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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. I feel like at least half and likely more of low stakes cash players are calling QJ on JT9 even monotone. Whether they should obv is up for debate and in many cases should not. Limp-call QJo UTG is way worse than any other decision he made in the hand.

  2. In one hour of poker I:

    Lost a hand for 2x average stack in a tourney with 500k up top with KK to AT on T43hh all in. Turn Ah gives me flush draw redraw but nope.

    Lose AA to K9 in a 3bet pre pot on 666 flop to running kings.

    Run KK into AA (luckily fold pre bc lol opponents lol poker lol my life)

  3. Since privacy is gone… how fast could Biden and co require a national gun registration?? They should also go ahead and mandate ALL vaccines for any pandemic type diseases (polio, small pox, etc). If we are going authoritarian, fuck it, let’s go. Rip the bandaid off and get rolling. This death by a 1000 cuts is tiring.

    I mean, reproductive rights and medical privacy no longer exist so yes the govt will be coming to forcibly vaccinate every citizen. Also every male will get a mandatory vasectomy at 13th birthday and can only get it reversed upon a showing of good cause. If you get it reversed, you get a card stating so. You must show it to your partner every time before sex so they know you’re fertile. Life sentence if you don’t.

    Every one of theses is legal and constitutional under the Alito opinion.
    • Like 1
  4. Excellent thank you.

    I’ve not been considering pot size, per se, when making these bet sizing decisions. I think my most typical approach is 3x the current bet, and perhaps an extra unit or two depending on how many callers there were.

    When I saw your post, my gut said 2400 was a good number so the folds weren’t surprising. I wasn’t sure if that’s what you were trying to do, but it sounds like you wanted a caller, and priced up due to table and none of them turned out strong enough to find a call.

    A common heuristic I had seen for 3b size is 2.5x if in position and 3.5x out of position. And yeah then spiced up a bit for every caller in between. That also squares roughly with my guideposts I mentioned.

    I def think I get 3 calls with 2400. So then the question becomes did I charge them enough equity to now play a 4 way pot out of position with TT, where I won’t love most flops? Not saying the answer to that question is certainly no, but that would be my concern with smaller sizing. Then on the flip side if I go too big, then I start just isolating myself against their monster hands and folding out everything I beat which also obv sucks. It’s def an art for sure, and imperfect.
    • Like 1

  5. I’m interested in your thought process on determining raise size in this situation.

    I’ll hang up and listen

    It’s going to vary some based on opp tendencies, my image, my range, positions, remaining stack depths, etc.

    Here when it gets to me there is 3000 in the pot and 500 for me to call. Folding is obv right out. The opener was a frequent opener and the callers were fairly loose callers. I’m way ahead of their ranges so I am def gonna raise.

    A pot-sized raise is to 4300. A half-pot raise is to 2500. I would say I’m generally going to be between those parameters barring something fairly out of the ordinary.

    Factors that support going to the high end: I am way ahead of ranges; callers are loose and may call the 3b wide; out of position so favor ending hand or limiting opponents

    Factors that support going smaller: I’m out of position; I’ve been folding for an hour so opponents may tighten up to a reraise esp a large one; I’m OOP and unlikely to get all folds with these opp so avoiding bloating pot is good.

    I think the most critical one is how far ahead of their ranges I am, so I elected to go a bit larger than 3/4 pot. I did consider 4k strongly.
    • Like 1
  6. 32 minutes ago, CBT said:


    I'm actually just calling here. He could be bluffing a missed draw in which case call = jam. What hands is he betting for value and calling a jam with as a "solid reg" that we beat? 99 exactly? I don't think a solid reg is calling jam on river with straight on a 3-flush paired board, esp since the board is 4-straight. Mayyyybe if he had AK since he beats all kings (but would we evvvvvvvvvver jam a bare king on this river?) but he's very unlikely to have AK since he limp/call pre. I guess the big question is what he does with a flush. I think he would certainly fold all non-nut flushes. Will he call with ace high flush? What are we raising pre, betting flop, checking turn, jamming over a river bet that loses to ace high flush here? Keep in mind ace high flush is the 3rd best clubs combo available, 4th best if he thinks we can have Q8cc, which would be an ambitious iso. 

