post). Would it really kill you guys to wait until you have solid evidence that this is clearly race related before you pontificate? The difference between having a damn solid supposition and supporting evidence is important.
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