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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. Tough because of the eyesight thing but should definitely never say something like “four hearts on board” or “wow no one has a heart?” When hands are tabled, must ensure they are read correctly. But before tabled, no. The old guy should definitely just table his hand every time at showdown.

    Also, opponent is a bitch bc he basically already mentioned the flush also so he shouldn’t be salty at you about it. If he said “straight” and old man goes “mmf” and kind of pitches his cards and you said “wow no heart?” or something that’s worse.

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  2. On 5/10/2022 at 12:54 PM, Lurch said:


    I decided that I blocked all the likely straight and flush draws, putting him then on K8s, K5s, 88, 55 or AK.

    I determined I had 9 flush outs plus 6 straight outs, but then taking out 5 of spades as he’d boat up with it some 15%ish of the time. Thus 14 solid outs, 29%

    I could jam, paying $775 to win $2075 (37%) so that would be a terrible call.

    However, I have the option of calling. I can presume that literally no river card will prevent him from calling my remaining stack of $275 if I shove when I hit. Therefor I can actually use implied odds to say I’m paying just the $500 call to potentially win $1850 should I hit the river and jam. Only need to hit 27% of the time, and as shown above I was at 29% vs his perceived range.



    You have 32.5% equity vs a range of K8s, K5s, 88, 55, AKs, AKo. Is this player really flatting $75 pre with K8 or K5?  If he is, I think we have to also bake in some out-of-line equity. Also, can't he then have K7s? K6s? KQ?  QJ/QT/JT/65 of spades? AA?

    I think you are underestimating your opp's fold chances when you check-call turn then jam when draw hits. 2 of your 15 outs put both the flush and a 4-straight on board. What are you check-calling $500 turn and now jamming for 1/7 pot on a 3-flush, 4-straight board that AK beats?

    But let's work from your assumptions.  

    If we fold, our stack is $775, $0 EV.

    If we jam, we make a pot of $2075 which we win 32.5% of so our stack is on average $674, -$101 EV.

    If we call, we will hit a spade or straight card 15/46 of the time or 32.6% of the time. If we jam the other 32.6% of the time (I def think we have to jam the 5s and 6s, otherwise we just let him check back when he has less than a boat and stack us when he has a boat), we win always 13/15 of the time (86.7%) and win 67% of time on 5s river and 60% of time on 6s river. 

    So 67.4% of the time our stack is $275 as we check fold our misses. 28.2% of the time our stack is $2075 as we jam when we hit other than 5s or 6s and get called and win. 1.6% of the time our stack is $2075 as we jam on 5s and get called and win. 0.8% of the time our stack is $0 as we jam on 5s and get called and lose. 1.3% of the time our stack is $2075 as we jam on 6s and get called and win. 0.7% of the time our stack is $0 as we jam on 6s and get called and lose. That adds up to:

    31.1% of time $2075 and 1.5% $0.  (.675 x 275) + (.311 x 2075) + (.015 x 0) = 645.33 + 185.63 = $830.96, +$56 EV. Note that if opp folds AK on river that's going to be 40% of the time he folds when we ht, which would reduce our EV roughly to +$30.  So it's pretty close, and I'd say better than my initial impression, and profitable if your assumptions are correct.

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  3. Terribad loose guy opens to 27, two calls. I go 150 with AQ, terribad calls with like 40 back lol. I’m gonna put him in on any flop, but Q22 works nicely. He has KQo and we hold.

    Win a nice pot with QQ also before game breaks. In for $400, out for $717, no complaints.

  4. What the everloving fuck

    Lol why? Straddle was $4 I threw 3 nickels on top.

    Win a pot! Go 15 on button with A9 get two calls. Flop QJT. I go 35 one call. Turn T. Ck ck. River 4. Opp ck. He loves calling. I cry ck and he has K8.