    We lose to JT, J9, QJ, KQcc, 87cc which are all squarely in limp/call range. We also lose to QQ/JJ though those are obv not very likely with limp/call pre. 

    So I think jamming just folds out his bluffs and thin value hands and dunks us when he has us coolered, unless we are sure he stacks off with flush. Obv can't fold, but just don't see value in a jam against a good player. Against a moron, yes. 

    Flying to Vegas today for a week+ of poker, LFGGGGGGGGGGG. BTuckPoker on Twitter for anyone who wants to follow along with hand and chip count minutia. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. Is the Country Tavern in Kilgore not a thing anymore? Granted, it was 20 years ago, but a big plate of their ribs and an icy schooner of beer was a damn good cap off to a day back then.

    I went to Tavern a few months ago, still great. If you do Stanley’s @jimmyjazz go with the MotherClucker sammich, ribs mushy there now.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. So we need to call 11 BB to win a total pot of 24 so we need 11/24 equity, or 45.8%.  

    Against a range of all pairs, all suited aces, A8o+, KQ, KJs, QJs we have 45.4%. Give him all aces and all broadway combos and we are up to 49.4%. 

    If you take out AA and KK in the first range, we are up to 47% (since he might raise small or limp to trap with those). 

    So it's a pretty close decision, dependent heavily on his exact range and your opponent tendencies, ease of steal, etc., but almost certainly not a big mistake to call. 

    Were payouts 50-30-20? 

  9. With a BB ante I would def call since we are getting a good price and also our price per round is way higher. Here it’s closer for sure since the pot odds are less good and we can see more hands to get the proverbial better spot.

    I’d def jam it over a standard open. I’d def call if he’s jamming K2s and K3s. I’d def fold if they play too tight shorthanded and you can easily steal or if button is terrible. Def calling 66+.

    Used to making decisions with the ante, need to run some no ante numbers later to double check instincts here tho.

  10. You're in a NLH sit and go, been playing a couple hours, and it's down to three handed. Blinds are going up quickly. No ante.
    The guy on your right is a good LAG player. He's been very aggressive, but every time he's been called he's had it.
    You have a 12 BB stack in the Big Blind. LAG is the big stack. Button folds, and the LAG shoves.
    What do you do with pocket fours?

    Paying 1, 2, or 3 spots? Stack of button? Rough number of blinds in LAG stack?
  11. There is no legislation that can be passed today that will prevent mass murder. These psychopaths will use a van full of fertilizer or a truck on a busy street or block exits and set buildings on fire. They plan this shit out. 
    Banning semi-autos or whatever you think needs done is likely unconstitutional. Even if you think it's not, today's courts sure as shit will find it unconstitutional. If the 9th circuit can't vote to raise the age of AR15 ownership to 21, the SCOTUS sure as fuck won't ban them. Repealing the 2nd amendment isn't happening any time soon. Come to terms with the reality of the legal situation. 
    This handshake agreement in the Senate, if put into law, will be far more successful than the superficial '94 AWB... And it won't get struck down by the SCOTUS... IF they get the details right. Pay attention to the definition of boyfriend, for instance. 

    For one, no one thinks anything will PREVENT murder but we sure as shit would like to REDUCE murder.

    For two, dipshit high school dropouts don’t get pissy when granny is bitching about the phone bill and impulsively *checks notes* construct an ammonium nitrate bomb to harm her then whip up another one real quick to blow up a school.
    • Hook 'Em 4
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  12. A bunch of drag queens put on a show, during the day, with no alcohol, for a bunch of kids that can identify with it. It was supposed to be an affirming fun time for gay kids, and for those that wanted, they were going to get to walk the runway during the event. 
    But then these assholes showed up to protest.  The level of vitriol that came from the protestors, with them yelling obscenities, recording and publishing videos with these children and their parents without consent, with the protestors entering the venue and trying to raise a ruckus both inside and outside as it was happening.  It just makes my heart hurt.  I would've killed to have parents that were supportive like that when I was a 12 year old, and the parents are being accosted for it.  And the kids, the kids are being traumatized by grown ass men yelling at them about how they are sinners and wrong.  
    I mean, let's say you are walking down the street with your kid and someone on a bullhorn starts shouting at you, and they shout, "I just have one question, why do you want to put an axe wound in between your son's legs?"  What do you do with that?  
    Apparently there is some "comedian" who was the ringleader.  I don't know who Alex Stein is.  I've never seen his act.  But I will never see it now.  I'm not interested in people who would do these types of things to children.
    I just wish they'd get as upset about kids getting killed in schools as they do about kids going to a drag show.

