I'm actually just calling here. He could be bluffing a missed draw in which case call = jam. What hands is he betting for value and calling a jam with as a "solid reg" that we beat? 99 exactly? I don't think a solid reg is calling jam on river with straight on a 3-flush paired board, esp since the board is 4-straight. Mayyyybe if he had AK since he beats all kings (but would we evvvvvvvvvver jam a bare king on this river?) but he's very unlikely to have AK since he limp/call pre. I guess the big question is what he does with a flush. I think he would certainly fold all non-nut flushes. Will he call with ace high flush? What are we raising pre, betting flop, checking turn, jamming over a river bet that loses to ace high flush here? Keep in mind ace high flush is the 3rd best clubs combo available, 4th best if he thinks we can have Q8cc, which would be an ambitious iso.
We lose to JT, J9, QJ, KQcc, 87cc which are all squarely in limp/call range. We also lose to QQ/JJ though those are obv not very likely with limp/call pre.
So I think jamming just folds out his bluffs and thin value hands and dunks us when he has us coolered, unless we are sure he stacks off with flush. Obv can't fold, but just don't see value in a jam against a good player. Against a moron, yes.
Flying to Vegas today for a week+ of poker, LFGGGGGGGGGGG. BTuckPoker on Twitter for anyone who wants to follow along with hand and chip count minutia.