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Posts posted by TXSooner518

  1. I use 18Birdies while playing, free app (there are premium features if you want to pay), but really useful and easy to use GPS yardage stuff. I keep my scores and index on skygolf360 online, also free.


  2. Followed up my 77 with a nice 108 today so for everyone who said “no way a 22 can shoot 77” there ya go. Opened with a quad, was cart path only and god awful humid and just could not find any rhythm. Pretty tough track too - Texas Star in Euless. Really liked the layout. But fucking OOF

    • Rage+1 1
  3. Def cannot fold with that stack to pot ratio, which to me is the bigger issue than raw stack depth. This flop is below average for KK with a spade but not horrid.

    My check range would be all my give up hands (not bothering c-betting AK or AQ into 3 opp on T87 two tone), with some check calls with 99/JJ and some check jams with spades, maybe AA, since AA has less bad turns than KK.

    Bet/calling this with QQ-AA other than any check/jam AA, sets.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. They can’t legally do that. That’s my point. Whether they want to police it or not doesn’t matter. At least that’s my understanding. It might not be hipaa. Anyway, this all appears to be a mute (moo) point with the new guidance coming out. I asked our head pharmacist here in town at CVS, and he said he would not for example, check if  I was previously vaxxed at HEB. He said technically they could but in the real world that just isn’t going to happen. They are much more concerned with people just getting the shots.

    They can legally do that. Your understanding is incorrect. They obviously may choose not to for practical reasons.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 1 hour ago, DDD Dad said:

    I think some of the reluctance is a result of the cost of a round of golf for resorts and daily fee courses.  When you're plunking down over $100 each time to play somewhere you feel like you have to get the "whole" experience, whereas if you have the luxury of a membership somewhere and can play the same course a lot you become more willing to experiment.

    I def agree with the "whole" experience, although of course hitting a 3 wood into a par 3 or par 4 designed to receive a mid-iron approach doesn't really qualify. :D

    There is certainly also some ego involved for a lot of them. 

  6. I feel like a pretty big majority of golfers would have more fun moving up a box. I hit my 5i about 165 and am currently a 22.1 trending down, and generally look to play around 6000 yards, but I agree that slope is an even better indicator. My brother hits his about 190 and doesn't keep an index, but is probably a 10-12 or so and also plays the whites with me. Our dad also plays whites, though now he will pick some holes to play up if there's a decent forced carry, he's always been a low ball hitter, but just doesn't have the power anymore.

    So many players just default to "next up from tips" even though they would have a significantly better time playing further up. When I played Paiute, my buddy and I got paired with a single. My buddy and I played the white tees (Par 72, 6035 yards, 68.8/111).  The single played the yellow tees (next ones back, one up from tips, 6635 yards, 70.9/118).  My buddy and I shot 102 and 96, respectively, and the single definitely was north of both of us, and had a considerably worse time. The game is hard, why make it harder unnecessarily?

  7. 13 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    No, urgent care could have even done something. Oxygen and steroid inhaler and albuterol nebulizer at minimum. Maybe epinephrine.


    11 minutes ago, Herbie Hancock said:

    Beds or no beds EMTALA still applies to a hospital. This story is missing some facts

    Yeah, I obv dunno all the details. The person who posted it I have known for 35 years, and she is quite conservative and lives in Oklahoma, so it definitely isn't just a "friend's brother in law heard" or "libtard scare tactics".

    Obv it could be something like they said "Hey, look, it's either gonna be 8 hours before someone gets to you so just sit in that chair, or you can go home and come back if it gets worse" or whatever.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    So did the ER. Sending her home was not appropriate.  Did they even give her a breathing test and get a pulse oximeter reading?

    I dunno. But if there aren't resources to give, there aren't resources to give, right? Take it to the logical extreme with 1 doctor and 1000 patients, what should they do? 

  9. Driving to NOLA with wife, brother, and brother's GF from Wed, 9/1 thru Sun, 9/4. Wife is a picky eater (no seafood) and brother's GF is new to NOLA, so including some toury stuff:

    Stop at Darrell's in Lake Charles on the way
    Staying at Harrah's, two nights free, no resort fees, yay
    Dinner at Butcher, Felix, or Acme

    Breakfast at Ruby Slipper
    9a sightseeing bus tour - tours all of the neighborhoods, which I've never done
    Lunch either Johnny's PoBoys or chargrilled at Drago's, maybe some iced Irish coffee and poboys at Erin Rose
    Museum of Death (we all love the morbid and macabre)
    Dinner res at GW Fin's, they have a $45 3 course special for COOLinary. Wife will have limited options, but they exist, and she's very excite for the salty malty caramel pie
    Killers and Thrillers tour

