We have gone over this 5,000 times. If you want to pass a law saying that you can't discuss explicit sexual practices, obviously, go ahead. The bullshit of "can't discuss gender identity or sexual preferences" means that any discussion about heterosexuality, any books that mention/discuss heterosexuality or have heterosexual characters are all fine because that's "standard" or "normal" but if you have a book about a bunch of sixth graders, and two of the boys are holding hands, all of a sudden now that is "discussing gender identity or sexual preferences" even though it wouldn't be if it was a boy and a girl. THAT is exactly how and why this law is bigoted bullshit and you and yours will be looked upon by history as equal to those cumstains that turned fire hoses on little black girls for trying to go to school.
"Hey teacher, how do men have sex?" "Well, Billy, sometimes they just put their penises in each other's mouth or other times in the butt. Let's discuss some tips for safe anal sex...."
"Hey Billy, you seem kind of femme to me, don't you think maybe you should be going to the girls' bathroom instead?"
Alright kids, we are gonna read the Kama Sutra, your assignment is to describe how the positions would be different in man/man sex as opposed to man/woman.
"Hey teacher, why does Sally have two mommies?" " Well, Billy, some girls like boys, some girls like girls, and some like both. No matter what, they can still get married and have kids."
"Hey teacher, I really feel like I like girls even though I'm supposed to like boys. Is something wrong with me?" "No Jennifer, it's common for people to have feelings like that, sometimes just for a little bit, sometimes for their whole life."
Alright kids, we are gonna read Book X (that happens to have a relationship between same sex characters, without any explicit sex).
The fucks lumping the second category into the first or acting like the first is happening on some meaningful level are the problem.