    I just wish the protestors families were submitting DNA samples to identify the protestors.
  13. 9 hours ago, Hook1997 said:

    So Cody Rhodes wrestled at the ppv tonight with a torn peck and not a fast match, shit was like 30 minutes.  Haven’t watched much in a while but saw a bleacher report notification and decided to check it out. His whole side, chest, arm, rib area bruised to hell.  It was a very impressive performance with that limitation. 

    This was insane. Including taking a solid weight belt shot right across the chest. My brother had torn his pec and said literally every time he engaged that side of his body it felt like daggers. 

  14. How can we outlaw bazookas then? Can they not be used in self defense?

    Or tanks or surface to air missiles or tactical nukes? How do we stop 5 year olds and violent felons from buying guns? The NO RESTRICTIONS!!!! crowd happily ignores the multiple restrictions that already exist just like the MASKS ARE TYRANNY crowd ignored the 50000 other laws on the books they have to comply with.

    Was having to look up a county judge for work and on his Facebook he had a I AINT IMPOSING COVID RESTRICTIONS and plenty of people were like yeah damn right. His previous post was imposing a burn ban and amazingly no one was screeching or crying about how the government can’t tell them what to do and why can’t people decide for themselves and they don’t live in FEAR and if you don’t wanna burn things STAY HOME.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Gourmand said:

    And yet in the State of Texas, a bartender or server who makes the typical $2.13 hourly wage can be held criminally and civilly liable for the actions of a third party patron who drinks and drives and kills someone. 

    And that business gets safe harbor protection if the employee has TABC training up to date. 

    And an Uber driver who takes someone who is seven weeks pregnant to Planned Parenthood to get an abortion can be civilly sued by random strangers for $10,000!

    • Rage+1 2
  16. Folding the 22 here b/c we are never way ahead and have zero fold equity.  I'd jam over the raise a bit wider than Lurch describes, but it depends on how active the chip leader has been. 

    I agree with Lurch's range for jamming from button if folded to you. Prob adding in suited kings and maybe suited queens, again depending a bit on the players in the blinds. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. Crazy. I actually have two AR15 rifles and an AR10. The AR10 is a long range rifle. All 3 guns have never, ever, jumped out of my gun safe and killed people.

    Also, my grandfather was killed before I knew him. Killed by a drunk driver in 1970. I never got to fish with him, or go to a Texas game with him ( he was there which is why I am a diehard). I don’t want cars outlawed. It’s not the cars fault.

    OK. Would you perhaps feel differently if literally the only use of a car was to kill people? Instead that is a tangential result extremely rare per number of uses AND FUCKING YET using them requires training, a license, insurance, registration, and significant regulation, all things that you and yours have dragged your feet and screamed about for something that only has killing as a utility.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  18. I mean when you have a position that’s both untenable and indefensible, and you (at least to some extent) are aware that it’s untenable and indefensible, the fuck are you gonna do? Agree to a fucking debate? Hell no, and you’re especially not gonna do it in an emotionally charged climate where people are even more against you than they already were…oh and don’t forget all those fence sitters that stopped sitting and went to the other side.
    The “let’s not politicize this thing right now” crowd is the heel wrestler getting down on his knees with his hands together pleading the babyface doesn’t pound him any further. It’s pathetic.

    And inevitably Ricky Steamboat gets hit in the nuts again and again.
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  19. Been working on a different backswing that is keeping me much more centered, and the ballstriking has really improved!  Also working on a different chip/pitch.  Have gone 97-92-82 the last 3 rounds, with the 82 a neat little net 59 that everyone always loves haha.  Tied my personal best with 9 greens in the 92 round, and hit 5 of 6 at one point in the 82. 

    I'm sure it's short-lived, but damn golf is fun when you can actually hit shots and work on strategically moving around the course instead of top/chunk/skull/shanking it around. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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