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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. Agree. So he's gonna get action from any flush draw you have regardless of if he raises or flats flop.
  2. Plus if you have QJcc, KJcc, KQcc, he’s still gonna be getting action on any turn anyway. If you have Q8cc instead of Q8hh (I know he has Qc but just as an example) you prob bet turn again yeah?
  3. Reasons to raise IMO would be if you think opponent has a worse ace (or worse draw) they will stack off with or if you think opp may fold AK. With shorter stacks I would raise flop and get it in if possible. Here, I like his flop call. Stacks are too deep for like 98cc or AJ to just get it in (note this wouldn’t be the case if he 3b pre). He really doesn’t have any bad turn cards for his hand or action. No overs can come, he has the flush draw. Opps could have two paints for a gutter but that just means they have 3 good outs (which he still has equity if they hit) and 1 death out where they make straight with a club. Turn jam would be to get Lurch to call AJ/A9 or fold AK which both seem fairly unlikely. So Boomer has like the exact hand where raising doesn’t work great. Obv if you’re against an opp who will never fold top pair and opens all the aces UTG, value jam for sure.
  4. Simply have to go to parks like Disney or Universal when school isn't out everywhere. Let my kids miss 2 days of school in Sept 2020 to go Universal and it was way worth it.
  5. Good old golf! I have the super Bandon itch, think I'm finally gonna make this trip happen. Anyone have recs on the best value time to go? Obv Aug/Sept is the nuts but is also super spendy and some of my group can't do that. Have heard several people say they've gotten plenty good weather in Jan/Feb, and it's DRAMATICALLY cheaper. Any thoughts? Also if anyone didn't watch them, the No Laying Up Tourist Sauce videos on YouTube were elite. The Oregon season, episodes 3-8 are all on Bandon Dunes, with one ep devoted to each course, after the initial overview ep. Must watch IMO. Ep 3 is here:
  6. I'd say J8o flatting 8 bigs UTG+2 with 7 players yet to act is the worst, but yeah.
  7. We’ve all been there. Agree turn and river super easy/standard. Easy to say seeing cards and trying to not be results oriented but Boomer likely shoulda 3b pre. I don’t mind his flop flat since in that spot your thought is really no bad cards can turn.
  8. LOL wowwww that is grooosssss. C-bet into 4 players on AT3 flush draw with no equity seems really optimistic to me (but not as optimistic as flatting J8o UTG2), but good old getting there!
  9. Haha, yeah, last fall I stuffed a 5i shot to 2 and a half feet on a par 3 and walked off with bogey. Really really really hard to maintain composure and not just erupt into violence with that.
  10. Haha yep, gotta maximize EV! Definitely figure will be in the house for 6 more years (youngest daughter is in 6th grade). Rate is WSJ 1yr LIBOR +2.25, capped at 8.25, adjusts 85th month then every year thereafter.
  11. Absolute war crimes. I saw a guy at Franklin once cutting the bark and fat off his brisket with scissors he brought. In retrospect I dunno why I didn’t go scoop up his trimmings. Or murder him where he sat, either way.
  12. OK, I fucked around and am now finding out. Got into a 7/1 ARM at 3.25% in Feb 2016. Obv that means the rate goes away 10 months for now. Didn't refi when times were good, because OBVIOUSLY should be able to do that anytime! Recommended strat here? Reading through the thread, part of me is tempted to just wait for the bounce-down, but obv have some fear of cataclysm where it just never stops and is like 9% or worse in Feb 2023 and then it's welp city. Current balance is 248k, last year's tax appraisal was 550, this year's is 825 (fucking lol). Current credit is >800. Some cash was taken out with the Feb 2016 loan.
  13. Had the Southern Double Bacon today. Very good. Solid blend of flavors. Wouldn’t get it every time but def would add to the reg rotation.
  14. That's part of why I hate the ESPN scoring system
  15. Or maybe how they want to let “thugs” take over all the cities. Come on, you know, “thugs”.
  16. But see that’s a price they are willing to pay as long as it makes sure that brown people or ILLEGALS also aren’t getting care.
  17. Congrats to @HornPhD for winning this! $245 headed your way, let me know if the PayPal you paid with is where you want it. My pops Deadhead Faja got 2nd. I was impressed that I got less than 25% of the winning score.
  18. I've not berated anyone for wearing a mask or not wearing a mask at any point. But considering consequences when deciding on the reaction level isn't "fluid ethics" as was stated, and it was in fact disingenous horseshit. If someone is going 15mph over the speed limit in my residential neighborhood where kids are playing, I might in fact get their attention to slow the fuck down, and then actually drive 15mph over the speed limit on a wide-open interstate in good conditions. That's not hypocritical or "fluid ethics", that is just considering all circumstances in evaluating behavior. Just like Serak correctly points out, if I wear a mask around you it literally harms you not an iota. People not wearing masks around others do negatively impact others, as masks do in fact reduce the spread, even if not as much as would be hoped for. But even a 0.5% reduction does add up when you're dealing with large numbers. If I'm an immunocompromised cashier who processes 4,000 people a week, yes if all of those people wear masks it will make a not insignificant impact on my risk level, especially over even longer periods of time.
  19. This happened to us a couple weeks back at the Temple one. What the actual fuck? The only two times in my life I've heard of someone getting a burger with literally no burger, and they are both at Whataburger in the last 60 days?
  20. First time experience at Zavala’s. They were super nice and friendly. Food was very good. Brisket texture was great, seemed slightly under seasoned. Got the Pizza Pepper and Brisket Sausage, both good but not unmissable. Brisket poppers were greaaaat. Sloppy Juan taco was super tasty and great value. Nanner puddin also on point.
  21. Looking forward to hearing! Planning on both Zavala’s and Hurtado this weekend. Anyone who knows: If we get to Hurtado at 1030, when should we expect food?
  22. I’d prefer to target getting value since the parlay of him having a flush draw and it coming is pretty remote. If he has a flush draw 1/4 of the time he’s going to improve to a winning flush 5% of the time. But not saying I hate the idea or anything.
  23. What a dickhead card. Given there is 520 in pot and he has like 600 behind I don’t think I’m willing to fold turn, due to combo of we can hit if he has straight and he could get it in bluffing or semibluffing. So I’m gonna target making a bet that he is tempted to call with 99 or TT etc. I’d bet 160 which leaves a half pot jam on river.
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