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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. We ate at a great place last trip called Mama Bird. Off Cactus a few miles west of I-15. Close to South Point and M. Southern menu with cool variety of mules and old fashioned, breakfast til 3p. Highly recommend.
  2. I don’t have a clue at my hourly, no. And I certainly don’t claim that tourny > cash for everyone. For me, I like the aspects of: 1) it’s a competition with sunk costs and set parameters. 2) I have a hard time ending a cash session bc there is almost always someone there who is trying to give away their chips 3) it just feels like every single cash session for me is fold 2 hours, see a flop and miss, fold 2 hours, get coolered/outdrawn, rebuy, repeat. 4) I feel much stronger at tourny fundamentals than cash 5) chance at winning many times the investment I have no doubt that for lots of players, cash is more fun and/or more profitable than tourneys.
  3. Crazy talk. Tourneys so much more fun for me than cash. I could play tourneys every single day.
  4. Remember this when DeSantis wins over an unpopular bowl of wet bran flakes that would be EIGHTY GODDAMN SIX at the end of the next term.
  5. I took my 15 and 12 year old daughters. They enjoyed it. They like horror movies, definitely wouldn't break someone in on this one. Definitely lots of intensity, including some non-sexual child abuse. I thought the movie was great, esp Ethan Hawke.
  6. OH, also supposedly the bacon chee at Delmonico is amazing, but it's only avail at lunch, which is only Fri-Sun. Def wanted to get that one in this time, but tough to work an 11-230 window while playing tourneys.
  7. I think Ramsay burger is great. I used to love Holsteins but think it’s just OK now. Black Tap at Venetian is solid. Wahlburgers was really good this time.
  8. Maybe. Are you betting 75% pot here with everything you open or just stuff with good equity or just stuff with good equity and terrible equity?
  9. I think his flop call is absurdly loose and if he’s calling things like that he has enough airballs that must bluff river after you check back the 4-straight, 3-flush turn. In addition to airballs he might be turning hands like 75, 76, 65 into a bluff since they are close to worthless now and need to you to fold hands like JJ etc. Pre is also terrible for him. I was thinking he was BB which would be defensible.
  10. We ended up at Craftsteak and it slammed and went hard.
  11. Best steakhouse at MGM property other than Prime at Bellagio? Also say so if Prime is just ludicrously better than any other.
  12. Hey so now Orange County is ordering teachers with same sex spouses to not have pictures of their spouses displayed or mention them. Rainbow clothing also banned. So all you dipshits who enable these fascist bigot fuckfaces with your bleating about how it’s just about stopping explicit sex discussions and not about oppressing and marginalizing people and hate can literally eat actual shit. You cuntrags supporting these people are directly driving more teens to suicide just because of ignorance and intolerance. Congratulations on being gullible naive tools for murdering kids you piles of dogshit.
  13. I feel like at least half and likely more of low stakes cash players are calling QJ on JT9 even monotone. Whether they should obv is up for debate and in many cases should not. Limp-call QJo UTG is way worse than any other decision he made in the hand.
  14. In one hour of poker I: Lost a hand for 2x average stack in a tourney with 500k up top with KK to AT on T43hh all in. Turn Ah gives me flush draw redraw but nope. Lose AA to K9 in a 3bet pre pot on 666 flop to running kings. Run KK into AA (luckily fold pre bc lol opponents lol poker lol my life)
  15. I mean, reproductive rights and medical privacy no longer exist so yes the govt will be coming to forcibly vaccinate every citizen. Also every male will get a mandatory vasectomy at 13th birthday and can only get it reversed upon a showing of good cause. If you get it reversed, you get a card stating so. You must show it to your partner every time before sex so they know you’re fertile. Life sentence if you don’t. Every one of theses is legal and constitutional under the Alito opinion.
  16. A common heuristic I had seen for 3b size is 2.5x if in position and 3.5x out of position. And yeah then spiced up a bit for every caller in between. That also squares roughly with my guideposts I mentioned. I def think I get 3 calls with 2400. So then the question becomes did I charge them enough equity to now play a 4 way pot out of position with TT, where I won’t love most flops? Not saying the answer to that question is certainly no, but that would be my concern with smaller sizing. Then on the flip side if I go too big, then I start just isolating myself against their monster hands and folding out everything I beat which also obv sucks. It’s def an art for sure, and imperfect.
