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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. And if the Supreme Court voted 9-0 that people could own slaves, rape their wives, or that states could decide if Blacks could go to integrated schools today, I'd happily disagree just the same. When embarassing partisan hacks are appointed by exponentially the worst president in history, my deference only stretches so far.
  2. Point 1 - LOL no they haven't. Point 2 - Wrong. Roe specifically applies the 14th Amendment of the Constitution in protecting fundamental privacy rights, as do a litany of other cases. It can be fundamental without having been enumerated in the original text of the Constitution. They don't have to have been ingrained in history, since, ya know, history is chock full of fucking over every minority at every opportunity possible. Do you think slavery should be addressed by the state legislatures? Segregation? Interracial marriage? Access to contraception? Legality of gay sex or sodomy? Ability to rape your wife? Ability to beat your wife?
  3. Strongly disagree. I believe that Griswold, Lawrence, Roe, Casey, etc., were correctly decided based on the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. My point is that the opinion of jagoffs in mid-1700s England is irrelevant to these discussions today. Absolutely cannot leave people's core rights in life, such as the right to marry, travel, family plan, have sex, etc., up to the whims of partisan legislatures, even before the cascading waterfall of bullshit voter suppression and gerrymandering.
  4. Not gonna review the entire treatise to see if this was a true, clear-minded legal statement completely untinged with Hale's opinion. Let's stipulate that you are correct. Even with that, two GIANT differences: 1) One is written in 1973 and the other in 2022. It's a half-century later, which has drastically shifted the role of women in society. 1973 is not far removed from women are there for men as property mindset that many had in the 1950s etc. The sexual revolution and idea of career women was taking off. Let's take opinion of spousal rape in 1973 and compare it to 2022 for example. 2) Roe is using Hale's piece as a counter-example: "Even in repressive times, this was not illegal." Alito's opinion is using what was illegal in the 1700s to argue what should be illegal today. Who gives one flying fuck what a society that said a man could beat and rape his wife thinks about women's reproductive freedom in 2022?? It's abhorrent.
  5. THIS opinion is only about abortion. The NEXT one will only be about contraception, or gay marriage, or anti-sodomy laws, or striking the right to vote from anyone who registrered as a Dem for being an anti-American commie.
  6. "Two treatises by Sir Matthew Hale likewise described abortion of a quick child who died in the womb as a 'great crime' and a 'great misprision.." This is from the opinion. This is sharing Hale's OPINION about abortion. Ctrl+F "Hale" in Roe opinion finds one citation that says "abortion of a pre-quickened child was not an indictable offense." This is sharing a FACT about previous abortion law. Again, expound.
  7. Immigration Police brutality Vaccinations Self over society Party over country Conspiracy theories Voter suppression Book burning and banning Just for a few, not to mention devolving into an insane cult of personality around Trump. I voted GOP in 1996, 2000, 2004 and libertarian in 2012 and 2016 and Dem in 2008 and 2020.
  8. Massively disingenuous. Roe's only citation to Hale is to show that abortion of a pre-quickened child was not indictable. This horseshit uses Hale's words and opinions of abortion. First is factual. Second is relying on medieval opinions to support the squelching of constitutional protections.
  9. Sure, except where the Supreme Court with 8 justices appointed by GOP presidents issued its opinion in PP v. Casey. And where GOP senators harrumphed about the idea that these vacuous cunt appointees would overturn it. Just absolutely reprehensible and sub-human that in the year 2022 we are literally citing jurists who executed "witches" and opined that a woman's pussy was her husband's property for input on women's rights today. Fuck everyone in the face who even tries to justify that horseshit. Un-American cave-dwelling scum.
  10. A clump of cells the size of a sunflower seed is not "a healthy child." Just overwhelmingly absurd framing. And no person has a right to use another person's body for its survival, right? Where exactly is that found in the constitution? I may need a kidney transplant later in life, can I just decide to take someone else's kidney to support me staying alive? No? Oh I see.
  11. With the revamp of MLife, Gold has waived resort fees. I matched my Caesars Diamond (which I matched from Wyndham Diamond, which I got for free by opening a Wyndham Business Card) to MLife Gold.
  12. and slavery, and who can have sex with who, and who can vote, and if you can travel freely from state to state, and.....
  13. All so true and yet so many are fine with it as long as the wimmin and queers know their place.
  14. Yeah you dumb dumbs the poor 16 year old Mississippi girl impregnated by her uncle in their double wide can just go to Minnesota or Massachusetts for her abortion, a-duh!
  15. For one, no all these laws don’t start at 15 weeks. Texas’ basically starts at 2 weeks. And just fucking Lololllll at the lack of self awareness of still pinning the above on the emo left after Jan 6. The entire raison d’etre of the right is crying over an election they lost like Aggy saying they never lose they just run out of time.
  16. Cosmo already has a $45/night resort fee.
  17. I think I’m about 50/50 in being able to guess
  18. Pedantry alert: Both Shawshank and Stand by Me were novellas, not short stories, and in the same collection: Different Seasons. Pretty amazing for a couple of the GOAT movies to come from one collection. Apt Pupil is in that collection and is an incredible story, but the movie is just adequate.
  19. Yeah, we really enjoyed this. Super fun.
  20. Yeah for sure. The “I’m sure you’re good” is crazy. 99 and 77 seem more likely than K9 or K7 or KQ plus he is gonna have missed flush draw/combo draws. Maybe he has bet sizing or other tells that we don’t know about. I also would raise turn for sure.
  21. Yeah I have 3 nights in a Vdara Fountain View that I would prob slide over to Cosmo if poss.
  22. Two decades and I still legit can never hear or say crackers without at least thinking cracka-ass crackers.
  23. I think it depends on your overall flop strat. I check more flops than Lurch and would often check this one. Callers have range advantage and I’d prefer not to bloat pot. I think betting is also fine.
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