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Everything posted by AngryDragon

  1. I think he's specifically talking US deaths.
  2. Most Americans who work over there are English teachers but Jhawk could be an exception.
  3. Just to add on to this. The government there finds solutions when things do run short and implements it quickly. Masks were in high demand so they set up a system so that people each week buy masks according to the last digit of their birth year on a specific day. Limit 2 and they cost a buck.
  4. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-03-14/south-koreas-rapid-coronavirus-testing-far-ahead-of-the-u-s-could-be-a-matter-of-life-and-death This article should give you a good idea why they're so far ahead of the US in dealing with this. They started preparing for this years ago. Their measures would also never properly translate here because of the differences in cultural mentality and a general public trust in the government to do what's best for their citizens.
  5. Let me try the same test your're trying. Asia V US Japan 127 MM 2200 Korea 51 MM 9500 Taiwan 24 MM 300 Indonesia 264 MM 1200 TOTALS 466 MM 13,200 USA 330 MM 104,000 w an arrow pointed straight up. Sounds like your orange king is doing a great job.
  6. Yeah realized that after checking some more recent articles.
  7. No...someone asked me where I got that number from. I read it in late Feb and was just pointing out the article.
  8. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-reinfection-explainer/explainer-coronavirus-reappears-in-discharged-patients-raising-questions-in-containment-fight-idUSKCN20M124 This was the article from late Feb. Edited because that 14% number came from a specific province. Not all of China.
  9. This is definitely not true. People have gotten reinfected at a rate of something like 14% in China from data in late Feb.
  10. Makes sense. He's much better at straight scamming people.
  11. It'd be awesome to have some decency but that seems to be in as rare as ventilators.
  12. The bill in current form has absolutely no business being passed. You're right about it being it's own little bill but that would require people in DC to do the right thing.
  13. So basically everyone in the government is on the UBI train now? Only the Dems could screw up something that one of their own was championing but could wind up giving Trump a boost in his election chances.
  14. Outside of Yang, which Democrat would actually do this?
  15. Well, at the rate things are escalating we'll have a President Yang in 2024.
  16. Just ONE time. PLEASE.
  17. Seems to be a requirement for that family.
  18. Look on the bright side fellas. We are going to have a plethora of coding coal miners soon. I don't particularly like Biden (senile) or Sanders but luckily they're running against the biggest turd living on the planet so it's an easy choice. Took an exit poll for the first time in my life and my only priority is getting the R's and Trump out of office as quickly as possible.
  19. What is it about her that reaches you, Celine? Genuinely curious. I've seen her at every debate but nothing she or Pete does inspires anything at all in me. I just expect more of the previous status quo with these two. Klob is even more of a turn off for me because she's approved Trump judges at extremely high rates. Like David, I'd only vote for her or Pete if they are the nominee.
  20. Guess I'm supporting whoever is gonna punish the hell out this current administration and then keep going from there. Knew it was over when he seriously underperformed in the debates last week.
  21. You can see "more" of her in some of her past films. The Servant Obsessed The Concubine I used to watch her in a couple of dramas and variety shows so I was pretty shocked to see her in those movies from what I saw of her personality.
  22. Would really recommend Memories of Murder (based on the true story of Korea's most infamous serial killer) and Mother. Also, if it's your first introduction into Korean film movies like I Saw the Devil, Man from Nowhere, The Chaser, A New World, Train to Busan are all great movies to watch.
  23. It's ok. The minority is just living up to his stereotype and listening passively to everyone else. Severely disappointed with Yang tonight.
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