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Posts posted by AngryDragon

  1. 7 hours ago, slorch said:

    Ok,  care to substantiate how unemployment is through the roof and the economy is in the terlet?


    Don't give me any bullshit about "living wage"  for sitting on your ass/ not having any responsibility either.  Opportunity abounds for those who seek it.


    Our economy is robust and people are fighting to get in and be a part of it.



    I understand in this house, we don't say anything positive about The Donald, but holy fuck.  at least be honest.

    Just remember to thank President Obama for the economy. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I just finished watching Schindler’s List.  The part where they tried to separate families was near the end and gut wrenching.  

    Good thing Oscar Schindler said he needed those little kid hands to polish the inside of 45mm shell casings. 

    It’s a great film that should be seen at least once every 10 years so people don’t forget. 

    You'd like to think we've come so far as people after one of the worst atrocities against man in history but about 40% of Americans would become Nazis without much thought.

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  3. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    We aren’t there yet, but my wife can get Canadian or UK citizenship thanks to her parents.  

    The last 2 years have me already at that point. Have been making long term plans to live the rest of my life outside of the US.

  4. 39 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    I have tried to send George Will articles to my dad to give him something to balance out the tsunami of Fox News he consumes. My dad used to admire George Will. Now, he tells me that he's surprised that Will turned into a Democrat.


     Congratulations for having a racist for a dad! (Unless he happens to be a billionaire)

  5. Been playing all over Thailand since late January. Highly recommend it as a bucket list item for any golfer. Favorite places to play have been Red Mountain in Phuket and Chiangmai Highlands. Don't know if I can play golf without a caddie anymore.  Every round you play here requires one. Will upload pictures when I get back to the states.

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