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  1. This surpassed the Harden trade for me. Absolute mindbottlery.
  2. You can't sign-and-trade a free agent unless he finished the season on your team. OKC's picks, including their own and the bevy of protected FR picks, are overrated. Look at them closer. The Suns aren't giving up KD for whatever mediocre haul OKC can cobble together this offseason with the picks, even if KD demands it and PHO wants to blow it up, and OKC won't do it next offseason for a one-year rental. This was a fantasy for a few weeks. They've moved on. Maybe the Knicks.
  3. Durant has been in ring-chase mode for the past 7 seasons. It's easier to do when your market value is MLE and you're more or less fungible, but harder when you are guaranteed $105M the next two seasons at ages 36 and 37. There is no feasible way for him to land in OKC unless the Thunder give up at least one of their big three (SGA, Chet or JDub), and that is likely not going to happen. Maybe once he turns 38 and still has any fire left, he can give Presti a call. So there's that.
  4. It started when Presti poached Chip Engelland from Popovich. By reputation, he's the best shooting coach and one of the best backroom staff members to have, and pretty much turned around their shooting overnight. I've been following the Thunder since day 1 and only their 2013 team was an elite shooting team. They have usually lagged behind the other elite teams in this area and it would cost them. It's also remarkable the Thunder are elite (by SRS and MOV, two reliable predictors of postseason success BTW) despite being the worst rebounding team in the league. For around three-fourths of the regular season, they were either the worst or second-worst ORB and DRB team. They focused on it and became a little better after the All-Star break, but it is an obvious inherent disadvantage. If they make it to the Finals, they would be the worst team ever at a fundamental area of the game to do it. The other handicap is experience even though people don't like to talk about it and think talent overcomes inexperience. But experience isn't a problem until it is.
  5. It is partly because they were the best three-point shooting team in the regular season. They had ten players shoot 39% or better on 3pt. Giddey is a poor shooter, but all their other players can shoot. I think the days of OKC running out Perkins and Roberson while their stars get fatigued from trying to out-hero ball double teams appear to be over.
  6. They should hand over five picks for Markkanen. Go all in now.
  7. Shai and Chet are a lethal combo. That team might have arrived earlier than expected.
  8. And if you want to run the 9th or 10th gen Intel chip at a higher clock speed, then shell out another $80 for the AIO. We're not close to mainstream 4K/144hz ultrawide yet. And I mean 4K at 144hz with 10-bit color and no chroma subsampling or smeared texts. Acer and Asus will rush to market the first 32-inch monitors and they will be $3000+ at launch with quality control issues. It may be one year before Dell, LG, Samsung, et al. even join the fray and the prices go down to ~$1800. I've been rolling with the AW3418dw for a while now and it only makes sense for me to upgrade to 4K ultrawide. At this point, I'm more likely to stay with 1440p and go wider like the LG 38-incher or the G9 (quality control issues and all). Or just use an OLED TV.
  9. Lulz. It's likely I'll hold onto it until we get the RTX 40s, then sell it to my nephew for $100. That's life as a PC enthusiast. I'm happy I've gotten a lot out of it for two years now. I think my next upgrade will happen when we get display port 1.5 (or whatever the next generation will be) and ultrawide 4K/144hz monitors become a reality.
  10. Devastating.
  11. It's not the negging, give me a break. Negging stupid posts have been a daily occurrence since Shaggy introduced rep. I take it that's something you're used to, anyway. It's the reality that almost all of the people on your team vocally and strongly supported DJT before he got into office and for the last 3.5 years, you've had a tough time...with that. It's easier to run and hide, and bide your time until things look up and you all can come out of your caves again. Which is what many of the Surly right wingers have done. I get it.
  12. Read the last few pages. Yep. Surly right wingers have become giant gaping vags. Sad. The right used to give it as much as they think they got. These days they just want to tuck it and run. I think they'll wait it out until someone from the D is in the white house and they'll suddenly have something to say again.
  13. It ebbs and flows, in my view. I've read Hornfans when I was 13 until I joined Shaggy when I was 19. Mostly stayed out of the political boards. During the Obama years, the right wingers got in their shots in just about all the sub-forums, including movie talk, music talk, sports. These days, the turn tables. The difference is that several of the old righties don't participate anymore (and really, it's probably tough to wake up every morning and try to defend the guy in the White House), so the discussion appears to be one sided.
  14. Do whatever you want. I'm just a Sooner. The Surly right wingers have become pussies though (just an observation).
  15. So America's not great again?
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