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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. I don't know how it started, but my dad and I would rent movies when I was a kid and I loved picking horror movies. I can remember being like 8 after watching The Exorcist and being sure I heard something clattering in the attic and seeing the face of Pazuzu in front of me. 

    Anyone else out there who loves horror, Shudder is super worth it, and Tubi is free and has a very good selection of horror (ads, but not grotesquely intrusive).  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 17 hours ago, bluto said:

    Sometimes, but not often, especially when factoring in bill shit delivery fees and hassle.

    This. I looked at Turo for a Vegas rental, but either a $75-100 delivery fee to have the car at airport, or I have to Uber/Taxi to where the car is, then drop it at the end, then Uber/Taxi back, which was adding the same $75 and added inconvenience. 

  3. yeah, but if the dealer tests positive the next day... does that mean everyone who sat at their table for more than 10 mins is now DQ'd?  (also... how the FUCk do you track that- they arent gonna splurge on the contact tracing wristbands for 7,000)

    No, which is a big part of why they required vax. They previously adjusted the rule on “close contacts” to only include unvaxxed.

    So now the dealer will be out but the players can continue unless symptoms.
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  4. On 8/29/2021 at 9:41 AM, TXSooner518 said:

    This seems to be the current thought. As someone who bought Tulane season tickets to get the OU game and who loves NOLA, today sucks.


  5. 18 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    Evac if a major city is kind of damned if you do, damned if you don’t from the government’s standpoint.

    If you know the levees are good to handle the storm surge and river levels it does more harm than good. If you’ve got a storm they’re obviously not built for you’ve got to get people out. If you’re in the grey area, impossible decision to make

    Yeah, everyone who is saying OMG why didn't they evacuate days ago is missing that all it takes is one time they do that, and the storm shifts and everything is fine for thousands of dumbshits who don't understand weather or probability to decide they are never evacuating again.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  6. Supposed to play Tulane in NOLA Saturday.  Looking doubtful.  Saw that Tulane has relocated to Birmingham, AL.  Does this game end up in Norman?

    This seems to be the current thought. As someone who bought Tulane season tickets to get the OU game and who loves NOLA, today sucks.
  7. I would say it is now 100% happening. They have opened registration and started taking payments, and implemented a full vax requirement. Wynn announced their series schedule yesterday also. I def agree dealer shortages may be real and would recommend regging as early as possible. 

  8. Yeah the problem on the AA hand is we are virtually never way ahead bc he will have a club basically every time he doesn’t already have us beat. I assume if he wants to go to war with like QQ no club there he would also 4b it pre. If we have Ac obv we have to roll with it.

    The 33 hand is vile and disgusting and dumb.

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