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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. 50/50 either you get there or you don't.
  2. yeah just never folding given the huge chance that the newbs are putting lots of money in quite foolishly
  3. Chili Cheese Burger slammed and went hard. Strong recommendation.
  4. Hit up the True Texas BBQ in the Marble Falls HEB today. Pretty damn good! Isn’t Goldees or Truth obv but quite good. On left is the Texas Torpedo which is a sausage wrapped jalapeño stuffed with brisket and cream cheese. The jalapeño was hot! In back is green chile cheddar cornbread with honey butter which slapped. Brisket beans and Mac n Cheese were both very good. Brisket itself had good texture and really good flavor. Would def eat again.
  5. Waller is pretty useless in a league that you don’t specifically have to play a TE.
  6. The Dock which is home to Fernie's, is in the Embarcadero building, along with another food stand. We have spent many a post-game time sitting in The Dock noshing some snacks, watching some other games, and mixing in the occasional power snooze.
  7. I mean, why if she knows the cards/runouts would she have gotten it in on previous hands drawing literally dead? Just to set up her BIG MOMENT of getting it in with 47% equity, and also agreeing to run it twice, so whatever cheat she has would have to know the second card after the natural river? It just makes no logical sense whatsoever. My best guess is she has some sort of read/tell on Garrett when he's bluffing/semi-bluffing and obviously doesn't want to say that and give it away, so comes up with other nonsense. My second-best guess is she just decided "he doesn't have anything, I'm tired of him running over me/the table" and called without pondering the equity of her nothing. I've seen plenty of players call in spots saying "I didn't think he had anything" or "I thought he was bluffing" when they literally can't even beat a bluff. My THIRD-best guess is she was remembering the J3 hand she had the literal hand before. She said when she was looking back she was checking to see if the J was a club. I just can't find any reason to have an amazing elaborate cheating system set up and you only use it to get in on the slightly bad side of a coinflip.
  8. 2x defending champs in my dynasty league, started 0-3, playing the by far worst team in league and gonna lose again bc he is starting Geno, Burkhead, Robert Woods in 10 team league and also has Philly D. So absolutely dumb. He got 42 from fucking Geno!
  9. Most leagues/settings won't allow someone to add/drop in the same FA period to lock a player. Otherwise teams could just go in and pick up all the QBs or defenses or whatever and freeze the whole wire.
  10. It’s easy! The “lock everyone up til trial, if we even need one” only applies to brown criminals, not white patriots. For example, see how even a search warrant on a white patriot is surely example of the justice system run amok. And then the “guns always for everyone” part only applies to white patriots like Kyle Rittenhouse.
  11. You said you want murderers to be able to afford their bail you woke lib so I’m just trying to figure out the info on how they all have a milly laying around.
  12. So you think every murder defendant can afford your minimum bail of $1 million. I see. You are super honest and intellectually consistent. No notes.
  13. It is literally illegal and unconstitutional to set bail in an amount specifically designed so the defendant can't post it. It is literally illegal and unconstitutional to set bail without considering the defendant's financial ability to make bail. So you have no frame of reference here, Donny. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie.
  14. I have bad news for you. But which words in that post which are literally all factual do you have a problem with? Why don’t you support the Republican Texas Lege and why do you want judges to violate the Texas and US Constitutions?
  15. This has literally always been the case. The Texas capital murder statute has been changed three times in 20 years, and all 3 times slightly increased the type of cases that are capital murder. How many fucking times do you have to have things pointed out to you before you realize that none of this has shit all to do with woke libs, Harris County, or "these days" and that you have less than zero grasp or understanding of the criminal justice system, particularly pretrial procedure? Goddamn, the fucking facts are easily accessible if you can move beyond the Level 1 BROWN PEOPLE fearmongering that people like you eat up like opium-laced butter brickle ice cream.
  16. And I'm sure that you are aware (not really) that the vast majority of murder offenses are not capital offenses, yes?
  17. The one at Resorts World is cool, and I really enjoy the food hall at Cosmo for quick, good, strip-inexpensive options.
  18. In my example, I didn't say the gang leader was charged with a capital (or capitol) offense. You said that you would NEVER bail out a gang leader. So a gang leader charged with non-capital murder is safe to release because he has the money to post a high bail in your opinion? Rich people are safe to release, regardless of their history and crime, but poor people are not?
  19. Well, doofus, the Texas and United States Constitution require it, so now what?
  20. So the leader of a drug gang who is charged with murder and can easily post cash for his bail is safe to be on the streets because he has money? In fact, bond conditions such as GPS monitoring are much more likely deterrents of future criminal activity. Did they work in this specific case? No. Does that mean they never work or shouldn't be implemented? Also no. Nothing works 100% of the time beyond locking up every single person accused of a crime until their trial which might be years into the future.
  21. This is what the article ACTUALLY says "Womack's bond for the 2021 murder charge was set at $35,000." That isn't $30k. Also you said it was LOWERED to 30k, and this says SET AT 35k. So other than the actual action, type of bond, and amount set, you fuckin nailed it brah.
  22. Who exactly was it that brought a focus on specific types of bond into this thread? Who was that who started spouting shit about things he literally does not understand? Who is it that has no idea when or if a person can be denied bond? Look in the fucking mirror dude. Also, is it your contention that "having money" is a valid predictor on if someone will commit a violent offense, or no? Why don't you go watch The Jinx and get back to the adults on that one too.
  23. Neither of them had a 30K bond. Please explain why you said "PR bonds" and I said "Can't get personal bonds (much less PR bonds) for violent offense" and you responded "Bullshit" and linked a story where the people charged with violent offenses did not, in fact, get either personal or PR bonds. "These guys eat pizza seven nights a week!" "That's not true, we only eat pizza on Wednesdays" "Bullshit! Here's a picture of you eating a hamburger"
  24. So were those personal bonds or PR bonds? No???? So you fucking lied????? Learn how the law works or shut the fuck up.
  25. Yeah the multiple guys for one stud makes sense only if you have a stud and then pure trash and the benches are deep enough that waiver wire doesn’t have help. So you’d be better off going 15-10-10 than 20-5-5. But almost always the offers are like this where they just want to improve their team drastically and expect you to be totally ignorant.
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