  17. It’s going to vary some based on opp tendencies, my image, my range, positions, remaining stack depths, etc. Here when it gets to me there is 3000 in the pot and 500 for me to call. Folding is obv right out. The opener was a frequent opener and the callers were fairly loose callers. I’m way ahead of their ranges so I am def gonna raise. A pot-sized raise is to 4300. A half-pot raise is to 2500. I would say I’m generally going to be between those parameters barring something fairly out of the ordinary. Factors that support going to the high end: I am way ahead of ranges; callers are loose and may call the 3b wide; out of position so favor ending hand or limiting opponents Factors that support going smaller: I’m out of position; I’ve been folding for an hour so opponents may tighten up to a reraise esp a large one; I’m OOP and unlikely to get all folds with these opp so avoiding bloating pot is good. I think the most critical one is how far ahead of their ranges I am, so I elected to go a bit larger than 3/4 pot. I did consider 4k strongly.
  18. I'm actually just calling here. He could be bluffing a missed draw in which case call = jam. What hands is he betting for value and calling a jam with as a "solid reg" that we beat? 99 exactly? I don't think a solid reg is calling jam on river with straight on a 3-flush paired board, esp since the board is 4-straight. Mayyyybe if he had AK since he beats all kings (but would we evvvvvvvvvver jam a bare king on this river?) but he's very unlikely to have AK since he limp/call pre. I guess the big question is what he does with a flush. I think he would certainly fold all non-nut flushes. Will he call with ace high flush? What are we raising pre, betting flop, checking turn, jamming over a river bet that loses to ace high flush here? Keep in mind ace high flush is the 3rd best clubs combo available, 4th best if he thinks we can have Q8cc, which would be an ambitious iso. We lose to JT, J9, QJ, KQcc, 87cc which are all squarely in limp/call range. We also lose to QQ/JJ though those are obv not very likely with limp/call pre. So I think jamming just folds out his bluffs and thin value hands and dunks us when he has us coolered, unless we are sure he stacks off with flush. Obv can't fold, but just don't see value in a jam against a good player. Against a moron, yes. Flying to Vegas today for a week+ of poker, LFGGGGGGGGGGG. BTuckPoker on Twitter for anyone who wants to follow along with hand and chip count minutia.
  19. I went to Tavern a few months ago, still great. If you do Stanley’s @jimmyjazz go with the MotherClucker sammich, ribs mushy there now.
  20. I would roll eyes and call. Too many overpairs, esp with diamond, to fold IMO.
  21. That’s why I was asking what payouts are. The more $ up top, the more +chipEV and +$EV converge.
  22. So we need to call 11 BB to win a total pot of 24 so we need 11/24 equity, or 45.8%. Against a range of all pairs, all suited aces, A8o+, KQ, KJs, QJs we have 45.4%. Give him all aces and all broadway combos and we are up to 49.4%. If you take out AA and KK in the first range, we are up to 47% (since he might raise small or limp to trap with those). So it's a pretty close decision, dependent heavily on his exact range and your opponent tendencies, ease of steal, etc., but almost certainly not a big mistake to call. Were payouts 50-30-20?
  23. With a BB ante I would def call since we are getting a good price and also our price per round is way higher. Here it’s closer for sure since the pot odds are less good and we can see more hands to get the proverbial better spot. I’d def jam it over a standard open. I’d def call if he’s jamming K2s and K3s. I’d def fold if they play too tight shorthanded and you can easily steal or if button is terrible. Def calling 66+. Used to making decisions with the ante, need to run some no ante numbers later to double check instincts here tho.
  24. Paying 1, 2, or 3 spots? Stack of button? Rough number of blinds in LAG stack?
  25. For one, no one thinks anything will PREVENT murder but we sure as shit would like to REDUCE murder. For two, dipshit high school dropouts don’t get pissy when granny is bitching about the phone bill and impulsively *checks notes* construct an ammonium nitrate bomb to harm her then whip up another one real quick to blow up a school.
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