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Everything posted by AngryDragon

  1. I think he's going to surprise a lot of folks in Iowa tomorrow and I fully expect him to grab at least a delegate tomorrow. If he doesn't his campaign will take a major step back considering how much time and money he's spent in Iowa.
  2. As much as I love Yang his words seem to indicate he won't be too harsh on this group of Republican criminals. The main problem is I see no one in this party who would and should go full witch hunt on every single on these this traitors.
  3. As someone who's done both of these options I would definitely go w the SIM at the airport option but he can actually just decide for himself once he lands in the country and tries it out. Worked great in Japan but I wound up getting a sim card in Thailand and Korea because the speeds were so slow.
  4. He's not. He has less money than Sanders and Warren but it's the narrative that the media is putting out there for him.
  5. Edited because you amended your original statement. If Luka had Dirk's shooting ability we could place him in the all time top ten today.
  6. Clearly I never said that he's the only thinking about jobs. Yang's point is that those jobs aren't coming back and they aren't. His proposal is to give Americans a base to start from and a way forward in a new economy.
  7. Yes, the dividend is in response to job automation and job loss. My earlier response was more about your particular response above. Personally, I like Bernie and I'll gladly vote for him if he's the candidate but Yang is the only one in this field who actually seems to be forward thinking and has a handle on a lot of the underlying issues.
  8. Where in that statement does that have anything to do with your statement of creating jobs/solving unemployment? That really isn't the point of the dividend.
  9. It's not supposed to solve shit as far as jobs.
  10. I actually like Warren quite a bit but I think she'd be Trump's dream opponent.
  11. This debate was by far the best to watch.
  12. Lol even Yang got in on it. I'm certainly curious about this wine cave that the billionaires congregate at.
  13. Welcome aboard. I was on the anybody but Trump train and still am (even including Corporate Robot Pete) but Yang is the only one who has me picturing a better way forward for America.
  14. But not the fundraising. He has more small donors than Bernie and has outraised Biden the past quarter and will probably smash thru 20 mil this quarter.
  15. I went to the Yang rally in Dallas. Crowd was way more diverse than I expected. Good mix of all races both female and male (skewing on the younger side for sure) and it was nice to see a ton of Asians in the crowd for a change.
  16. I know you don't take him seriously as a candidate Hugo but he's going to be around til the very end and his grassroots support is starting to show in polls even if the mainstream media doesn't necessarily cover it. Expect another uptick after tomorrow's debates. Dude has the most fervent base out of all the candidates and it shows in his fundraising.
  17. His campaign song is Return of the Mack and he rides a skateboard and looks like every other Asian kid I knew in HS. He has my vote.
  18. He has a bigger following than is being reported (and his fundraising keeps growing at a crazy pace) so I wouldn't give up hope yet. And he seems to be the only one who's getting ahead of all the issues ahead. Smart dude w a good temperament who seems willing to listen to the best ideas available regardless of political affiliations. Also Gen X and Asian so I guess for the first time in my life I can seriously relate to a candidate.
  19. I love Yang. Anyone on that stage is obviously a better choice than Trump but Yang is the only one who seems to have a handle on why Trump got elected. My money and time go to him until he fails to qualify (just don't expect that anytime soon-he's probably going to outraise Biden this quarter).
  20. Probably because it ties back to the UBI and its so practical that no one is happy.
  21. Pho Dien is the correct answer to this thread.
  22. I'm voting Yang until he's off the ballot. Then its Warren. Everyone else is just a vote against Trump.
  23. They all work in the sector of one of his biggest policy pushers (automation). Truck drivers, ff workers and retail. Anyone with eyes can see that's where the market is going. For the most part, that doesn't really apply to the Surly demo. I'd guess most of us would be on the other side of this equation.
  24. I think the only problem comes from the number of former Trump supporters who have flipped strictly to the D side for Yang. He is the only one resonating with that group and their problems which doesn't really seem to fit the Surly D demographic.
  25. I think the gimmick is the only way he has a shot. He's the only candidate who's not a politician and he isn't a celebrity like Trump was. If he keeps hanging in there he can get his other policies out there too. They all make a ton of sense to me. He doesn't have much of a chance this election but in 4-8 years maybe he will have enough cred and experience at the time to make a real run. Maybe my bar is too low but smart and decent is all I want out of a politician ( on both sides). It would be miles ahead of what 90 percent of what this current climate is.
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