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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. Yeah our take-out at Tejas was $203 including tip for 4 adults and a 14yo and 11yo. There was probably two meals worth of leftovers though, so more like 6 adults and 2 kids worth of food. But $25 a head for takeout is def approaching a certain threshold. 

  2. I was in good shape if ND, Utah, Ole Miss all won. All coulda/woulda/shoulda but none did. I would like this contest more if your picks all locked, or you got, say, 3 edits after the first game, in case of injury/opt out/etc.  I don't like the "swap picks to fire Hail Mary upsets since behind" aspect. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 5 hours ago, Prepuce of Doom said:

    ESPN's interface for this game has been shit for decades. 

    Now it appears that you can't just make a few picks and save it (i.e., put in the shit for tomorrow and then figure the rest out later on) - you have to make all your picks at once before you can save anything. 

    Also the fact that you can't drag and drop the games into order of preference is just maddening bullshit

    • Rage+1 1
  4. It is a bit different when it is kicked on 4th down with time remaining on the clock vs a game you can kneel out to win and you call timeout and kick. I also think the safety situation of the field storming was the huge majority of why he was pissed. I was at the game and it was pretty nuts.

    That said:
    1) it is a legit tiebreaker and more teams should probably do the same.
    2) it is their job to score and your job to stop them. Never get mad at someone else for not doing your job.
    3) I’m amazed at how many top level athletes/coaches get all up in their feels about not being shown mercy. Fangio for Denver had a huge hissy bc the Ravens ran a play instead of a kneel. Get better and that can’t happen.

  5. Planning on hitting Guess or Helberg in Waco after the OU-Baylor game Saturday.  Would be arriving probably 330-4. Anyone with experience on which would be less crowded/more likely to have all options? Thanks!

  6. BUT BUT BUT they might have to do something else they don't wanna do!! Freedom means never having to do anything you don't wanna do!!! (Except if you own a business and don't want to have unvaccinated customers or employees, then you should fuck off, but everyone else gets FREEEEEEEEEDOM

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Like 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Lurch said:

    Only cbetting flop there with strong made hands or nut draws

    This, with a tiny exception against opponents who give up considerably easier than average. C-betting AK into the range of 3 or 4 flat-callers on T98 is just spewing $$ in most situations. 

  8. Evan LeRoy tweeted a few days ago that for the foreseeable future the plan is likely to shut down about 3 to clean, reset, and cook more food for dinner service, doesn't mention when the re-open time target is.

    • Like 1
  9. Against an agg willing to ram and jam to force folds, I think I close my eyes and click call.  I think 3b flop is also fine against this player type to then not price in BTN with draws and such. Not saying calling is an error, just saying I think 3b is viable. Would you jam hands like QT or ATcc here? Then have to have some made hand jams. 

    I also don't hate folding your AK and AA here on the turn when you have Ac, and calling when we don't have Ac. 

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