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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. So it's your position that the WaPo fabricated the autopsy results of actual people when this would be easily verifiable? Also the judges that I have talked to in my job who investigate these deaths also all lied about the results of these weapons? They all conspired to lie about identifying these kids by their clothing and/or DNA? Deeply and sincerely, absolutely fuck you.
  2. You have continued to fail to 1) understand bail; 2) provide a reason why a defendant putting up $$ makes the community safer as opposed to actual restrictions such as restraining orders, house arrest, etc. You are just a puppet for the grifting ass cash bail industry as well as the lunatic right who screech bullshit about criminal law while simultaneously wanting criminals who are conservatives to never face a single consequence.
  3. You cry about tax dollars, then cry when something that saves tax dollars (house arrest) is implemented. Do you think bond conditions, protective orders, GPS monitors, etc., are all worthless but somehow some scumbag bail bond company putting up money makes a person safe? Do you think having money means a person isn't a threat? Robert Durst had a high bond set. Guess what? He posted it then MURDERED HIS FUCKING WIFE SHUCKS SHUCKS SHUCKS DIDN'T WORK OUT FOR THE GIRL. Bail doesn't prevent crime either, so don't act like it does. Did you cry when Chris Beard bonded out and weep for society, when he was charged with the same offenses this guy was?
  4. He was placed on house arrest and given other bond conditions. Those are quite frequently more effective in preventing recidivsm than simple monetary bond (especially since despite what the mouthbreathers believe you can't just set bond in an amount you know they can't make, and THE REPUBLICAN TEXAS LEGISLATURE has passed Art. 17.15 which requires that the defendant's personal financial situation must be considered). You've been crying in this thread about your tax dollars, so a judge did something that in most cases is effective in accomplishing the goal while not making the taxpayers cover this guy's room and board. But you don't care about any of that or your hypocrisy and just want to point out a time when it didn't work and throw shit like a zoo monkey without knowing anything about what you're talking about.
  5. Imagine being such a soulless sack of shit that you would vote for (and contribute to!) a worthless scum that voted against this bare-ass minimum legislation.
  6. Your opinion is that people out on bail only commit crimes in Harris County? Are you literally this stupid? Can you read the fucking law? Are you aware the U.S. Constitution places restrictions on bail, in addition to the restrictions imposed by the U.S. Supreme Court and the Republican Texas Legislature?
  7. So some very small measures, and even these tiny measures were voted against 33-15 by Republican senators. Yeah, the Repubs def aren't the problem at all. Funding for states to administer red flag laws, but of course all the states run by Repubs, you know, like Tennessee, the latest site of 9-year-old brains drying on school linoleum, don't have said laws because MUH RIGHTS.
  8. Stupid fuck, the laws on bail in Texas are written by the Legislature, which has been Republican for 30+ years, and almost all of those people can't legally be denied bail under those Republican laws. SO motherfucking tired of people opining on bail who literally have zero clue about the law or the purpose of bail - HINT, it is to release people from jail, not keep them in.
  9. For one, massive LOL at 15. For another, what you do with your votes and your vocal support is put people in power who refuse to do anything to keep deadly weapons out of those "15" people's hands so that they can stop exploding the brains of 9 year old kids all over the floor and their motherfucking classmates, because making sure your taxes don't pay for meals for poor kids and being able to PEW PEW PEW is more important to you.
  10. People are so impossibly stupid. Yep, rather than a lighting/compression difference in different shots, instead what happened was this was all fabricated, the city of Nashville doesn’t actually exist, and the whole shebang got exposed because the THEY in charge had the lead actor change shoes in the middle of the filming for reasons. Literally anyone who thinks this should kill themselves and stop Idiocracying the gene pool.
  11. Not to mention that these people had just stepped over a 9 year old with their brains exploded onto the floor and her pink jacket 4 minutes prior, so if that earns an extra trigger squeeze or two, cest la vie.
  12. I would have to bow down to this truly truly elite level trolling had that happened.
  13. Wanted to give a shoutout to Wulaw and his team. I had posted here bitching about a stupid position I had gotten myself into with an ARM and complacency. He reached out with some options, and made one happen that definitely will save me some money over where I was, and the process was super quick and easy and hassle-free. Do recommend!
  14. It seems like FFUSARO1 can pick SDSU and if they win, they win the contest, and if FAU wins, y'all would tie.
  15. Hi have aisle tickets in Orchestra row U at Paramount for tonight March 24. I had to go to Miami and don’t want them to go to waste. I paid $120. First come first served to anyone who will use them, pay whatever you want.
  16. Anyone want these for free? Just don’t want them to go to waste.
  17. Someone already took them so at least one team won’t.
  18. Haha the old "fuck this guy he can't call - oh shit he called" move, I know that one well.
  19. Agree with the caveat that with the knowledge gained in this hand, it’s much closer. MP is just hemorrhaging equity into the pot.
  20. Why did you think results orientedly you should have done anything different on 99? BB had trips yes? Def note that MP is a stone moron jamming no pair no draw with no fold equity into two players, one of whom bet pot and the other hasn’t acted yet.
  21. Bump if anyone is interested in these two tickets!
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