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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. Does your mask have a bunch of straps and buttons?

    Haha was figuring someone would say something like this. Obv taking it on and off isn’t some huge issue but neither is leaving it on. It would be like if for some reason you had to wear a baseball cap at stores or indoors. You could keep taking it on and off or just leave it on. It’s not some huge pain to take it on and off but why would you bother?
  2. If you're alone, in your car, wearing a mask.....you deserve all the eyerolls and laughs you get.  

    I’ve worn a mask alone in a car, when going from one place where I would be wearing a mask to another. Why go through the hassle of taking it off and putting it back on? It’s just not that big of a deal.

    When walking in Vegas through casinos and then back outside I would just leave mine on. My wife would put it on through the casino then take off once outside then back on then back off. I don’t get it. It’s not super oppressive to have a cloth mask resting on your face.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. Friend of mine used to run this back in the day and it was super fun, so I'm gonna fire it off this year.  Here's how it works, you pick one team from each seed line (so a 1 seed, a 2 seed, a 3 seed, all the way down to a 16 seed) and then a wild card team of any seed you want. The play-in games don't count, so for example if Indiana vs Virginia Tech is a 12 seed play-in game, you could pick the winner of Indy/Va Tech, but can't pick one of those teams and earn points for the play-in win. 

    For scoring, you get 1 point for 1st round wins, 3 points for second round wins, 5 for S16 wins, 7 for E8 wins, 9 for FF wins, and 11 for national title win PLUS you get the seed value of the winning team for each win.  So a 1 seed that gets to the elite 8 would earn 12 total points (1+1, 1+3, 1+5). A 10 seed that gets to the sweet 16 would earn 24 (10+1, 10+3).

    Can PM your picks or post them here. PM or post your email if you want standings updates. PM for payment info. $25 per entry. Selections and payment must be received by 11am Thu March 17. 

  4. Worth mentioning that the calculus would be totally different if we are on the turn. Much more likely that someone could have a semi-bluff or a weaker hand like trip jacks trying to protect against straight/flush coming.

    Say flop was KJJdd then turn is 6 and I have 66. Not folding to turn 3b here unless player is known mega passive. The percent of the population who can semi bluff with cards to come and/or protect a strong but not nutted hand on wet board is SOOO much bigger than the percent who can 3b bluff a river against a PFR on a KQJJx board.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

    You can't imagine the fats that would take an Uber for 1 mile. 

    Had to fuck with parking at Cosmo b/c my buddy's wife and her friend couldn't walk from Caesars to Cosmo so yeah I get it. That said, we did take an Uber from Planet Hollywood to Venetian in Feb, but had walked from Venetian to Mandalay to PH and were pretty sloshed and bushed.

  6. 46 minutes ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Before I look like a complete dumbass next week, anything I need to know about dispensaries?  I've never gotten into this stuff until about 2 months ago.  Been taking 1/2 of a D9 every night for insomnia.  (It works really well, BTW.)  Seeing as how my wife is all, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas", I'd like to try something different.  I just have no idea how it works or even what to say.

    For one, don't worry about looking like a dumbass. These places have "budtenders" who are there to help you and who are very used to noobs coming in and being overwhelmed. I'd say to feel prepared, think about these 3 questions:

    1) How do you want to consume it?  Your options will be "flower" which is weed that you would roll and smoke (they also have pre-rolled joints), vape pens/cartridges, or edibles. If you want to do edibles, you will have options like gummies, other candies like chocolate, and drinkables.

    2) What experience are you wanting?  Mainly are you looking to feel euphoric or relaxed? The experience you want will influence what type, or strain, of weed you choose. Generally, sativa is more euphoric and indica is more relaxed. They also have hybrid options. 

    3) How strong are you looking to go? The gummies/candies you usually have either 5mg or 10mg of THC options, and the packages usually have 100 total, so either 20 5mg or 10 10mg. I kind of like the 5mg options in the gummies to help control and keep a solid buzz.  Similarly, the 10mg beverages you can sip a bit and have a gradual onset. 

    Don't feel like you need to enter the dispensary having these answered 100%, but if you have at least thought about them, that will help your convo with the budtender be as productive as possible. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Bookman said:

    Say you had QJ, bet $60 on the river, and Lurch raises to $200. Do you 3-bet or just call?

    In this spot, probably just call. Lurch opened pre, c-bet flop, checked turn multiway and is now raising river. He can have KJ, QQ, JJ, KK, QJ (obv can't have JJ when I have QJ). Very unlikely to have J6, and may choose to check flop with 66.  So the only real possible hand he can have that can consider calling the river 3b is 66.

    Now, this is knowing that Lurch is thinking and competent. If I sat down in a rando 1/3 game and this was my first hand, I'm shippity shipping QJ over the 200 for sure. 

    In the actual hand, I'd bet solid money that SB had exactly QJ or KJ.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Because a competent player will only be raising if:

    1) they think they can’t win at showdown and can get us to fold, or
    2) they want us to call with a worse hand than they have

    It’s very unlikely that they would go with a bet fairly small on river then re-raise line as a bluff. Also Lurch can have a ton of monster hands here so a 3b bluff is pretty suicidal.

    So he’s basically never bluffing what about option 2? There just aren’t hands he can realistically 3b the river for value that are worse than bottom boat. If he has straight he would certainly call and maybe even figure he’s good most of the time. But there are spots where you can be good most of the time but raising sucks bc if you raise then they just fold everything you beat and you get stacked the rest. Imagine a game where you get dealt a T, J, Q, K, or A as does your opponent. You get a king and bet. Your opp raises. You should call despite having second best possible hand. Your opp is heavily weighted to T and A with some J (should always just call Q). So if you reraise he just folds his Ts and 4b his As.

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  9. 20 hours ago, bigup2dahorns said:

    I never asked any dealers how much they made but what is the average amount of hands dealt per hour in a cash game? 40? So if you take a guess at the tips assuming some chops and no tipping hands isn’t $42/hr possible or likely? I think TxSooner has some info on this from dealing part time.

    Most of my dealing shifts were on weeknights, I would imagine that weekends would be a bit bigger. I also dealt before Lodge really was blowing up with huge games, which I also assume would result in bigger tips etc. I was usually in the $20-25/hr range.  The tourney tips would be only from the tip boxes/dealer add-ons, nothing directly from buyins. When I was dealing there we had a small base pay also, dunno what they are doing now on that, so it's not like tourneys were unpaid downs. 

    I would def imagine it's possible for good and fast dealers to average in the $40/hr range, baking in that there are brush downs, break downs, dead spreads that do bring down the average, but also a down at a huge game with some drunk fish running hot can bring it way up. 

    10 hours ago, Bookman said:

    I think I'm playing way too passively out of position. It has to be costing me some value.

    You (and me and almost everyone else) is almost certainly playing too much out of position. I def make my 3/4b sizing larger if I'm out of position to offset the positional disadvantage, but playing OOP sucks on ice overall. Part of the issue of getting too agg OOP is that then you end up just isolating yourself against the top of your opp's range AND being OOP.  That's why leading out OOP is very very rarely done, esp in raised pots. 

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  10. On 2/10/2022 at 12:15 PM, Johnny Sack said:

    What would you have him do about Fentanyl?  More war on drugs?  More border security, which is a federal function pretty much exclusively.

    Well, John, if he can't do anything about it, why the FUCK did his campaign print up mock pill bottles with fentanyl facts?  Seems a waste of time and resources, and a diversion from real issues if he can't do anything about it, yes? If he CAN do something, then shouldn't he?

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