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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. I want them to be able afford it, but I want to make it difficult. What we’re doing isn’t working. 

    So you think every murder defendant can afford your minimum bail of $1 million. I see. You are super honest and intellectually consistent. No notes.
    • Haha 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Poe It Up said:

    The higher the bail means less of these murderers get out into the community. As far as a number, I wouldn’t go below one million. 

    It is literally illegal and unconstitutional to set bail in an amount specifically designed so the defendant can't post it. It is literally illegal and unconstitutional to set bail without considering the defendant's financial ability to make bail. So you have no frame of reference here, Donny. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie.

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  3. Whatever you do regarding the justice system, I pray to God it’s in Oklahoma and not near me. 

    I have bad news for you. But which words in that post which are literally all factual do you have a problem with? Why don’t you support the Republican Texas Lege and why do you want judges to violate the Texas and US Constitutions?
  4. 8 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

    Yeppers, and that’s a shame. We’re definitely too lenient these days. 

    This has literally always been the case. The Texas capital murder statute has been changed three times in 20 years, and all 3 times slightly increased the type of cases that are capital murder. How many fucking times do you have to have things pointed out to you before you realize that none of this has shit all to do with woke libs, Harris County, or "these days" and that you have less than zero grasp or understanding of the criminal justice system, particularly pretrial procedure? Goddamn, the fucking facts are easily accessible if you can move beyond the Level 1 BROWN PEOPLE fearmongering that people like you eat up like opium-laced butter brickle ice cream. 

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

    I thought we were discussing murder, it’s going to be more difficult not to bond that piece of shit for a lesser crime. I’d make him pay as much of his blood money as I could I suppose. 

    And I'm sure that you are aware (not really) that the vast majority of murder offenses are not capital offenses, yes?

  6. 48 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

    Not for capitol offenses. He’s obviously a danger to society, I wouldn’t shed a tear for him. 

    In my example, I didn't say the gang leader was charged with a capital (or capitol) offense. You said that you would NEVER bail out a gang leader. So a gang leader charged with non-capital murder is safe to release because he has the money to post a high bail in your opinion?  Rich people are safe to release, regardless of their history and crime, but poor people are not?

  7. Just now, Poe It Up said:

    I get accused of looking in the mirror far too much already. As to your second point: setting higher bail is definitely the way to go. 35 for a murder? Way to go judge. 

    YGIFS, I have no idea what you did or didn’t argue. Between the 15 people I’m talking to and the 3 day suspension for, well I’m still trying to find out, it’s all running together. Still, Fox news isn’t on my radar. ABC 13 is more local and full of murderers out on bond. It’s fascinating. 

    So the leader of a drug gang who is charged with murder and can easily post cash for his bail is safe to be on the streets because he has money? In fact, bond conditions such as GPS monitoring are much more likely deterrents of future criminal activity. Did they work in this specific case? No. Does that mean they never work or shouldn't be implemented? Also no. Nothing works 100% of the time beyond locking up every single person accused of a crime until their trial which might be years into the future. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

    “Womack’s bond was set at $30,000.” Did you even read the article? My issue with the article isn’t the type of bond, it’s how easy it is to get out and murder again. 

    This is what the article ACTUALLY says "Womack's bond for the 2021 murder charge was set at $35,000."

    That isn't $30k. Also you said it was LOWERED to 30k, and this says SET AT 35k. So other than the actual action, type of bond, and amount set, you fuckin nailed it brah.

    • Haha 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

    The point was that Harris County has turnstiles for jails. The focus on the type of bond and spelling are understandable deflections, as arguing for more leniency for these felons is a tough sell. 

    Who exactly was it that brought a focus on specific types of bond into this thread? Who was that who started spouting shit about things he literally does not understand? Who is it that has no idea when or if a person can be denied bond? Look in the fucking mirror dude.

    Also, is it your contention that "having money" is a valid predictor on if someone will commit a violent offense, or no? Why don't you go watch The Jinx and get back to the adults on that one too. 

    • Haha 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

    It wasn’t a PR bond. It was lowered to 30 grand after this piece of shit was arrested for capitol murder. That’s Harris county for you. 

