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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. This has been updated through last night. Hilarious that no entries had Dook who obvz goes ona  run. Remaining contenders with teams remaining in paren:

    Deadhead Faja 131 (Nova, UCLA, UNC, Miami, Iowa St)
    HornPhD 129 (Kansas, Purdue, UCLA, UNC, St. Pete)
    JoshK 127 (UCLA, Houston, Iowa St, St. Pete)
    Blotto 120 (UCLA, Houston, Arkansas)
    Deac Tracy 119 (Prov, Houston, St. Pete)
    Bartles 119 (Nova, Purdue, UCLA, UNC, Miami, Iowa State)

  2. No, there definitely will be calls with flush draws, but I don't think it's profitable to call with every flush draw from that spot.

    Agree but don’t see a lot of folding flush draws on flop in 1/2 unless action is bonkers.
  3. 14 hours ago, Lurch said:

    When I flop a set I immediately think about how to get it all in, generally by getting something in on all three streets. I don’t think I ever donk the flop as cbetters will typically be able to inflate the pot more than I would by donking, but I am absolutely going to lead out on the turn in almost all cases because a check through is disastrous.

    Why not check-raise flop in this spot? Seems like you're more likely to also have draws, and thus more likely to get paid, and also avoids a hand like KK being scared off by a bad turn.  What are you balancing your check-overcall, lead turn range with against strong hands?  If we are leading turn small, we can look like we are trying to set a low price for a draw, but we aren't building the pot as much. If we are leading turn large, what are we repping? 

    8 hours ago, Bookman said:

    It is always difficult to build a big pot out of position, at least against good players. And it can be difficult to balance your range.

    if you’re UTG there the in-position player should have a good hand much of the time, unless he was floating to bluff. Either way, I’d expect a bet on the turn quite often. You might get a check back from a flush draw, but when the flush comes in and pairs the board you’re going to stack them.

    Exactly, this whole discussion illustrates the problem with being OOP, it's much harder to control the pot size. 

    8 hours ago, Bookman said:

    I would personally discount flush draws a bit since the cutoff wasn’t closing the action on the flop.

    Why? You don't think lots of people just call flush draws here?

  4. Yeah, I tried thinking about how I’d have played his hand, and I’m pretty sure I bet out on that turn. I want to say he acted quickly so he may not have thought it through.

    I think at least half of players will continue to slow play there, when you have a PFR and a caller also. It’s a fine line in continuing to get other people to put money in and not get run down.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. cc55515756d33bb25268422b4098beb5.jpg
    First Truth experience today. Got a to-go order of brisket, brisket boudin, and the spicy pepper jack. I say got damn! Whoever said Truth adds some sausage to their cheese wasn’t bullshittin. Pheeeeeenomenal.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Like 2
    • Drool 1

  6. I wouldn’t expect a set to check both flop and turn. Typically that player needs to take over because of the draws, especially on the turn. I was fairly confident he didn’t have a set.

    If he will check Q9 on turn he can def check a set bc Q9 is way more vulnerable.
  7. yeah, check-overcall, check-jam is a pretty damn strong line. Agree that 77 and 33 are the two most likely hands. 

    we are getting pretty good odds, but I think he can have Q9s, 77, 33, possible 99 for value and only bluffs I see are JcTc, Tc8c, KcJc, KcTc, Jc8c.  And he's pretty much always doing this when he has value hand but not always when he has semi-bluff hand. 

    I think I fold here, and call if I don't have the Ac, since then he has a lot more potential semi-bluff combos. Exception made if he thinks we are often FOS, or that we overfold hands to aggression.

  8. 3 hours ago, deac_tracy said:

    Forgot to highlight and award points to Tech.

    I had the Tech link borked on some of the users, b/c of my dumbass way I set it up, which I realized 2/3 of the way into building it but was pot committed.  Everything should be good now.

  9. Yeah more curious to know if anyone else has been lately. I know ChiTownDoc indicated that it wasn’t ready for prime time when he was there several months ago.

    I visited in February. Had brunch at a casual restaurant that was solid. The “upscale food court” looked to have several pretty cool options.

    Casino floor was clean and attractive but was pretty dead. It was a weekday around 11a-noon, but that’s been a fairly common complaint that the casino area isn’t high energy.

    I liked that I could apply and get a rewards card at a kiosk rather than waiting in a line and dealing with people.

    Poker area looked nice and comfortable but is tucked in a corner so doesn’t get walk-in traffic and was also fairly dead.

    Obv the biggest hurdle is just location, if you already aren’t at the Venetian/Wynn area, dunno what would pull you all the way over there just because.
    • Like 1
  10. While [mention=308]TXSooner518[/mention] is by all counts a pretty good egg (for a Sooner), I have to confess that I am pulling for Saint Mary's just because I think it would be a special accomplishment to not break double digits for total score. He's sitting pretty right now at 7 with UCLA as his only live team.

    If St Marys and NMState would have won I would have done this in BOTH this contest and the seeded draft! Alas I will have to suffer just cataclysmic failure not quite on the most historic scale.
    • Haha 1
  11. Just so exasperating. Thought about switching to Kansas and hoping Murray loses but knew KU would then dick off and Murray wins 92-58 and I wonder why I outsmarted myself. May end up last place in literally every single contest I entered for this tourney. So fun.


    What an absolute travesty of a day in every Tourney-related contest I'm in. I'm sure UCLA is on their way to anally raping my mother while pouring sugar in my gas tank in survivor. I'm home now so finishing up the spreadsheet which is super fun to do now that I'm already dead in the water. I'll have the link shortly.

    Several of my friends pussed out disappointingly, so 14 total entries. Prize pool of TREE FITTY, so $245 to winner, $105 to runner up. GL all. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. Which means he's guaranteed to get at least 4 points from those picks. If he picked teams who weren't facing each other then there's a probability he'd get zero points from his 4 and 13 picks. This is what makes this game interesting. I thought about just picking all the teams from one quadrant and hoping for a bunch of upsets like the South Regional in 2018. 

    Yeah I really like the various strategies which is why I got tired of missing this contest and decided to run it myself. In the original group there was always solid debate on the best 8/9 strat, to take opponents to guarantee at least 9 points or risk zero to try to get 19.
  14. 5c14cfa15673ff7a55407f66235773a7.jpg

    Really mediocre meal at Stanley’s sadly. Mushy ribs and jala chz sausage was super meh. They have 3 options for brisket: lean, moist, barky. Hell yes give me barky. Brisket was very good. They threw in some potato salad that had a jalapeño kick and was also good.

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