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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. Spread this year eclipses our previous years pretty considerably! I'll go up to $50 straight up or up to $200 on the +14, your choice.
  2. Straight shooter with upper management written allll over him right here!
  3. That's the year that people said it actually opened earlier after the fact b/c I posted bitching about it haha. If it truly holds to this, goddamn all the 230 truthers.
  4. Would think you would want me watching every minute this year, Number One.
  5. Hey all, One of the reasons I always liked 11a for this game is that the fair opens parking at 7a and gates at 8 when the game is early. That let us get to the fair at 7, drink in the lot til 8, then get a Fletcher's and a fried butter etc while the air was crisp and the lines were short to non-existent. The last time the game was 2:30, the website said parking at 9 and gates at 10. We went with that, and it was hot and crowded when we arrived. But people mentioned that it still opened early that year? Anyone with any intel about when parking/gates will open this year?
  6. Figured! Yeah, if the board is 2344K or something, absolutely must again lead river. On 23444, our hand got turned into napkins. Reminds me of a fun Big O cash pot I played at WSOP several years ago now, I have A235Q with nut clubs. Get stacks in on 557 with two clubs. Huge flop for me of course, trips top kicker, uncounterfeitable low draw, nut flush draw. Runs out 7-7. So my low misses, flush misses, and now my trips top kicker doesn't even play, I am playing my AQ with the 777 on board. Napkins. I vomit in my lap but scoop the pot over my opponents AJ245 with non-nut clubs hahaha, so he has AJ with the 777 on board.
  7. We lose to A2 and A3. A5 is the only worse straight and we block it and surely if UTG opens A5, gets multi callers, and flops wheel, they are betting flop.
  8. why bet river? what is calling that isn't a boat? or are we hoping to bluff out a small boat? I'm just check-pukefolding river or possibly check-calling if I think opp can have AK/AQ based on his tendencies, size of turn bet and may try to bluff me off a baby boat like maybe I had A3. Agree as UTG there I'm betting river with 99.
  9. No. I could see it more on like a 9-8-7 flop where we are much more vulnerable.
  10. Yeah I go to Corpus 2-3 times a year for work and just added to my sheet.
  11. Yeah I needed a tire replaced and went to the Discount Tire nearby so I could swing in and get the $10 annual membership, but noped out after the parking lot/line. Too bad you couldn't sign up online, they would have gotten a decent amount of business from me if so, but now none.
  12. Wow, they are usually better than this IME. Curious which floor made the initial ruling.
  13. JFC this is tilting to read. WHAT ACTION DID HE FOLD TO?
  14. 100% this. BB can't fold, and every all-in hand must be tabled in a tournament.
  15. If I fold, would have been quartered 0% of the time. If I call, 100%.
  16. The smoke room at City Market is still one of my absolute favorite places on earth. Had LMBBQ on Friday, brisket was fine, pork ribs were good, jalapeno sausage was really excellent, as was a new smoked boneless skinless chicken they had for $18.99/pound.
  17. Folding here would be bad. You were putting in 35% of the money and have 36% equity so you should call if he shows his hand before you act and he has basically the worst possible hand for you. He can easily have something like A2234 and you're locked to at least half the pot unless the case deuce or a 5 and non-board pair come. True. One is a friend using a program and telling me the results so I can adjust my strategy and the other is a friend using a program and telling me the results so I can adjust my strategy. Dunno what I was thinking.
  18. Right. Tamayo wasn't using them. Other people were and communicating the information to him. EDIT to add: And I'm not trying to be smartass or pedantic. For example, what if I'm down to 12 bigs in a tourney and text a buddy and say hey wug open jamming ranges 12 bigs BTN, CO, HJ? and he replies? Was I "using a solver"? I don't think so. It gets pretty gray pretty fast.
  19. Looks like this was in fact part of his value for the FT! I can't agree with calling it cheating, but agree it's a bad look and agree that it will be made against the rules going forward. The trick will be what constitutes "coaching"? "Hey, next hand, you should open QTo+, J7s+, 44+" surely is. But what about "The blinds in the next hand are defending way too tight, open up?" Or "relax, deep breaths, you have 40 bigs, you're fine"?
  20. The QQ fold is pretty crazy, and I guess depends on exactly how much $$ you can add by making the final table, which I have no estimate on. Also, if you think you have a significant skill edge and will benefit from the rest day, and/or a team of really sharp people who can spend that day crafting notes and plans on the other players, then there is a lot of value in not busting beyond just the pay jumps themselves. I wasn't watching the coverage, so dunno how much the guy who opened that hand was opening, which also impacts it of course.
  21. Mon Ami Gabi bacon def slams and goes hard. LFG
  22. Small claims court got repealed in 2013. Every county has a justice court that handles civil cases up to $20k, but as you note, they can't issue an injunctive order.
  23. T-minus one week til flying out to Vegas, LFG!
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