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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. What is the list of things you think the state, through public schools, should be mandated to dislcose to parents? What if they see Mary Lou holding hands with Stevie? Must disclose? What if instead she's holding hands with Tammi Jo? What if a teacher is in a bathroom and hears a kid say she heard Mary Lou blew Stevie? Obligation to call Mary Lou's parents? Stevie's? What if the student in your article specifically told the counselor that her parents hate gay people and she feels worthless because she thinks she is gay? Ludicrous how you are framing this. Truly ludicrous.
  2. Like Sawbonz said, the language used, the "devout Catholic", and the part about the kid not wanting the parents to know. I dunno what to tell you if you feel like involving these parents would have prevented this suicide. I can promise that in many cases, involving the parents is going to dramatically increase the chances of suicide.
  3. Most of those kids are not confidently and definitively anything, and often are wondering if what they feel is OK, or if something is wrong with them. Often their parents are implying that there is in fact something wrong with them.
  4. This is such a critical thing. It isn't that Ms. Krabappel didn't specifically tell Susie about transgender. It's the overarching effort to make some kids normal and others "others" and it's really tough to measure that impact. Imagine again the standard "talk about your family vacation and draw a scene" elementary assignment. Jimmy talks about his moms. Teresa says "you have two moms? that's weird!" Ideally, the teacher can say something like "Actually, lots of kids have two moms, some moms like other girls, and some like boys, so it's really not weird." Here to avoid getting sued or fired, the teacher does what exactly? Just silently moves on, and Jimmy internalizes how he's weird and his family is weird and why can't they just be normal. It's overwhelming the cruelty that is inherent in shit like this that just gets glossed over.
  5. As to the first part, not according to the Repubs who pushed this bill. They also pushed for a law that if the kid talks to anyone at school about gender issues, including a counselor, that person would face criminal charges if they didn't notify parents. That got removed, for now, but that's the mentality we are dealing with. For the second part, again we aren't talking about a kindergarten test being "1. Which is a triangle? 2. Which is red? 3. Compare and contrast pansexuality and bisexuality." No one is saying make sure every kindergartener gets all the terms and pronouns. All we are saying is that "some boys like boys and some like girls and some like both" is not a super confusing concept. I wouldn't put it on the lesson plan in a kindergarten class. If it comes up though, it comes up. A book shouldn't be illegal b/c it has a gay character.
  6. The VAST majority of 4 yos if they hear "some boys like girls and some boys like boys and when people really like each other sometimes they get married" will shrug and think "OK sure cool whatever." It's the parents' projections, biases, and fears that are the issue.
  7. Exactly this. "Gay people exist and are mentioned" is presented to the rubes as "weirdo perverts want to talk to kindergarteners about sex, why???"
  8. Because for some kids for some topics, they DESPERATELY need a trusted adult and it can't be a parent.
  9. Much more reasonable and rational, and the obvious problem is this law opens up consequences for those things (and also further reinforces LGBTQ as outsiders to be ostracized and marginalized, which is so harmful obviously). I also think "existence of gay people" such as a book with same-sex relationship characters shouldn't be a controversial subject needing a parent involvement, any more than "why does Steve have brown skin?" or a book with Black characters should be controversial even in an all-white area or school. Obviously getting deep into the weeds on these topics isn't appropriate for K-3 and no one is pushing to do that.
  10. Exactly 100% backwards. How, exactly, are teachers going to make bank off the lawsuits? Further, how exactly is it at taxpayer expense. Show your work. PRO TIP: Putting in a law that someone can be sued for doing something generally increases lawsuits based on that something. PRO TIP 2; Saying you can't do A, B, C, D, E, or F when the huge majority thinks only E and F are the problem results in people not doing A, B, or C which can be very harmful and results in moron lawsuits when A, B, or C is done. Even you admit it's government overreach, yet you stand her defending it as reasonable at the same time.
  11. Again, how can literally one single person support this absolute ignorant waste of skin? Look at this testimony, look at her complete lack of knowledge of basic shit like the Declaration of Independence, look at her constantly lie and evade. Jesus Christ the tribalism is just mind melting to me.