    Heater alert! Open AsQh to 10, three calls. Flop Q42ss. I 25, one call. Turn Ts he ck call 50. River 8s. He ck call 80 and shows 54ss.
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  5. Check Fold A river per my read. Have to check call 5s though

    Folding a 1/7 pot river shove with any of those hands would be super skilled. I don’t think these guys are at that level. I sure as fuck am not if I was in his shoes

    Might as well jam 5s right? Otherwise we are just letting him check his 2p behind and jam all his boats. If he can’t fold 2p, gotta jam.

    I wanna run some math on it. Currently playing my standard cash session at 1/2.

    I straddle button two limps I go 19 w QQ. Two calls. K72 ck to me I 20 one call. Turn 2 he ck call 35. River 6. Ck ck. He win K8.

    Open 78hh, loose guy small 3b I call. Flop 543 one heart he 100 lol.

    Open 44, KQx flop.

    Open JT to 10, guy 3b to 21, 5 to flop, 964.

    3 limps, I complete SB with 64, guy 10 on top all call, Q98 flop.

    Only hands I’ve played in 2 hours. Every other hand 85o or like A3o when someone goes 22 pre. Zero pots.
  6. Check-folding A river? Jamming 5s river?

    One issue is a solid reg may be able to make a good laydown if he sees a solid reg check call 2/3 of his stack on turn then jam when draw hits.

  7. What did you open to pre?

    C/r flop seems good.

    As played, might donk turn, but as further played, we have to fold now unless BTN gets way OOL way often. We aren't getting proper odds to draw unless all of our flush outs and ace outs are good, which is too optimistic. Annoying to fold a good amount of equity, which is a peril of playing meadoker hands OOP against good players, we don't get to realize our equity often enough. 

  8. Same also. Also I’d never ask to see the hand in that spot bc if he has some random dickhead pair that he missed or whatever now you lost the whole pot. I do enjoy a good spite action though so can’t fault you too much.

  9. Do you know anyone who likes being sued just because they do their job? 

    Especially sued under a law that egregiously strips due process away from defendants?
    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Other than lock downs, vaccine mandates, the second amendment, free markets, lower taxes, less regulations on your private business, religious freedoms, forced baking cakes, ACA mandates, right to work without being forced to participate in or fund a union, school choice, etc.

    Unless of course my private business wishes to require masks or vaccines, right? Or sell booze on Sundays. Or perform abortions. Or have a poker room. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  11. 5 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I guess we’ll find out how important it is to voters.  We get to elect state legislators in November.  

    In rigged gerrymandered elections, yep, sure do. 

    • Rage+1 2
  12. 5 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Texas abortion law is nowhere close to being in line with the majority of voters.

    This. Not to mention 4 of the 5 justices voting to overturn were appointed by a President who was elected by losing the popular vote, and the 5th was appointed by a President who got a whopping 37% of the popular vote in the next election. Definitely, for sure, totally, the will of the people being reflected here. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
    So we are having a discussion about (sadly) common occurrences that affect real people, and as a rebuttal you post some nut job who thinks abortion should be legal up to the time where the last foot is out of the birth canal. And you don’t understand why you are being ridiculed.
     Hey this one crazy lady thinks abortion should be legal at 40 weeks. Clearly it follows we need to ban all abortions at any gestational age for any reason 

    Same standard shit from the DeSantis thread. Teachers mentioning marriage tangentially when kids go kid must mean that they want to show buttfuck videos to 1st graders bc of one video of someone with blue hair on Libs of TikTok. It’s sooooo asinine and ridiculous and transparent. And yet.
    • Hook 'Em 7
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  14. You can pass any law you want.  It would not be constitutional.

    So blowjobs IYO are specifically constitutionally protected? Including man on man? And that was contemplated when the Constitution was ratified or what?
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  15. 25 minutes ago, BHMCruiser said:

    I get what you're saying but that position currently has 3.5 votes at SCOTUS

    And if the Supreme Court voted 9-0 that people could own slaves, rape their wives, or that states could decide if Blacks could go to integrated schools today, I'd happily disagree just the same. When embarassing partisan hacks are appointed by exponentially the worst president in history, my deference only stretches so far. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
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