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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. So your kids have never seen a movie or been read a book with a wedding or characters who are married?
  2. It's not different at all. If your kids were told "some boys like girls and some boys like boys and some boys like both and sometimes when people like each other a lot they get married" they would sit and then nod and say cool and go on doing what they are doing and now magically wouldn't be confused whenever they actually encounter same-sex relationships!
  3. So if you lived in an all-white neighborhood, your kids wouldn't know that racism is bad and that Blacks should be treated just like anyone else?
  4. Delicate issues like *checks notes* I attended my dad's wedding last weekend. JFC.
  5. But, I mean, saying "faggot" is inappropriate is really making a value judgment related to sexual orientation, isn't it? What if that kid's parents think calling gay people "faggots" is appropriate, really not up to the teacher to regulate those values, right? What if instead of calling another kid that, a kid says "I don't like that show, it's for faggots." OK for teacher to say that word is inappropriate or no? OK I'll give you a list I'd love your answers on: In the question about Lisa going to her dad's wedding, don't you think Lisa might be upset that the teacher engaged with all the other students but not hers? Maybe there was something wrong with what she said, or the teacher doesn't like Lisa? Putting those things on the table to torturously remove any reference to human relationships is so beyond absurd. Can a teacher read a book or show a movie with married characters or that depicts a wedding to 3rd graders? Can I get a list of other topics that should be literally forbidden for teachers to engage in discussions in addition to "human relationships" and "marriage"? Isn't this hysterical opposition to any discussion on any issue at all that a parent may not be 100% in agreement with exactly what home-school is for?
  6. So the teacher can engage on all topics except for a wedding for "reasons"? Can't ask her what the best part was, etc.? You are drawing these ridiculous artificial lines all to defend a reprehensible political action while pretending you are standing on the side of eradicating this nonexistent problem of deep sexuality discussions.
  7. If a teacher hears a kid call another kid a faggot should they step in and say that's wrong to do, or do they need to stay out of that arena? How about my previous example where a kid says they have two moms and another says "that's weird!" should the teacher briefly explain that's common and not weird or just tough tits there, can't enter the arena? Why'd you ignore my question about reading a book with married characters to 3rd graders, OK or not?
  8. I see so it's not weird if it goes: TIMMY: I went to Six Flags TEACHER: Cool Timmy, what did you ride? TIMMY: *answers* AUDREY: I went camping TEACHER: Great Audrey, what was the best part? AUDREY: *answers* LISA: I went to my dad's wedding TEACHER: *changes subject* Or would you prefer "Lisa, can you define the natal sex of your father's new spouse so I can decide if it's "really weird" if I engage here?" It's absolutely PREPOSTEROUS that anyone thinks this is the way it should work.
  9. SO you think it should be illegal to read a book or show a film to third graders that features a wedding or people described as married? If yes, then FUCKING LOL at you. If no, you are showing that you are being willfully stupid for the point of helping to assist your tribe kill a few more LGBTQ kids. Be proud.
  10. Never ending factory of people spouting disingenous bullshit. At 6, we were having marriage ceremonies on the playground. My daughter was a 3rd grader when she attended my second wedding, it's "really weird" if it got mentioned in class she was going to her dad's wedding? Of course it isn't fucking weird, you guys just love to play the ignorant hey what who me "hey why do we wanna talk to kids about sexuality amirite?" horseshit card. Guess the fuck what, it still wouldn't have been fucking weird if that marriage was to a man instead of a woman. The fact that you think it's weird is just truly mindfucked, let alone the idea of thinking it's not only weird but harmful, AND not only harmful but so harmful we must make it illegal.
  11. So you think it's less than 50% that in a class of 25 that any of the kids, kids' parents, kids' siblings, or the teacher are gay AND also that it never comes up such as "so what did everyone do this weekend?" "my uncle married his new husband" etc.? If so, your understanding of statistitcs is piss poor. Also see my above post to IV about the overall impact of laws like this on overall acceptance/mental health/etc.
  12. So you think 1 in 20 people being gay makes it very likely that none of the kids, parents, or teacher in a class of 25 kids are impacted. Do you math this hard all the time or only when trying to continue to ostracize portions of the population?
  13. But they don't say "this book is not allowed to be here" all the time. That's the difference. Not every library has every book, but a librarian in that school district is not allowed, or PROHIBITED, from having that book available. It's really not a hard concept at all.
  14. Yeah if someone said I had to live the rest of my life gay or vegetarian, I would have to go into the tank for quite a while.
