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Everything posted by AngryDragon

  1. Just means the 1 pick is protected for two years and then becomes unconditional.
  2. JFC... every damn yr the Mavs seem like they wing the draft and FA unless a euro is involved. They just look completely incompetent. You would blow 19 mil of your cap space on Dragic without getting anything back and do the same for a redundant Olnyk? Donnie seems like a lazy GM.
  3. Looks like it'll be a Pat Bev + one offseason. Disappointing considering how bad the FA class looks next year. Hoping that we get Brogdon or Harris but looking unlikely. I'd be ok with Boogie on a short contract plus Bev. Team would be fun to watch and compete for a playoff spot in the west next year.
  4. Absolute dog poo. First Class and Future Past were enjoyable and it felt like the franchise was on a great path. Apocalypse and this steaming turd makes me incredibly happy Marvel is taking over.
  5. Just did this trip as part of a 3 month Asia trip from Feb-April. People have covered Tokyo (lived in Seoul for 5 years and it has a very similar vibe) but I'd also really recommend Sapporo as part of a larger trip. Hokkaido has the best snow on earth during the winter and has plenty of nature/fishing during the spring/summer.
  6. For those into zombie movies, Train to Busan is probably one of the best ever made.
  7. Kyung Ri..used to be a part of a kpop group named Nine Muses. Mostly acting now I think.
  8. I think this is the route I'm going. Buy a condo in Thailand and make that a home base. Travel to the states when needed for business but spend most of time in Asia.
  9. Lived overseas after UT for 5 yrs. Has always been in the back of my head to do it again. This version of America is certainly the ugliest of my lifetime. I've generally lurked from Shaggy to Surly but have gone full on Brisket mode with this administration.
  10. I had already put a bet in for Texas plus the points. As soon as I saw this pregame I put in the same bet on the moneyline.
  11. I hope this whole story comes out and takes down anyone involved in it (including Clinton for the witch hunters out there).
  12. Clearly, you do not watch Rangers games. The Ranger fan base is still trying to recover from the case of Rhaids in that short stint as our PBP announcer. "It's a caught!" "Saddle up baseball, you're going for a ride!" - home run call. Usually came a minute or so after the ball cleared the fence because he had no idea to gauge distances. Every ball hit into the outfield was sliced. "It's time to play ball ya'll." I can't listen to him on the ticket because it gives me PTSD.
  13. Headed back to Niseko in Feb. after spending the best 5 days of powder in my life 3 years ago. I've been almost everywhere in North America minus Whistler and nothing has even come close to Japan. It's a huge trip but really needs to be a bucket list item for any serious powder hound.
  14. If he ran as a Republican he would probably get the nomination.
  15. With 600k votes left to count in AZ and the GOP trying to sue to keep those votes from being counted, is Krsyten Sinema the winner if they let those votes count?
  16. Mostly I'm realizing that the pollsters really do not know anything under today's political climate.
  17. Voted for the first time in over 20 years and in a midterm no less. Thanks a lot Trumpkins.
  18. Wonder if any of the Cowboys will take a knee after this incident. Fuck Jerry Jones.
  19. Kavanaugh's true purpose is to try to keep Trump out of legal jeopardy.
  20. In the same exact boat and this is the part of the voting population that I suspect is way bigger than currently accounted for. Decent people(who lean left and right) who realize that the Trump administration will be the biggest shit stain of our lifetime.
  21. The more I see Dershowitz spouting off nonsense the more I'm convinced he falls into the Epstein category.
  22. It's insane where things are as a country right now. Just need Trump to make some lines from Mein Kampf a party slogan and we'll come full circle.
  23. I might be super late to the party but was it widely known that the sewage Trump spews about America First were originally David Duke lines? It's no wonder the Nazis are feeling so good about the Dotard.
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