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Everything posted by TXSooner518

  1. Haha I always see that but that feels super short to me too. I have June 24-July 5 on the books currently.
  2. He needs to tweak it with some bonus for hitting 2 of them, I mean, what are the odds that TWO of those hit the flop?!?
  3. Nope, Deadhead has 183, Bartles 171, and you 138 and they both also have UNC and Nova. You getting 0 from the 10-15 seed range was a killer. Spreadsheet with leaderboard: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kmKM0eXjBdaLYFhS-Y1ZroWsDGzaSMRvkCDAtVCCsGk/edit#gid=282997126
  4. Sure, fine. It's not creating health concerns, and if she is actually self-conscious over the situation, they are worth high 8 or low 9 figures, preeetttttaayy sure it could have been addressed without anyone knowing.
  5. This is not accurate. Deadhead has locked a money spot. HornPhD will get the other unless Villanova wins the natty in which case Bartles would be in 2nd place over him.
  6. Hilarious that everyone is acting like she has some exotic tragic disease when alopecia is literally baldness. It's probably the 2724th harshest joke made at the Oscars, so yeah, just an absurd overreaction. The equivalent of physically attacking a fan from another team for yelling "nice play!" next to you when they score.
  7. Looks like HornPhD and my dad (Deadhead Faja) have locked the money spots. If Kansas beats Nova, PhD wins and if Nova wins, pops wins. GG all!
  8. Most of it is in the prep work and being used to certain situations, rather than recalibrating from scratch every hand.
  9. Agree with all of this logic. Wasn’t meaning by my post that I wouldn’t necessarily 4b here, just describing in a vacuum when I would want to 4b vs flat. I do prefer a polarized 4b range rather than linear so adding the A4s/A5s works better than adding strong hands that are ahead of the 3b but way behind the 5b. JJ is right in the border. As far as playing just like if we flat tho, the pot is much smaller with a diff SPR so that will affect things a lot. I would base my cbet size on the flop texture but would very likely be a lot smaller than 300. Also agree that there are no great alternatives and this is another example of how OOP just sucks.
  10. I don’t think folding turn there is weak, it’s def a close shitty spot. Nice session! I like 4b pre if opp is really squeezy and agg preflop, or if he’s good and the original caller of your raise is terrible (since the 3b is more likely to be light), or if one of you is shorter so you’re fine just getting in pre. Without these we can get in some super gross spots. Obv getting 5b will suck ass, but so will getting flat called. Say we go 220 and he calls. Now there is almost 500 in pot and we have 900 behind. An overcard will come 1/2 the time. Are we giving up all of those times? Just committed to get in no matter what?
  11. Against unknown i click call again. Any info on his double barrel rate? Would he be checking back or betting 99 or AK here?
  12. This has been updated through last night. Hilarious that no entries had Dook who obvz goes ona run. Remaining contenders with teams remaining in paren: Deadhead Faja 131 (Nova, UCLA, UNC, Miami, Iowa St) HornPhD 129 (Kansas, Purdue, UCLA, UNC, St. Pete) JoshK 127 (UCLA, Houston, Iowa St, St. Pete) Blotto 120 (UCLA, Houston, Arkansas) Deac Tracy 119 (Prov, Houston, St. Pete) Bartles 119 (Nova, Purdue, UCLA, UNC, Miami, Iowa State)
  13. Agree but don’t see a lot of folding flush draws on flop in 1/2 unless action is bonkers.
  14. Why not check-raise flop in this spot? Seems like you're more likely to also have draws, and thus more likely to get paid, and also avoids a hand like KK being scared off by a bad turn. What are you balancing your check-overcall, lead turn range with against strong hands? If we are leading turn small, we can look like we are trying to set a low price for a draw, but we aren't building the pot as much. If we are leading turn large, what are we repping? Exactly, this whole discussion illustrates the problem with being OOP, it's much harder to control the pot size. Why? You don't think lots of people just call flush draws here?
  15. Jesus Christ. Every one of the stars of these last few videos needs to be publicly executed.
  16. I think at least half of players will continue to slow play there, when you have a PFR and a caller also. It’s a fine line in continuing to get other people to put money in and not get run down.
  17. First Truth experience today. Got a to-go order of brisket, brisket boudin, and the spicy pepper jack. I say got damn! Whoever said Truth adds some sausage to their cheese wasn’t bullshittin. Pheeeeeenomenal.
  18. If he will check Q9 on turn he can def check a set bc Q9 is way more vulnerable.
  19. yeah, check-overcall, check-jam is a pretty damn strong line. Agree that 77 and 33 are the two most likely hands. we are getting pretty good odds, but I think he can have Q9s, 77, 33, possible 99 for value and only bluffs I see are JcTc, Tc8c, KcJc, KcTc, Jc8c. And he's pretty much always doing this when he has value hand but not always when he has semi-bluff hand. I think I fold here, and call if I don't have the Ac, since then he has a lot more potential semi-bluff combos. Exception made if he thinks we are often FOS, or that we overfold hands to aggression.
  20. I don’t love it. Us having Ac also sucks bc he can’t be semi-bluffing NFD. Seems we are either ratfucked or he has like KcTc or JcTc. Any idea how he views us?
  21. I had the Tech link borked on some of the users, b/c of my dumbass way I set it up, which I realized 2/3 of the way into building it but was pot committed. Everything should be good now.
  22. What would be looking at for Goldees on a Sunday? say we are there at 1030, what time eating, everything prob avail?
  23. highlighting teams that have made it through to the S16 in green on the google sheet to help people see who everyone has alive
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