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Everything posted by AngryDragon

  1. Thought this was pretty funny. Politician in Colleyville decides to own himself. https://twitter.com/texasquire/status/1254477142978523136?s=20
  2. They still have people traveling into the country every day. 2 week mandatory self quarantine. Government provides a quarantine kit with food and supplies when you get to your residence/address and follow up with phone calls twice a day. People caught breaking quarantine get deported.
  3. When you're kissing Trump's ass expect to get sharted on.
  4. I have no idea what Jerry is babbling out right now. Jamie Foxx? WTF.
  5. The way that the first round has fallen I expect a good DB to be there at 51. A lot of surprises from 20 on.
  6. Waiting for the promising reports about bleach and disinfectant cure in the DT thread.
  7. It's a beautiful country from everything I've been told from my friends who've visited(both US and international) and their government seems to care about its people which is always a plus. You can always learn a new language though. Trying to pick up a 3rd and 4th during this down time.
  8. When did you start writing for the Atlantic? Not quite as nihilistic as you but I'll be a Korean citizen the next time we go through this.
  9. Those 100s of thousands of lives are inconsequential considering he's saved billions of lives just by being president.
  10. Realized I didn't really answer your question earlier Here's where/how you can watch. https://mykbostats.com/wiki/Watch Live Games I'd recommend using the Naver app.
  11. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/28998585/can-us-return-sports-soon-south-korea-clues Streaming intrasquad games on youtube. 6 official exhibition games that start in 2 weeks and the official season follows after that. For any Rangers fans here...Josh Lindblom has carved out a nice career in the KBO.
  12. Baseball just started back up in Korea. I'm going to assume MLB and most of the major sports are going to be keeping a close eye on how they're handling the situation.
  13. For those missing sports baseball is starting up again....in Korea. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/28998585/can-us-return-sports-soon-south-korea-clues
  14. They're going to have to pass a 2nd relief bill before most people even get their checks.
  15. We could. Other countries already do it for limited supplies like facemasks (South Korea - they're also providing care packages for people who have to quarantine upon arriving). Our government doesn't have time for things like that when it's peak grifting season.
  16. Jesus Christ. I really don't care who the next president is as long as they promise to put these assholes in jail.
  17. The reason this strategy won't work is because Americans are obnoxiously stupid. The reason why Korea's numbers are even as high as they are is because of a cult that deliberately spread it among its members and the general public in an area called Daegu. What's the result when 40% of your country is a cult?
  18. On the flip side, Korea will be thrilled about the sudden increase of 28 million in the population. They're adept at handling pandemics but the biggest problem they have is a declining birthrate. Thanks Trump.
  19. I think he's specifically talking US deaths.
  20. Most Americans who work over there are English teachers but Jhawk could be an exception.
  21. Just to add on to this. The government there finds solutions when things do run short and implements it quickly. Masks were in high demand so they set up a system so that people each week buy masks according to the last digit of their birth year on a specific day. Limit 2 and they cost a buck.
  22. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-03-14/south-koreas-rapid-coronavirus-testing-far-ahead-of-the-u-s-could-be-a-matter-of-life-and-death This article should give you a good idea why they're so far ahead of the US in dealing with this. They started preparing for this years ago. Their measures would also never properly translate here because of the differences in cultural mentality and a general public trust in the government to do what's best for their citizens.
  23. Let me try the same test your're trying. Asia V US Japan 127 MM 2200 Korea 51 MM 9500 Taiwan 24 MM 300 Indonesia 264 MM 1200 TOTALS 466 MM 13,200 USA 330 MM 104,000 w an arrow pointed straight up. Sounds like your orange king is doing a great job.
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