  12. Doesn't care, prefers dead kids over validation of behaviors or mindsets he doesn't understand or like.
  13. So for the record your position is that when you said "Write down natal sex on a note and send them home to their parents." rather than meaning "write the child's natal sex down on a note for them and send them home" you actually meant just hand a kindergartener a piece of paper with two words on it, one of which is sex, and expect that it will resolve it. OK coolio. Applies through at least 3rd grade, then whatever the ignorant dregs of society deem age-appropriate above that. But, since you asked, you complete ghoul, absolutely yes it has doubled in the last decade. https://www.todaysparent.com/kids/kids-health/why-is-suicidal-behaviour-increasing-among-elementary-school-children/
  14. Or the kid is beaten and told he will go to hell and then kills himself? OH WELP SORRY HAVE TO APPEASE BACKWATER FUCKS WHO REFUSE ADVANCES IN MODERN MEDICINE
  15. Jesus you are dumber than fuck. It authorizes "health examinations by the school" or "documentation from the personal health care provider". YOU are the one who cannot read, stop fucking projecting your stupid fucking shit. From the fucking same article, mouthbreather: The bill, which is now headed to the Senate for consideration is similar to dozens of laws being considered across the country restricting the rights of transgender students, but it goes even further by giving schools the power to conduct genital examinations.
  16. What accusations are "levied towards me"? YOU FUCKING SAID IT DIPSHIT. YOU SAID WRITE DOWN THEIR NATAL SEX. Now you have changed your story to "oh, I said write a note that says "hey parent explain natal sex vs gender to Little Johnny" which is not what you originally said. I can read just fine, per my Texas Law degree fuckface.
  17. So you advocate firing a teacher for responding to a question with the current correct medical guidance as issued by the AMA. Fucking lol.
  18. https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/548534-floridas-new-ban-on-transgender-students-in-sports-would/ Link since I'm sure the Johnny's and IV's of the world will be insisting that it isn't true, but yes Florida Republicans voted to allow school officials to inspect kids' genitals. Pretty sick, huh flattie? Your fucking team is the one that does this shit and just constantly projects.
  19. You are the one that insisted the teacher write down natal sex, which is determined by inspecting genitalia. Stop the fucking deflecting. And in fact conservatives did push a bill that would require genital inspection of children before they could participate in sports. Yeah, people being intentionally disrespected usually feel bad, especially when it's done by dipshits who think they know better than doctors.
  20. And so you would propose the teacher inspect the child's genitals to determine natal sex? Also the medical community largely agrees that sex <> gender, so you want everyone to oppose predominant medical information because it gives you bad feelies?
  21. hope this helps: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232363 https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/environmentalaccounts/articles/whatisthedifferencebetweensexandgender/2019-02-21#:~:text=8.-,Summary,woman%2C or another gender identity.
  22. Vibes and Johnny, No more deflecting, no more bullshit. I want answers directly from each of you on whether these examples are OK or not OK. Let's say in a 3rd grade classroom. 1) "Hey teacher, why does Sally have two mommies?" " Well, Billy, some girls like boys, some girls like girls, and some like both. No matter what, they can still get married and have kids." 2) "Hey teacher, I really feel like I like girls even though I'm supposed to like boys. Is something wrong with me?" "No Jennifer, it's common for people to have feelings like that, sometimes just for a little bit, sometimes for their whole life." 3) Alright kids, we are gonna read Book X (that happens to have a relationship between same sex characters, without any explicit sex). No horseshit about grooming or Libs on Tik Tok or anything. Simply yes or no (with reasons if desired).
  23. Google, 1 second later: https://www.dallasnews.com/business/economy/2022/04/20/economist-says-gov-abbotts-border-inspections-lost-texas-42-billion-and-36000-jobs/
  24. Similar to the TX abortion ban. That is such a terribly-drafted law that violates every concept of due process, regardless of your feelings on abortion. I would oppose the bill if it replaced "abortion" with "child molestation" because it is a ridiculous law that creates massive legal problems, and no one who actually believes in what this country stands for would support "any random person who wasn't impacted in any way whatsover can sue someone wherever they want and if they don't file an answer, get a judgment for thousands of dollars." But I guess Republicans like child molestation more than abortion, because that's what they tell me when they allow me to sue a stranger for driving someone to an abortion clinic but not for molesting kids.
  25. So Greg Abbott costing the Texas economy and taxpayers 4 billion dollars for a one week stunt of detaining trucks at the border wasn't "flash and pop" and was instead good governance based on logic and common sense solutions and not masturbating publicly for the feeble-minded? Fuck outta here.
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