  15. For one you are wrong that it’s almost zero. For two, you are ignoring kids who are being raised by LGBTQ families. For three, even if a kid doesn’t know they are gay by 3rd grade, when they do know, the environment will be much healthier for them if “gay people exist” is as normal as “redheads exist”, “black people exist”, “vegetarians exist” instead of something so apparently shameful that laws must be passed to avoid discussing it. For four, tons of examples have been given in this thread that you ignore. In first grade, we held marriage ceremonies on the playground. Kids are aware relationships exist. This shouldn’t be controversial. For five, if fighting over this is stupid the blame is wholly on DeSantis and Florida Republicans.
  16. What is the list of things you think the state, through public schools, should be mandated to dislcose to parents? What if they see Mary Lou holding hands with Stevie? Must disclose? What if instead she's holding hands with Tammi Jo? What if a teacher is in a bathroom and hears a kid say she heard Mary Lou blew Stevie? Obligation to call Mary Lou's parents? Stevie's? What if the student in your article specifically told the counselor that her parents hate gay people and she feels worthless because she thinks she is gay? Ludicrous how you are framing this. Truly ludicrous.
  17. Like Sawbonz said, the language used, the "devout Catholic", and the part about the kid not wanting the parents to know. I dunno what to tell you if you feel like involving these parents would have prevented this suicide. I can promise that in many cases, involving the parents is going to dramatically increase the chances of suicide.
  18. Most of those kids are not confidently and definitively anything, and often are wondering if what they feel is OK, or if something is wrong with them. Often their parents are implying that there is in fact something wrong with them.
  19. This is such a critical thing. It isn't that Ms. Krabappel didn't specifically tell Susie about transgender. It's the overarching effort to make some kids normal and others "others" and it's really tough to measure that impact. Imagine again the standard "talk about your family vacation and draw a scene" elementary assignment. Jimmy talks about his moms. Teresa says "you have two moms? that's weird!" Ideally, the teacher can say something like "Actually, lots of kids have two moms, some moms like other girls, and some like boys, so it's really not weird." Here to avoid getting sued or fired, the teacher does what exactly? Just silently moves on, and Jimmy internalizes how he's weird and his family is weird and why can't they just be normal. It's overwhelming the cruelty that is inherent in shit like this that just gets glossed over.
  20. As to the first part, not according to the Repubs who pushed this bill. They also pushed for a law that if the kid talks to anyone at school about gender issues, including a counselor, that person would face criminal charges if they didn't notify parents. That got removed, for now, but that's the mentality we are dealing with. For the second part, again we aren't talking about a kindergarten test being "1. Which is a triangle? 2. Which is red? 3. Compare and contrast pansexuality and bisexuality." No one is saying make sure every kindergartener gets all the terms and pronouns. All we are saying is that "some boys like boys and some like girls and some like both" is not a super confusing concept. I wouldn't put it on the lesson plan in a kindergarten class. If it comes up though, it comes up. A book shouldn't be illegal b/c it has a gay character.
  21. The VAST majority of 4 yos if they hear "some boys like girls and some boys like boys and when people really like each other sometimes they get married" will shrug and think "OK sure cool whatever." It's the parents' projections, biases, and fears that are the issue.
  22. Exactly this. "Gay people exist and are mentioned" is presented to the rubes as "weirdo perverts want to talk to kindergarteners about sex, why???"
  23. Because for some kids for some topics, they DESPERATELY need a trusted adult and it can't be a parent.
  24. Much more reasonable and rational, and the obvious problem is this law opens up consequences for those things (and also further reinforces LGBTQ as outsiders to be ostracized and marginalized, which is so harmful obviously). I also think "existence of gay people" such as a book with same-sex relationship characters shouldn't be a controversial subject needing a parent involvement, any more than "why does Steve have brown skin?" or a book with Black characters should be controversial even in an all-white area or school. Obviously getting deep into the weeds on these topics isn't appropriate for K-3 and no one is pushing to do that.
  25. Exactly 100% backwards. How, exactly, are teachers going to make bank off the lawsuits? Further, how exactly is it at taxpayer expense. Show your work. PRO TIP: Putting in a law that someone can be sued for doing something generally increases lawsuits based on that something. PRO TIP 2; Saying you can't do A, B, C, D, E, or F when the huge majority thinks only E and F are the problem results in people not doing A, B, or C which can be very harmful and results in moron lawsuits when A, B, or C is done. Even you admit it's government overreach, yet you stand her defending it as reasonable at the same time.
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