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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. Def agree on turn. I prefer bet-fold on river. I think you get calls from hands like straights or AK that will often check behind. If you get raised, unless opponent is completely bonkers you can comfortably fold.

  2. 1 minute ago, BabaYaga said:

    Or weight.  Diabetes.  Hypertension.  The whole gambit.  What's the stat?  The overwhelming majority of deaths had close to 4 comorbidities?

    Really the only one you don't have some measure of control over is of course age.  

    Well and of course the millions of people who were born with diabetes or conditions that cause high blood pressure. Also the "most deaths had close to 4 comorbidities" was talking about vaccinated people. Not saying you were, but many people have taken that line as a reason why people don't need to get vaxxed.

  3. 21 hours ago, Lurch said:

    I nearly knocked myself out on a soap tray in a hotel shower a few years ago. Stood up too quickly having forgotten it was there and slammed the back of my head into it. Had to get out and sit for quite a while just to get my bearings back. I’m curious if he did something similar

    I did this in the break room at my office a couple years ago, leaned in to throw something away, stood up quickly and obliterated my head on a sharp corner of the ledge the microwave sits on. Had literal stars, almost dropped to my knees, had to sit and shake cobwebs for a bit. Scary to think if that hit a bit differently, I could have just dropped dead.

  4. Sorry, missed that. Given description plus CO vs SB dynamic just makes this a call without a good read I think.

    Crying call and muck when he shows Q9s?

    Yeah if we are folding as strong as JJ we are basically folding everything but a queen. We basically never have KK or AA or a seven.

    He could be betting to try to fold a chop out if he has A high. Just have to be good 2/7 of the time. Against an aggressive opp I think it’s just a shrug/cry call.
    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, deac_tracy said:

    Nothing worse than somebody at your table not knowing the first thing about poker and the dealer having to explain basic rules to him. Even worse when it's two people and one of them is either drunk or stoned so the dealer has to explain the rules multiple times. Holy shit. Probably the most unpleasant experience I've ever had playing poker in a casino. One of them had a huge stack so I stayed for a while hoping to bust him. Every hand they were in though took forever so I just left. Wasn't worth it.

    how much can I bet? how much can I bet? how much can I bet? how much can I bet?

    • Like 1
  6. I like check-call then lead river if we are worried about that.  I think thinking we can go check-call, check-raise, bet and get called and win with one pair is fairly optimistic, esp after we opened UTG. 

    How many aces is a button 3b an UTG open with? AQ, sometimes AJs? They will sometimes fold them straight up to the turn c/r. Plus there are only two aces left in the deck, so less likely they have one. And how many hands that don't contain an ace is calling a turn c/r and losing to us?

    Obv if button is either a spewtard who is relentlessly 3b pre without regard to position of the opener, OK, or if they are an insane fishcake or callbox who will just pay off a turn checkraise and river bet with like tens, carry on. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Lurch said:

    I’m 4betting pre A LOT in this specific situation.

    As played, I’m never leading but I am check raising if his turn bet is 1/3rd pot or less

    If he checks behind on turn, I’m clearly leading on the river in most cases but would be cautious about completed flush and straight draws that would check the turn

    I don't hate 4-betting pre, and am basically always doing so in tourney, but when really deep in cash, it's pretty brutal to get 5-bet here, depending on reads on button obv. 

    What are we trying to accomplish with turn c/r? I think we never fold out better, and worse hands will get very nervous. If the idea is to charge draws, we are going to have to go big to avoid them calling profitably and then we are really isolating against hands we have beat and losing value against worst b/c they just fold. I know I'm hating someone going check-call, check-raise in this spot if I'm BTN holding AQ or whatever.  I prefer just check-call turn to keep villain's bluffs in and avoid getting massacred when he has 99 or whatever.  

    100% leading all rivers on checked turn, folding to river raise unless opp is maniac. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 1 hour ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    if I am @TXSooner518 , I know for sure that flop nailed my opponent's only 2 ranges... either 9-2 sooted, or pocket 22.  


    either way.... I always fold top top on the turn when nothing completes.

    nah my opp always has A5o or 55 there haha.  

    To the question, the parlay of "opponent actually has a heart draw" and "heart hits river" is far too remote to worry about leading here. 

    Any reads on button?

  9. 10 hours ago, Hmbre97 said:

    We don't get the better of the 2 girl scout cookie varieties here in central Texas. 


    Ehhh, we have used both bakeries and I think each bakery has some that are superior to the other. The Smores we had >> the other Smores, and Lemonades >> Savannah Smiles for sure. I also like Caramel Delites a bit more than Samoas and PB Sandwiches over Dosidos, but Tagalongs >> PB Patties (tho PB Patties still fuck)

  10. 8 hours ago, Zepol87 said:

    Yea breakfast only would suck. Looking for the real deal like 8 years ago but doubt I'll find it but would be cool to find something close.

    No big deal if doesn't happen imo. Ilm hit Lous of Siam, Din Tai Fung for my gf and then just kick it and eat and drink as I please.

    Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk


    Bacchanal at Caesars is fully open and is the best in the city anyway. We did the Wicked Spoon brunch several months back and found it to be more than just "eggs and bacon" and were pleased, but YMMV.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    It's Town Lake and they're Samoas.


    There are two different bakeries that have slightly different cookies and different names, rather than Samoas being phased out as a name.

    For example, the bakery that North Texas uses still has S'mores in a sandwich-style cookie, whereas the fudge covered S'mores my daughter sold last year are gone-zo.

    Tagalongs = PB Patties

    Samoas = Caramel Delites

    Dosidos = PB Sandwiches

    Trefoils = Shortbreads

    But thin mints are always thin mints.


  12. 1 hour ago, SimonBolivar said:

    @Liquor and Poker @slorch

    Somehow I was under the impression that the Girl Scouts were one of those organizations that was really good at making money and didn't really give much to the girls? I have no idea where that idea comes from as I've never known anyone in that organization nor really read anything about them. 

    The money the troops have raised for cookies have directly paid for tons of events, camping trips, etc., for my daughters. 

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Js1 said:

    I honestly had no idea Adventurefuls, Caramel Chocolate Chip, Toffee-tastic and Toast-Yay existed.

    I'm going to go broke. 

    The Caramel Choc Chip and Toffee-tastic are both gluten free, and thus don't taste as good as they sound. I'd certainly eat them if in front of me, but yeah. 


    Girl Scout Dad

  14. Def a monster flop, but with 9/10 people seeing the flop, would sure prefer a rainbow board. Just a solid chance someone has 2p w/flush draw or set w/flush draw with that many people seeing flop. 

    That said, I haven't had time to watch stream and haven't played PLO bomb pots, so dunno how fast/loose people are willing to get it in. 

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