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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. On 7/20/2022 at 3:25 PM, FirstTimeCaller said:

    Actually had this thought with the Indiana situation.

    Shooter in a mall. GGWAG pulls it and starts blasting. In the scene, he ends up hitting the shooter, but also blasts a couple of people behind the shooter.

    Or shooter in a mall, GGWAG mistakes a person for the shooter and fires (i.e. the officer in Uvalde who they said had a bead on the shooter before he entered, but it turned out to be a coach). 

    Just seems like it could get real messy, real easy.

    Or GGWAG pull out gun and starts chasing down shooter, police arrive and assume GGWAG is the actual criminal and murk him (let's pretend for this thought exercise that the police wouldn't run and hide in the Orange Julius). 

  2. I’ve purposefully avoided watching any of the video.
    But KVUE just showed several excerpts, including officers running away from the gunfire. Including what looked to be 30-40 officers milling in the hallway, cringing when they heard the murderer shoot more, slaughtering more children on the other side of the wall. Not a single one ran to intervene, to break into that room and do whatever it took to stop children from being slaughtered.
    I cried. I yelled at the TV “you’re running fucking backwards you fucking cowards!”
    I have based my opinions up to now on what I have read. Now I have seen.
    Every officer standing in that hallway should kill himself. Now. Tonight. Without further delay. They are not worthy to still walk this earth.

    You know how they have those rage rooms where you can go and beat the shit out of stuff with like bats and the like? The kids’ families should get to do that but with those cops and let’s throw in Cruz, Abbott, and the rest of the murder enablers.
    • Hook 'Em 4
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  3. 17 minutes ago, Lurch said:

    Yeah I was kind of stuck on if I wanted LJ in the hand. I ended up jamming and he folded pretty quick. BB tank called w AA. I didn’t get there, but I was favored on the flop

    It's pretty close. Obv the biggest advantage is him folding bigger flush draws. But if he's as sticky as you say, we are also cool with him folding hands like 97s or 54s. Also rather he folds something like 99 if BB actually folds whatever he has. Given that BB called, we would rather have the 99 in since we won't win unless we also improve past 99 (obv very rarely we could improve but 99 beats us on like a 6-9 or 9d-board pair runout). 

  4. I'd jam relatively happily, we can't ever fold with SPR of 2, since literally no hand has us in awful shape (we have 31% vs 88, which is the worst hand we can see), but we also don't have massive showdown value currently, so might as well maximize our fold equity. BB prob not folding overpair, but it's not exactly 0%. If we ever get LJ to fold a bigger flush draw to clean up our outs against BB, that's pretty sweet also (doubt he's folding NFD, but might cryfold something like KQdd or KJdd, since getting it in vs nut flush draw is calamity.)  

    I don't think any option is horrific other than fold.  Jam >> Call >>>>> Minraise >>>>........>>>>>>>...>> Fold

  5. I responded to someone who said if they take the house next term it's over.  well technically gridlock the next 2 years is something. and I think if I'm betting on the next 30, I don't think the Republicans have the WH for 30 straight so at least that alone brings some gridlock.  The important point is I don't think the Dems see a sweep of the WH and both houses of Congress much if ever after this 2 year stint.

    There aren’t gonna be elections during those 30 years, at least not as we understand them. Christofascist authoritarians out front shoulda told ya.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Pretty much seen everything and played craps everywhere downtown and on the Strip over many years. We want to venture off the beaten path on our trip next month. Not way off the beaten path but within, say, 5-10 miles of the Strip.  Recommendations appreciated.  

    We ate at a great place last trip called Mama Bird. Off Cactus a few miles west of I-15. Close to South Point and M. Southern menu with cool variety of mules and old fashioned, breakfast til 3p. Highly recommend.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. Are they more fun?  Sure in that you are playing the lotto with much, much better odds.  

    Sooner - do you have a ballpark figure of your tournament hourly rate?  I know you've won the OK tourny and have a solid number of results.  Even with a few big scores under your belt - I would be really interested to hear how you come out on an hourly basis if you have a clue?  
    I just can't get past the frustration of playing a tournament for 8+ hours and then min cashing.  I guess I just haven't won enough big tournament scores to continue to want to play tourneys.

    I don’t have a clue at my hourly, no. And I certainly don’t claim that tourny > cash for everyone.

    For me, I like the aspects of:
    1) it’s a competition with sunk costs and set parameters.
    2) I have a hard time ending a cash session bc there is almost always someone there who is trying to give away their chips
    3) it just feels like every single cash session for me is fold 2 hours, see a flop and miss, fold 2 hours, get coolered/outdrawn, rebuy, repeat.
    4) I feel much stronger at tourny fundamentals than cash
    5) chance at winning many times the investment

    I have no doubt that for lots of players, cash is more fun and/or more profitable than tourneys.
  8. I seriously can’t take anyone serious who is advocating for Biden to give up THE greatest advantage he has - incumbency.

    It’s not happening.

    Remember this when DeSantis wins over an unpopular bowl of wet bran flakes that would be EIGHTY GODDAMN SIX at the end of the next term.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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    • Rage+1 2
  9. On 7/3/2022 at 10:37 AM, Hermanator said:

    Would this be suitable for 17 yr and 14 yr old girls? Just normal kids not hyper religious or anything. Also is there any nudity/sex as the wife still fast forwards non nudity sex scenes in Netflix shows even if only with the 17 yr old. 

    I took my 15 and 12 year old daughters. They enjoyed it. They like horror movies, definitely wouldn't break someone in on this one. Definitely lots of intensity, including some non-sexual child abuse. 

    I thought the movie was great, esp Ethan Hawke. 

  10. Yeah from a range perspective he’s ahead on the flop and perhaps that was his reasoning

    Maybe. Are you betting 75% pot here with everything you open or just stuff with good equity or just stuff with good equity and terrible equity?
  11. I think his flop call is absurdly loose and if he’s calling things like that he has enough airballs that must bluff river after you check back the 4-straight, 3-flush turn. In addition to airballs he might be turning hands like 75, 76, 65 into a bluff since they are close to worthless now and need to you to fold hands like JJ etc.

    Pre is also terrible for him. I was thinking he was BB which would be defensible.

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