    Breakfast at Stanley
    11 am tour of Sazerac House - this is free and comes with booze samples
    Saints and Sinners tour
    Drunken History of NOLA tour
    Dinner at Butcher, Acme, or Felix whichever we haven't hit yet

    Breakfast at Willa Jean
    Head to Tulane and watch OU-Tulane
    Sat afternoon/evening open plans that will be involving lots of food, booze, and watching more college football, open to recommendations on great places to do that. Full plans depend on if we hang on the Tulane side of town or head right back to hotel and how much energy we have after 4 hours of football in 277% humidity with a mask on. Considering Bulldog, also considering grabbing Camellia Grill right after the game. Considering Frenchmen this night (or possibly Friday) and Bamboula's or Dat Dog. If we do that Friday, would need to hit Butcher, Acme, or Felix likely this night.

    Cafe du Monde in the morning - I know it's touristy but wife and I always sit out and soak in a bit more of NOLA on our last day there
    Hitting Billy's and/or Best Stop on the drive home

  10. What would you do if you were UTG there?

    I would just call. You aren’t folding out anything that has a draw to beat you if you raise (maaayyybe 2p but we obv would much rather 2p call than fold). Might as well get more value from hands we beat.

    I would raise the flop with AT if I’m last to act, get some more money in. But raising from UTGs spot makes it too easy for people who haven’t acted yet to fold.
  11. Mandatory Tier
    Crispy Crazy Corn
    Deep Fried I-35
    Pork Shots
    Lucky Duck Dumplin
    Brisket Brittle
    Pumpkin Poke Cake
    Toffee Coffee Crunch Cake

    Certainly would eat the Armadillo, but seems just "standard." Interested for sure in the Gumbo Balls, but wary of State Fair Seafood Coopin Inflation price there. The Deep Fried Halloween is one of those things like a funnel cake sundae, where sharing with 3 other people is glorious, but eating it alone will be a day-stopper. So that will be pending my group's tastes and decisions.

    Can not WAIT.



  12. 1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

    For anyone needing to push back against some bullshit they've heard from people:

    Regarding the argument that the government has covered up the effectiveness of any therapeutics because finding a therapeutic would require them to terminate the EUA for the vaccines, as of December 2, 2020, the FDA had granted EUAs for eight different therapeutics. And yet the vaccines still were granted EUAs. 

    This took me literally five seconds to find. The people who push bullshit like this are either brazen liars or absolute fucking idiots. Like, "they should be under constant adult supervision for their own safety" stupid. 

    It's so amazing how the I DID MY RESEARCH crowd cannot be bothered to do anything other than read the title of an article or YouTube.

    My dipshit anti-vax brother has yelled at me 3 diff times that "Bill Gates is the largest owner of farmland in America".  My response, obv, was "sure, no shit, the richest person in the world has invested in a lot of appreciable assets OH WOWWWW!!!"  He says, nah, it's because he is freezing food production in America to starve the anti-vaxxed after all the vaxxed die from vax. I ask him "what % of farmland do you think Bill Gates owns?"  He ballparks 15%.  The actual answer is 242k acres of 900 million US farmland acres.  1/3700. Took me 2 minutes to find this info. I DID MY RESEARCH.

    On a better note, my 14 year old overcame her traumatic phobia of needles to join #TeamPfizer today and I couldn't be prouder of her. 

    • Hook 'Em 8
  13. 2 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    Nope.  Literally the day the mandate dropped, mask wearing fell off a cliff.  Maybe mandates wouldn't work in Texas, but they worked well up here.

    Even here, during the time when HEB was requiring them, it was literally 99.9%, I saw 2 people without in dozens of shopping trips. Now that it's "encouraged", I would say it is 50/50 at best. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, midtown said:

    The CDC issued its new mask guidelines on the premise that vaccinated persons can spread the covids as easily as the unvaxed based on the same inconclusive research on viral loads in the nose.

    Obviously not, per their website. They changed it because with delta, vaxxed spread it more likely than the negligible amount with previous variants. Nothing says "as likely to spread as unvaxxed" on the CDC site, and in fact it says the dead opposite. 

    Also, a big part of the change in guidance (not all of course) is the logistical difficulty in implementing the ACTUAL policy they recommended which is that vaxxed people go without masks and unvaxxed wear them. Unfortunately, even when businesses state that as a policy, lying scum unvaxx take it as an excuse to go maskless and violate the policies of the business they are patronizing. So either people have to be completely monitored, or back to everyone wear masks. 

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