    Neither of them had a 30K bond. Please explain why you said "PR bonds" and I said "Can't get personal bonds (much less PR bonds) for violent offense" and you responded "Bullshit" and linked a story where the people charged with violent offenses did not, in fact, get either personal or PR bonds. 

    "These guys eat pizza seven nights a week!"
    "That's not true, we only eat pizza on Wednesdays"
    "Bullshit! Here's a picture of you eating a hamburger"

    • Like 1
  11. Yeah the multiple guys for one stud makes sense only if you have a stud and then pure trash and the benches are deep enough that waiver wire doesn’t have help. So you’d be better off going 15-10-10 than 20-5-5.

    But almost always the offers are like this where they just want to improve their team drastically and expect you to be totally ignorant.

  12. The most annoying thing is that the Republican base is so fucking stupid and racist that they read "migrants" as meaning illegals, when in fact our taxpayer money is being used to ship people who are 100% legally here across the country, who could have been working in the workforce here in Texas instead, just as a political stunt. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  13. I'm using this as the complain thread.  Has anyone successfully gotten food from the Wendy's on Crystal Falls in Leander?  I've been there three times in the past two weeks and left without food every time.  I went there at 11 am, 11:30 am and 5 pm and the inside was locked every time.  Drive through only.  Could never get food from the drive through because the wait exceeded twenty minutes.  After my brother texted me today to say he couldn't get food there, I googled the location and...holy shit.  It's thousands of one star reviews for the same shit.  How the fuck is this particular location in business?

    I ordered a carryout order at Wendy’s in Hutto and same shit, inside was locked. Uh. So go through drive thru, 20 min wait, they give me the wrong food. Now there are even more cars in the drive thru and can’t go inside to exchange. Rage.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. No. You stop lowering the cost of bonds in violent offenses and you should absolutely never let them bond out of multiple felonies, which I can’t believe even happens, but here we are somehow. Harris county makes it very easy for these criminals to hurt more people. 

    The Texas Constitution doesn’t allow denial of bond simply for multiple felony charges, muppet. Has nothing to do with Harris Fucking County.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  15. Oh, they’ll prosecute them. Of course, it takes 5 years and multiple PR bonds so they can terrorize other communities until then. 

    This is 100% lie, personal bond (much less PR bond) not allowed on violent offense. You don’t understand how bail works or what its purpose is and just regurgitate the moron right wing muppet alarms.
    • Hook 'Em 4
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  16. 7 hours ago, Baboontyme said:

    Mostly on board with you. Guy with Saquon and Kelce has already told us he's keeping one of them just not sure who. I can guarandamntee that Saquon, Kamara and Javonte Williams will go on the market for more than they could be kept for but that doesn't mean that there's value there. 


    ehhhhhh.  Your data says $40 means need to be a top 11 RB.  Saquon ranked RB20 right now on FantasyPros, RB 20 minus keepers is $26 on your chart. For Javonte, $35 requires a top 16 RB, and Javonte is RB 21 on FP.  You didn't list Kamara in your OP so I dunno about that one. 

    • Like 1
  17. ahhhhhh, that's a very unusual setup. my keeper league you add $5 or 10% to the previous year's value, whichever is higher. Given that setup, and your values posted, I'd go:

    Team 1: None

    Team 2: None

    Team 3: Jefferson

    Team 4: Cook

    Team 5: close, prob slight lean Davante, esp given if the same guy gets CMC-fucked 3 years in a row, his brain may explode

    • Like 1
  18. what does the historical data look like for your league as far as top tier and next tier guys?

    In my auction league, the top RBs press 70, with usualy 3-4 more in the 60s and 4-5 more in the 50s. So obv in that environment, there are some solid values on the board. If your league is a bit flatter, maybe not. 

  19. JM did cheesy squash, not grits.  And it was the tits.

    True on both accounts. I should have added clarity. Also after smashing my leftovers I think “mid” was somewhat unfair for the sausage. It wasn’t as good as the other meats but they were all great. Sausage does have a nice pepper heat kinda like John M did. The casing did the annoying thing where it peels instead of snaps and I think I unduly penalized. Solid B.
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